Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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If that’s all you can see then you’ve bee blind-sided! No credit for tax cuts, peace efforts in the Middle East, warp speed getting a covid vaccine, nothing???
I hate to tell you this, but these days, you can’t assume anything about education in the U.S. In many places it’s in a really sad state.
No credit for tax cuts,
I’m sure the super-rich who received those tax cuts give him lots of credit for them. On the other hand, people who actually care about things like fiscal responsiblity may disagree.
peace efforts in the Middle East
Some good optics, not much substance. Or, as we say in Texas. “all hat and no cattle.”
warp speed getting a covid vaccine
Pfizer didn’t use any government money to develop, test, or expand manufacturing for it’s covid vaccine. In fact, their first human study was in the works before Operation Warp Speed was announced.
Why not begin by straightening me out about how many counties Biden won as long as that is a “whimsy or a falsehood” then?
That factoid is about as relevant as Biden’s height. Vote totals and presidential elections are not affected by county lines.

Look vote fraud did not cause Trump to lose – he got less votes. Folks here seem unable to credit the fact that Trump was widely unpopular and this was reflected in vote totals.
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In your circle perhaps he was unpopular! You will never give him credit for anything good! There is another side to this story!
In your circle perhaps he was unpopular! You will never give him credit for anything good! There is another side to this story!
Let’s de-personalize this.

In this nation, Trump was more unpopular than folks here seem to understand. He gets credit for things he accomplished but he actually never was presidential timber and it showed.
Here’s how (un)popular Trump is across the country (scroll to the bottom of the link and you can see him compared with every President back to Truman):

He’s historically unpopular, and always has been. The shock is not that he lost in 2020, but that he won in 2016.
probably during the Christmas call to the military that he didn’t let the press (or us) attend
But why can’t you admit he WAS/IS popular in many circles?? I’m sorry to make it personal but that’s what condescending discussion does to me, it makes me a little defensive.
But why can’t you admit he WAS/IS popular in many circles??
He certainly IS popular in certain circles, and as you can see from the link I posted his approval rating has been generally consistent around 40% (which is historically low for a president). He is popular among a minority of Americans.

That’s better than being popular among no Americans (like me!), but worse than being popular among a majority of Americans (like Joe Biden).
I posted that Trump had 74 million votes and won 2,497 counties .

I posted that Biden (allegedly) had 81 million votes but only won 477 counties .
Counties are whimsical. Borders are drawn according to geography, settlement history, or whimsy. That is why these numbers do not convey much information. About all you can learn is that counties that voted for Trump averaged 30k people, while those that voted for Biden averaged 170k.

IOW Trump won in flyover country, large areas with few people that would take a long time to cross. This is not meant to be pejorative, just a description of the low population density.

There is another measure that is more useful. Congressional districts average 711k people. If you divide the vote totals by 711k, Biden won 114 district equivalents, Trump won 103 de. Multiply by 2 and we get 228 to 207, which adds up to the real number of districts. (Districts are based on number of people, not number of voters so pop/voters=329m/158m~2)

This is pretty close to the actual divide, 222 democratic representatives and 211 republican. A little surprising to me that it is that close. (A Trump victory would be far out of line. Not impossible but unusual.) This suggests that If there was fraud in the presidential election, there was fraud down ballot as well.
I saw a comment related to this on Breitbart. Dirt doesn’t vote.
I posted his approval rating has been generally consistent around 40% (which is historically low for a president). He is popular among a minority of Americans.
Yet President set an all-time record for Presidential popular vote-getting.*

You don’t understand that many Trump supporters are tired of getting their homes egged or their car keyed by angry leftists.

So they don’t talk about who they are supporting and have been conditioned to not answer polls.

Even the radio guys that try to say something good about Trump, seem to have to preface it with “I’m not a Trump supporter, but. . . .”

We’ve all seen and heard it.

. . . .
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But why can’t you admit he WAS/IS popular in many circles??
Vote-getting record-setting President Trump was clearly popular.
That’s a mouthful!
Vote-getting record-setting President Trump was clearly popular.
He got an expected minority of votes in an election with (by far!) the largest turnout in American history.

There is truly nothing remarkable, or unexpected in his vote totals from 2020 (or 2016). They were perfectly in line with all major models.
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