Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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Every thread I’ve seen has turned into an abortion or infantcide thread.
What are you alluding to? You have only been here for two days!
(How many threads could that possibly involve??)

It should be shut down. It went off topic when abortion/infantcide was introduced into the discussion
OK. That is your opinion.

I disagree.
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I have browsed all of the current threads. And the same pattern emerges.
You are correct. Actually, to get to 50 posts before a thread is hijacked by BUT ABORTION posts (regardless of the original topic) is pretty good for CAF these days. It usually starts in the first ten.
(How many threads could that possibly involve??)
It would probably be easier to count how many threads that have not turned into abortion threads.

In addition as simple search using the tool clearly depicts this.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

There are thousands of threads that don’t have abortion in the title that end up invoking abortion.
It would probably be easier to count how many threads that have not turned into abortion threads.

In addition as simple search using the tool clearly depicts this.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

There are thousands of threads that don’t have abortion in the title that end up invoking abortion.
OK. As long as you are talking about the search function . . .
I have browsed all of the current threads. And the same pattern emerges.
Have you posted at all here on the OP video??

Did you watch the video before posting?

Because for all your complaining about being off-topic, I have not seen one post from you here concerning the OP.

Here are all of them or almost all . . . .

or here.


Now is your chance to post on the OP.

Did you watch the OP video before posting?
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Did you watch the OP video before posting?
Yes all 13 minutes of it. No mention of abortion.
Well now is your chance to post on the OP.
As I understand it, 50 courts have refused to hear the cases
You understanding is incorrect. Several of the cases have been heard on the merits. They have all been rejected as well.

In particular the PA cases (the one brought by the US Rep and the one brought by the campaign), at least two of the GA cases (the one brought by the campaign was rejected in a 3-0 decision - on the merits - by an extremely conservative panel), and most recently the WI brought by the campaign.
And it was breached in this post.
he movie “180” compares abortion to concentration camps. One time, flyers were left at a place I frequent.

I don’t know if that is a proper comparison and it is offensive to some but hey, why not.

This is not the first time this talk above has been said. Well, a vote for Trump did not support that.
Which was post 18
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I want to invite you to post on the OP mojoalthor.

Hey! Welcome to Catholic Answers Forums!
Several of the cases have been heard on the merits. They have all been rejected as well.
An “unwillingness to engage with the evidence” has been shown as the OP video states.
See about 5:00 into video.
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An “unwillingness to engage with the evidence” has been shown as the OP video states.
See about 5:00 into video.
An “unwillingness to engage with the evidence” has been shown as the OP video states.
See about 5:00 into video.
I have sent the video link to Eric Croomer and his attorneys so they can investigate and decided whether or not to add Voris & The Vortex to the list of defendents.

Thanks for the OP.
An “unwillingness to engage with the evidence” has been shown as the OP video states.
See about 5:00 into video.
Several courts, including federal Circuit Courts of Appeal have reviewed the evidence. They have rejected it.

In most of these cases - it is very important to note - the campaign HAS NOT alleged fraud of any kind.

Take the WI case, for example. According to the federal judge (appointed by Trump!) who ruled against him:

"While Trump’s arguments about the conduct of the election weren’t frivolous, “when they are cleared of their rhetoric, they consist of little more than ordinary disputes over statutory construction,” the judge wrote in a 23-page order. “Plaintiff’s Electors Clause claims fail as a matter of law and fact.”

Emphasis mine. He reviewed all the evidence presented, and found that it fails “as a matter of law and fact.”
Emphasis mine. He reviewed all the evidence presented, and found that it fails “as a matter of law and fact.”
I have explained that before too.
It is impossible to discriminate the votes when they are all thrown in and counted without making sure they are eligible and HOW MANY are eligible BEFORE the count.

I have been warning about this here on CAF for moths before the elections as this was being set up.

The foreign computers should never have been used and these should be disqualified too.
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It is impossible to discriminate the votes when they are all thrown in and counted without making sure they are eligible and HOW MANY are eligible BEFORE the count.
I don’t really know what this means. Now you think Trump shouldn’t have filed lawsuits post-election?

He tried to stop people from voting via mail before the election. He failed at that too.

The problem with backing a showman is that they are usually all flash and no substance.
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