Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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Michael Voris filing’ us in about the election! Great!

Does he still do that “vortex” thing?

Maybe he can hook up with Trump after he leaves the White House.
Michael Voris filing’ us in about the election! Great!

Does he still do that “vortex” thing?

Maybe he can hook up with Trump after he leaves the White House.
I did not know he even existed until this thread. He reminds me of a snake oil salesman from the movies.
The fact that Blackwater (after several name changes and a changes in management is now part of Constellis or something. ) and other multinational mercenary groups exist should be a much larger scandal than it is.
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In many cases the denial is highly implausible, but it doesn’t stop people from trying.

They are also a very easy way for elected officials to say they are cutting the size of government while funneling contracts worth millions of dollars to donors and supporters to do many of the things the military did itself in the past (and some of these firms are very well connected).
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I don’t really know what this means. Now you think Trump shouldn’t have filed lawsuits post-election?
No. I am saying this is bigger than merely re-counting already tainted votes.

President Trump HAD TO challenge these in the manner he did.

He is working through the proper channels in the proper order.

Much MORE needs to be done, otherwise we will never have honest elections in the future.
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Actually I just see that church militant is involved. I won’t click on their site as I believe they are an enemy of the Church

I know Voris used to do his vortex thing but didn’t know if they still were
Actually I just see that church militant is involved. I won’t click on their site as I believe they are an enemy of the Church

I know Voris used to do his vortex thing but didn’t know if they still were
I also refuse to give him revenue through my clicks and views. That said, my understanding is that he is still peddling essentially the same stuff.
Please do not disrespect Michael Voris, the one and only Real Catholic
So in your world view, the USA is such a post-democratic, utterly corrupt, joke of a third world banana republic failed state that EVERYONE, including Trump/republican appointed judges, is part of “the fix”… why would you want to live in such a failed state?
(To be clear I think all of this is a tinfoil conspiracy theory on steroids… but IF it is true, the US is pretty much the most pathetic laudable joke of a country on the planet).

Of course the irony is, the same Trump supporters who insist democracy has been eradicated in America by an all powerful godlike Biden, will still insist the US is the greatest nation on the planet. Go figure.
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Of course the irony is, the same Trump supporters who insist democracy has been eradicated in America by an all powerful godlike Biden, will still insist the US is the greatest nation on the planet. Go figure.
In addition to which, the all-powerful godlike Biden is, at the same time, a decrepit, mentally deficient old man who won’t make it through the first 6 months of his term.
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