Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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ElectionNightFacts Published December 12, 2020 1,003,448 Views


Georgia - A Close Look at the Data and Events of the General Election - Chapter 1​

ElectionNightFacts Published December 24, 2020 136,016 Views



ElectionNightFacts Published December 17, 2020 641,488 Views
Not people who can reason when they see questionable illegalities taking place!
Fraud that is eye-witnessed is a separate issue. Had any court seen evidence of this, it would be a valid consideration. But the size of counties, how many voted for him, and increased voter turn out are not valid. Maybe I am condescending. I do not understand when so many people are unable to use the most basic of logic. This is why we have to have courts and not mobs.

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I guess Monty Python settles it! It is all good.

(When I left me friend’s home from watching the election, I PERSONALLY SAW Trump ahead by about a half a million votes in Pennsylvania. I saw it. I left LATE. This election steal [my opinion] was fraudulent in my opinion not only for that but because of MANY reasons outlined here).

As I have said a multitude of times. This was set up months (years?) in advance to make it difficult for the courts. I have been posting MANY warnings about this for many months BEFORE the election as you could see what was coming.

You can’t take invalid votes, throw them into the proverbial vote pile, and keep recounting tainted ballots and claim all is good.

Blocking out and/or locking out election observers, massive computer vote swings, multitudes of swing states where Trump is ahead all “closing down the vote count” for the night, then mystically when they re-begin the count several hours later Trump is behind, etc. etc. I am not buying.

It is a sham (in my opinion).

You can believe whatever you want.

But I am not going to cook up an alternative reality. I can discern cheating when I see it.

I may not be able to prove it in a court of law, but cheating it is.
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I was edited on my post, and I have no objection to the edit. It was done with the best intention on the part of the moderator. By the same token, the part that was edited out does support what I see as the reason why social media is correct and proper for taking steps to eliminate lies and deceptions that come in Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook. Let me just say that too many are prone to the effect propaganda.
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puer.dei on President Trump’s vote count and alleged unpopularity . . .
The vote totals make it more than just “alleged.”
Do you know that President Trump received more Presidential votes than ANYONE in the history of the United States?? (With the exception of what Biden allegedly received).

Were you aware of that fact?
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Nobody said or implied otherwise here.

If you want to see that put forth, you will have to ask the leftists about their invention of that idea back 2016. Or Gore back in 2000.
(When I left me friend’s home from watching the election, I PERSONALLY SAW Trump ahead by about a half a million votes in Pennsylvania. I saw it. I left LATE. This election steal [my opinion] was fraudulent in my opinion not only for that but because of MANY reasons outlined here).
And here we are, back to being upset about the order in which votes were counted!

538 published an article on how this might cause problems before the election, because they correctly anticipated Trump would seize on it as an “indicator” of fraud.

" About 2 million mail-in ballots have already been returned so far, almost one-third of the total number of votes cast in the state four years ago. But because the state can’t begin processing mail ballots until 7 a.m. on Election Day, it could be awhile before we get full results in Pennsylvania. State officials have said that it could take until Friday to finish counting most ballots. And between Tuesday and Friday, there could be a pretty big shift in terms of which party is favored in the vote tally, given that Biden supporters are far more likely to vote early or absentee than Trump supporters, who are far more likely to vote on Election Day."
The only poll that counts is the number of electoral votes.
Well we’ll let the process play out and see what happens.
The process has played out and Biden will be president Jan 20th.

Trump will become The Great Best Right Wing Star in the USA.
Would be cool if the whole world weren’t watching. Quite embarrassing.

Trump is kind of a caricature of the what is worst in the American psyche.
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Just saying — today’s blocked “propaganda” is tomorrow’s breaking news!!!
(When I left me friend’s home from watching the election, I PERSONALLY SAW Trump ahead by about a half a million votes in Pennsylvania. I saw it. I left LATE. This election steal [my opinion] was fraudulent in my opinion not only for that but because of MANY reasons outlined here).
There were lots of families watching the election coverage and waiting for the call.
I posted Obama got 69 million votes and won 873 countie s.

I posted that Trump had 74 million votes and won 2,497 counties .

I posted that Biden (allegedly) had 81 million votes but only won 477 counties .
So only a few counties decided the whole election. I don’t believe it and many others who watched for many months prior to and live on TV that night think it was the first corrupt election.
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