Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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Michael Voris and Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud.

Excellent recapitulation.

** The Vortex — It’s China


Dec 18, 2020**

December 21, 2020

A viral tweet about the election may be wrong, but a viral poster matters​

By Andrea Widburg

On Sunday, one tweet and one poster sucked up a lot of the oxygen for conservatives. The tweet claimed to rely on a Washington Post article to reveal that millions of Biden’s votes were faked… . . .

. . . That does not mean that Biden won. If Biden got only 65 million or so votes (which is probably closer to what he really got), it would simply mean that the percentage of living eligible voters who showed up was significantly lower than 66.2%. The tweet is wrong, but it’s a no harm, no foul situation.

What’s more interesting is that a series of memes are going around showing just how unbelievable Biden’s numbers are. The starting point is a November 10 preliminary report from the Brookings Institution. Immediately upon learning about the report, Students for Trump put out an Instagram poster with those rough data:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Because Facebook owns Instagram, it appended a “fact check” to the above poster. When I went to the “fact check” at USA Today (a toxically anti-Trump source), it emphasizes that the numbers in the poster are preliminary. The final numbers are different . If you were to stop reading USA Today at that point, you might assume that the final numbers are waaaay different. They’re not.

The same article explains that, according to the Brookings Institution’s December 8 final report, Biden’s 81,282,903 votes came from 509 counties (that’s 16.7% of America’s) counties. Meanwhile, Trump, who incontestably won 74 million votes (and probably many more), won 2,547 counties. In other words, the earlier numbers were almost accurate, so the core point is unchanged. As even USA Today concedes,
Biden won 16.7% of counties with finalized results. That represents a record-low proportion for a winning presidential candidate.
…the USA Today article added an interesting tidbit:
Obama set the previous record in 2012 – with 689 counties, equal to 22%. Before that, he also set a record in 2008 with just 28% of counties, per NBC News.
The article tries to make it sounds as if Biden is just doing what Obama did. There’s a vast difference, though, between Obama having won 22% and 28% of counties and the 16% of counties in which Biden allegedly prevailed.

Just as importantly, there’s a vast difference between Obama, a charismatic new face who became the nation’s first Black president, and a doddering, corrupt old man who’s been around 47 years, has a record of lies and meanness, and a history of terrible political decisions…
. . . And then there’s that enthusiasm factor. Democrats try to say that people hated Trump so much that 81 million got out there to vote for Biden, but that’s awfully hard to believe considering that Trump was recreating his economic miracle, that his party’s rank and file support him strongly (and still do), that he enlarged his base (including adding many Democrats), that his standing with blacks and Hispanics rose significantly, that his approval rating was roughly equal to Obama’s in 2012 (despite the relentlessly negative press, including calling him a murderer), that he swept Evangelical voters and that voter enthusiasm for him far outweighed enthusiasm for Biden.

All those facts led to this poster which, while based on Brookings’ rough numbers, is still close enough to reality – and what a reality. It shows in strong visual terms how ludicrous it is to pretend that Biden won, even if he did sweep some of the nation’s more populous counties:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Trump won, and he won big — and Biden cheated. Some facts just can’t be denied. . . .
I’m sorry, what’s the point of all this? Trump supporters can’t do math? That don’t understand statistics?

Trump lost in a free and fair election.
Fact: more people live in Los Angeles County, CA than in most states. In fact, LA County would be in the top ten largest states by itself. 10 million people, about the size of Michigan.

Fact: More than 50% of the US population lives in 143 counties.
Fact - the top 20 counties in America contain 61 million people.

The bottom 2535 counties contain 61 million people.
smart friend of mine who is a moderate liberal asked why I was not recognizing Joe Biden’s victory.
I understand the thinking here. We do seem to be in a post-Christian era in the US.

But that is outside Trump and the reaction of his detractors. Yes, it might be seen as populists/nationalists against the institutionalists, but I think it’s more fundamental than that. Institutionalists aren’t the deep state. They just admire and want to protect the institutions of the US. That is admirable.

Trump is trying to create a dictatorship. Thats the problem with combining populism with a leader who is a narcissistic. It’s not about you. It’s about him.
Trump is trying to create a dictatorship.
In what way would you say that it is Trump who is trying to create a dictatorship?
Yeah, absolutely foolish
In what way would you say that it is Trump who is trying to create a dictatorship?
Well, start with attempting to declare oneself the victor in an election he clearly lost.

From there, move on to appointing many “acting” senior leaders who couldn’t even get confirmed by a Republican Senate. Take a short break and then address his attempts to discredit the media reporting on his actions, then look at his politicizing the civil service, military, National Guard, and the domestic security agencies.

He’s also using state power to reward corporate backers and punish opponents. then, of course, there’s the fear mongering and demonizing the opposition.
The movie “180” compares abortion to concentration camps. One time, flyers were left at a place I frequent.

Maybe capslock will do the trick because I’m honestly at a loss here.
I’m just going to start responding with news from my local city zoning commission.
It is all Political .

They worked for Blackwater.
Blackwater was founded by Erik Prince.
Erik Prince is the brother of Betsy Devos.
Betsy Devos is United States secretary of education.
The teachings of Jesus Christ, creator of life and those of the Holy Mother Church are certainly what I will follow.
Not much consolation for the parents of a massacred little boy that his murderers get pardoned.

No justice either.
Trump has given way fewer pardons than most of his predecessors, even for four years.
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