Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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Respecting the sanctity of life would include this little boy,

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Albeit, he was 9 years old. One would feel some feeling of injustice that his murderer goes scot free.

Especially if one has been gleeful about the return of the federal death penalty.

What the heck kind of standards are these? Justice by mood swing of the prolifiest president ever.
That I don’t know but rumors abounded that Pat Buchanan, Clarence Thomas, and the late Justice Scalia went there.
I won’t click on their site
Ya mean you were commenting without even reading/viewing the OP?!
Not referring to this poster because I do not know how many articles she reads.

On my years on these forums I have read so many articles that were presented to me and I never realized until recently that others did not even have the courtesy to do the same.

I figured if someone took the time to post it, then I would at the least read the article or listen to the video as to what they posted to have a discussion. I could then draw from the article.

I could not figure out how anyone could be on multiple forums because it took so much times just to read this one,

Half the nation thinks that there is something wrong with this election. Michael Voris is just one of 74 million but this will not go away…
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Find me a first degree murder conviction involving women and children that Obama pardoned.

This little boy:

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Was shot in his head. His brain landed on his father’s feet.

His murderer pardoned without judicial review.
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President obama pardoned a terrorist who killed 4 people.
Years later, President Barack Obama released another FALN member, Oscar Lopez Rivera, who had refused to accept Clinton’s clemency offer, which required the separatists to renounce violence, because it didn’t free all members of the group.
President Barack Obama in 2017 commuted the 35-year prison sentence of WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning, who was arrested in 2010 for sending to the secrets-spilling site thousands of documents on the wars in Iraq and Afghanista
Clinton pardoned the Weatherman
Clinton also gave last-day pardons to Weathermen Susan Rosenberg, convicted of possessing 740 pounds of dynamite, and Linda Evans, convicted of helping bomb the US Capitol building in 1971.
Clinton in 1999 outraged members of both parties when he offered prison commutations to 16 members of the Puerto Rican terrorist organization FALN, which set off more than 100 bombs in the 1970s and ’80s, killing six.
FALN bomed a Navy buss killing 2 and wounding others.
Alejandro “Alex” Berger, 28, a Uruguay native then living in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, was one of six people who died in those bombings. His young wife, Berger-Ettenson, was six months pregnant with their son Adrian in 1975, when the FALN bombed the Fraunces Tavern in New York City, where Berger, who worked for the chemical company Rohm and Haas, had met business associates for lunch. The blast killed him instantly.
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Find me a first degree murder conviction involving women and children that Obama pardoned.
Weren’t nearly all of Obama’s pardons for non-violent drug offenses with absurdly long sentences?

I don’t think any of them were for mercenaries firing machine guns into unarmed crowds of civilians.
But Trump is the Most ProLife President Ever.

Has been called a Hero and recently a Saint.
President Obama played apart in helping release Wendell Callahan who later killed three people.
Federal prison records show that Callahan was released on Aug. 8, 2014. If the new federal guidelines hadn’t gone through, he likely would have been in prison at least until late this year, even with time off for good behavior.”

Callahan’s last sentence reduction was made possible by the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which Obama supported and signed into law. The legislation reduced the large gap in the amount of prison time given for crack cocaine offenses versus powder cocaine by lowering the statutory penalties for crack cocaine and eliminating the mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine.
If we care about children we might want to care about these children.
Columbus police charged Callahan on Tuesday with three counts of murder in the deaths of ex-girlfriend Erveena Hammonds, 32, and her daughters, Breya Hammonds, 7, and Anaesia Green, 10.
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I just looked.

There was an involuntary manslaughter conviction. But it seems that the person had finished their sentence years before the pardon.

Little boy shot in cold blood.


At the same time a little over a week ago a person convicted of felony murder was executed.

Willy-nilly capriciousness of a man who has no convictions at all and does not respect the sanctity of life.

Mood swing justice.
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But Trump is the Most ProLife President Ever.

Has been called a Hero and recently a Saint.
He is not a hero or a Saint but he is is the most pro-life president in terms of policy and funding for abortion.
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He is not a hero or a Saint but he is is the most pro-life president in terms of policy and funding for abortion.
Well, unless you were conceived in rape or incest. Those lives don’t matter to him.
He told Chris Matthews that women should have to go to “illegal places”.

That’s not a prolife mindset. A prolife mindset would want the woman to choose life, not go somewhere “illegal”.
Then how do you explain this?

Planned Parenthood reports rise in government funding, record number of…

A new report from Planned Parenthood shows an increase in government funding during its most recent fiscal cycle and a record number of abortions at its clinics, even as the national abortion rate declines.
Can’t read article because it is behind a paywall. I would suggest that they got more funding from certain states who have allowed abortions to be funded through Medicaid .

State like California and I believe there are at least eight states.

Trump gutted their Title X money. and is trying to gut their Medicaid money.

Need to be able to read article to see what they say.
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He told Chris Matthews that women should have to go to “illegal places”.

That’s not a prolife mindset. A prolife mindset would want the woman to choose life, not go somewhere “illegal”.
He is a realist and knows no one can stop sin.
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