Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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A long term vision.

This from back in 2018 . . .

Pedophile can run for Congress, thanks to McAuliffe decision restoring felons’ rights​

By Alex Pappas | Fox News
An admitted pedophile and convicted felon who spent more than a year in prison for threatening to kill President George W. Bush is legally able to run for Congress in Virginia this year because of a 2016 decision by then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe to restore voting rights to thousands of felons. . . .
. . . Though a convicted felon, Larson is able to run once more because McAuliffe, the former Democratic governor of Virginia, restored voting rights to 13,000 felons in 2016. McAuliffe left the governorship this year after being term-limited. . . .
Pedophile can run for Congress, thanks to McAuliffe decision restoring felons' rights World News
Pedophile can run for Congress, thanks to McAuliffe decision restoring felons’ rights . By Alex Pappas | Fox News . An admitted pedophile and convicted felon who spent more than a year in prison for threatening to kill President George W. Bush is legally able to run for Congress in Virginia this year because of a 2016 decision by then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe to restore voting rights to thousands of felons. . . . . . . . Though a convicted felon, Larson is able to run once more because McAuli…
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A long term vision.

This from back in 2018
Not defending pedophiles but this election cycle has taught me that Republicans think that if it’s legal to do something it’s okay.

Did I miss something?
An Affadavit filed by the chief investigator for the office of the Georgia Secretary of State on Sunday stated that a review of the security footage showed no ballots were placed under the table during the day. When workers thought counting would be stopped for the night, ballots that had been opened but not counted were sealed in boxes and stored under a table, but then they were brought out again when counting continued.
For anyone interested in actual reporting on the events shown in the GA videotape, The Washington Post has official explanations and comments from the person who investigated for the GA Secretary of State

These may be behind a paywall, but I am sure the info is available from other sources.
These swings in cities to President Trump stand in contrast to the handful of cities in swing states, controlled by Democrats who stopped counting, sent poll watchers home, resumed counting and who then went extremely for Biden with huge ‘reported’ turn out of the vote with Trump underperforming considerably even amongst those other urban areas who usually and in 2020 go for Democrats in a large way.
In Philadelphia, Trump went from 105k votes in 2016 to 132k in 2020, 30% increase. Biden received 604k votes compared to Hillary’s 560k. Isn’t that what you were trying to say did not happen?

In fact, there were 70k more voters in 2020, and they split 40k for Biden 30k for Trump. (A bogus stat, but it gives an idea of the dynamic)

Something similar happened in Wayne County(Detroit). I have not looked at the others. It just is not true that these cities were different from other cities across the country, with Biden getting more than Hilary and Trump20 getting more than 2016.

Unless I have misunderstood which 4 cities you were talking about.

Distrust of Institutions passes easily into anti-American sentiment, which is the danger for Trump’s supporters now. There should always be skepticism for any individual result, but questioning the decisions of 86 judges unanimously rejecting the claims of fraud is an overreach that demands caution.
Well i disagree with so much of what you have said.

Yes, the big cities went for Biden by a big margin. They always do. No one disputes that.

What i said, what Vorris said and what many have said is that President Trump had a broad swing to him across the country including in many of the cities. I mentioned LA and New York but the broad results were a swing to Trump in the big cities EXCEPT in those few cities where it looks like fraud happened and what the courts do not want to have investigated. So for example Chicago had a 4% swing to Trump but President Trump still got smashed overall by similar margins you mentioned. These swings in cities to President Trump stand in contrast to the handful of cities in swing states, controlled by Democrats who stopped counting, sent poll watchers home, resumed counting and who then went extremely for Biden with huge ‘reported’ turn out of the vote with Trump underperforming considerably even amongst those other urban areas who usually and in 2020 go for Democrats in a large way.

There looks to have been a co-ordinated joint action where election counting bodies should have been independent of each other. There is irregular behaviour there. There is discrepancy there. There is statistical anomaly there. In some places there was downright hostility there and lies of burst water mains and such to stop counting.

The institutions have been corrupted. You either go down with the ship asking people to join with you in some psuedo Christian plea or you put it right and sail on together. The problem as i see it with Leftism is that it wants to sabotage the ship, government, church, family, whatever it gets involved in because it has its own view of society which is Godless elite authoritarianism…

The call to unity is strong but it only makes sense when you are uniting with good, not untruth, coverups and 4 years of flat out lies and prostitution of government processes and media.

People will not join with that and as Christians we should not encourage it.
This is said well, in the stats, the margins in the cities like let’s say Detroit are different than other big cities.

Florida and Texas had well run elections.

In these battlegrounds, some of them have very questionable results.
This is not what one is saying. Not one word about diversity.

The patterns are statistically unlikely, I guess one needs to find a back up.

Yet, at the end of his column, Basham cites Richard Baris of Big Data Poll who noted something funny about Biden’s numbers in the cities, how it lagged behind Clinton’s numbers, but shot off to the moon in these four cities.

How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”
Yes, the stats are questionable.
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Kennedy, it’s hard to get information on it.

I read one article that said hundreds were indeed indicted over it, that’s way more than “just too late”.

Nixon declined to contest it in case one did not know. He just decided he’d not follow up on it.
Isn’t it about time we bring abortion into this thread??

Are people asleep here??
Do you truly believe that all those judges for 59 lawsuits–including the Trump-appointed GOP judges–are somehow lying? Or oblivious? Or working together in a conspiracy somehow?
The T-campaign has had nearly 2 months to present some solid evidence–just enough for any of these election cases to move forward–and they have not.
So. That number is not what Trump’s lawyers themselves have brought but includes other lawyers as well. All of Bush’s lawsuits failed in 2000 before they reached SCOTUS.

There may be apprehension too overturn an election but that doesn’t rule out massive fraud.
There may be apprehension too overturn an election but that doesn’t rule out massive fraud.
To quote Rudy G in a Pennsylvania case : “This isn’t a fraud case”.

There. Is . No. Widespread. Election. Fraud.
There. Is . No. Widespread. Election. Fraud.
This is meaningless to those shouting fraud. It MUST be fraud. It’s the only way that Trump could have possibly lost!

To have fraud on the level claimed, so many people, both Dems and Repubs would need to be in on it and remain silent…not one single person had a change of heart or a moment of shame that they’d have to come forward? The larger the conspiracy and the more people you have to involve to pull it off, the more ridiculous it becomes. People just aren’t that good at hiding their involvement…someone always breaks silence…but no, this one was perfectly executed? Please! Real life just doesn’t work this way. It’s only possible in the movies.
I actually have a proposal… let’s convince Trump that he MUST spend all of his time and resources investigating the Kennedy election. Let’s assure him he’s the only stable genius who can crack the case.

…might keep him busy for a few years.
Too bad we’re stuck with President Jughead. Thankfully it’s only for a few more weeks.
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