Church Militant News on our 2020 election fraud

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He is a realist and knows no one can stop sin.
That is not a pro-life attitude.

I sincerely doubt he believes in sin anyway. Certainly not any version of sin I’ve ever encountered.
No one can judge his mind. . It lacks a faith attitude because people of faith believe everything is possible through God.
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He is not a hero or a Saint but he is is the most pro-life president in terms of policy and funding for abortion.
So that makes it OK to pardon people who murdered innocent civilians, including children.
Got it.
He is a realist and knows no one can stop sin.
Yes but the Church’s position is not to allow it, even if you’re personally opposed. Even trying to make it “rare” like Bill Clinton tried to do is not acceptable enough.
He is not a hero or a Saint but he is is the most pro-life president in terms of policy and funding for abortion.
So that makes it OK to pardon people who murdered innocent civilians, including children.
Got it.
No, but why go after Trump when all president do this and some presidents pardon more than others. These are all criminals, many who are dangerous.
He is a realist and knows no one can stop sin.
Yes but the Church’s position is not to allow it, even if you’re personally opposed. Even trying to make it “rare” like Bill Clinton tried to do is not acceptable enough.
Trump is not a Catholic neither is former President Obama or Clinton
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He is a realist and knows no one can stop sin.
If being a realist and taking a utilitarian approach (I saved more lives than the other guy might have) is all it takes to be The Most Pro-Life President Ever™, wouldn’t someone like Truman or Roosevelt (or another Cold War Era president) hold the title?
I posted Obama got 69 million votes and won 873 counties.

I posted that Trump had 74 million votes and won 2,497 counties.

I posted that Biden (allegedly) had 81 million votes but only won 477 counties.

And related info.

Nepperhan’s response?
I consider your statement whimsy or a falsehood.
Why not begin by straightening me out about how many counties Biden won as long as that is a “whimsy or a falsehood” then?

And then we can go from there.

(As the article said. There may be minor discrepancies because counties are still being argued about and certified so minor differences I already admit).

Go ahead. I will await your response and proceed as indicated.

For everybody else:

You can read this report if interested and it outlines at least some of the possibilities and occurrences that took place . . . .

The election was a sham (in my opinion).

Here are just some of the ways the shenanigans (again my opinion) were pulled off . . . .

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)


We personally know someone (from another state which I won’t mention here but also subject to the cheat) where the father of the household received seven ballots! His wife received four ballots!
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Probably have more tumbleweed than people.
Yeah. They don’t really count. There just mere “fly overs” to people that REALLY count.
(That’s why Trump set an all-time record for presidential vote getting [minus the cheat values of Biden–admittedly my opinion]. Because it is all “tumbleweed” or at least much of it.)

But do you think the numbers were “whimsy or a falsehood"?
(Please provide some evidence.)

Thanks in advance.
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From back in 2018 . . . .
Facebook Partners with Globalist Atlantic Council to Interfere in Elections Around the World World News
Euphemisms are often meant to deceive. It has been said . . . . . . When an angel of darkness approaches, it often comes disguised as an angel of light. . 2nd CORINTHIANS 11:14 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. . Now I am not saying . . . . . . . When the pinnacle of “election interference” (that so many people claim to be concerned about) arrives . . . . . . it will be disguised as the “remedy” for this “election interference”. (Especially in t…
And this . . .
Google's Selfish Ledger is an Unsettling Vision of Silicon Valley Social Engineering World News
From The Verge . . . Google’s Selfish Ledger is an Unsettling Vision of Silicon Valley Social Engineering This internal video from 2016 shows a Google concept for how total data collection could reshape society . By Vlad Savov@vladsavov May 17, 2018, 8:00am EDT . Google has built a multibillion-dollar business out of knowing everything about its users. Now, a video produced within Google and obtained by The Verge offers a stunningly ambitious and unsettling look at how some at the compan…
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If i had to make a call i would say the Democrats cheated in at least 4 big cities which stole the election for Biden. I think the irrational hatred spewed at Trump over the last 4 years was probably enough cover for enough people to prostitute democracy while believing they are morally superior. But this is who the Left are.

I would say that based on the statistics of the vote, the actions of the Democratic election officials on the night, the action and words of Democrats and big tech media before the election and then again afterwards and the current and mindless rhetoric of ‘nothing to see here’, 'lets move on nonsense.

I think the court system is running away from actually hearing the case and no doubt the months of Democratic supported violent riots on the streets intimidated that decision for the courts to be cowards.

Who says violence and hatred doesn’t work. It does and it has.

It is as about as unChristian as you can get.

But then gain that is who the Left are. It is about time my church woke up to that or else they have little credibility in my eyes.
the current and mindless rhetoric of ‘nothing to see here’, 'lets move on nonsense.
You know. . . .That is PART of it for me too!

There OBVIOUSLY is something to “see”. A LOT of something.

You can find it on alternative media despite the mainstream media trying to cover it up. Social media attempting to ban any and all dissent etc. Companies acting as proxies for political thought.

It is bizarre. I would never have predicted this many years ago. And I always thought of the conspiracy theorists who DID put this kind of thing forward were . . . well . . . mere conspiracy theorists.

I will not be so quick to discount their voices in the future though. (Not saying I will accept everything they say, but I will listen a lot closer.)

Yes i agree there obviously is something and the refusal to address it seems to suggest the worst.

We cannot live in a place where we have to pretend things like ‘there is no evidence’ and ‘don’t speak about it’.

We also have big tech not only banning mention of the election being stolen but advertising ahead of time that this is what they were going to do. Firstly they should not have this power and secondly again it looks like the worst that they knew what was about to happen.

For me as a Christian this is a matter of truth and i see in third world and secular communist countries the idea that everyone lives an outward lie believing in public things they know not to be true.

With the rise of the Left this worrying condition of human nature has become established in the west. If the church did and stands for anything, it is for truth.

It is not co-incidence i think that both the traditional church and truth come under attack at the same time.

As a church we really need to address those people in the church that have accepted a foreign culture of relativism and untruth. It cannot go on this way.
For me as a Christian this is a matter of truth
This is great silentwitness. This tells me anyway, of your love for Truth (with a capital “T”). It suggests you love Jesus Christ very much.

Hats off to you and much respect!
For me as a Christian this is a matter of truth
As it is for me.

I do not understand why some reject what is true.

Trump is willfully lying, choosing what he wants the truth to be instead of accepting the Truth. I do not know why others follow him in this.

There were not enough irregularities to overturn the results of the election. Biden won in the estimation of the official vote counters. Those election officials checked statistically and confirmed the accuracy of the count. Recounts confirmed the results where they were tried.

Conservative analyses rely on conjecture and suppositions. “making it easier to manipulate” does not prove anything was manipulated. Misrepresenting the electoral process is bad enough, but distorting the judicial process to support lies is outright wrong.
As far as the statistics go it appears there was an incredible swing to Trump across many regions and demographics. Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans White women, previous Democratic areas like the Iron Range in Minnesota and the big cities like LA and New York.

Where Trump did lose big was in the 4 big cities. It was in these cities that there was a universal stopping of the count on election night, sending observers home and then resuming the count which again universally broke for Biden in an extreme way. Added to that was the Georgia video showing what was happening when they sent the observers home.

These two things in tandem, the unlikely statistics of the win and the actions of the people in the 4 areas where these unlikely statistics come from makes it look like fraud.

Outside of this, as mentioned earlier people’s reactions both before and afterwards are also worrying.

I don’t know of any major court who has addressed or even wants to address these questions together with the testimony of many people on the ground.

This is not truth. This is clearly running away from truth.
Where Trump did lose big was in the 4 big cities.
Trump lost big in virtually every big city. Outside of Staten Island, the other boroughs went 80% or more for Biden. Big cities across the country went that way. If that is your evidence, every state should be overturned.

The GA video has been explained repeatedly. There is nothing, or very little, inappropriate. It is just false statements about what was happening, without actually seeking to know the truth.

Courts have examined the supposed “evidence” and found it lacking. They have judged the lawsuits as wrong on the facts and wrong on the law. The contorted reasoning used in these suits is so faulty, it is amazing that anyone believes in them.

The decision to ignore the courts is unacceptable to those who care about truth. It is a rejection of the our basic commitment to one another, to live together instead of in enmity. Even if it is half of the people of this country, this risks putting them outside our institutions, outside our country’s values.
Well i disagree with so much of what you have said.

Yes, the big cities went for Biden by a big margin. They always do. No one disputes that.

What i said, what Vorris said and what many have said is that President Trump had a broad swing to him across the country including in many of the cities. I mentioned LA and New York but the broad results were a swing to Trump in the big cities EXCEPT in those few cities where it looks like fraud happened and what the courts do not want to have investigated. So for example Chicago had a 4% swing to Trump but President Trump still got smashed overall by similar margins you mentioned. These swings in cities to President Trump stand in contrast to the handful of cities in swing states, controlled by Democrats who stopped counting, sent poll watchers home, resumed counting and who then went extremely for Biden with huge ‘reported’ turn out of the vote with Trump underperforming considerably even amongst those other urban areas who usually and in 2020 go for Democrats in a large way.

There looks to have been a co-ordinated joint action where election counting bodies should have been independent of each other. There is irregular behaviour there. There is discrepancy there. There is statistical anomaly there. In some places there was downright hostility there and lies of burst water mains and such to stop counting.

The institutions have been corrupted. You either go down with the ship asking people to join with you in some psuedo Christian plea or you put it right and sail on together. The problem as i see it with Leftism is that it wants to sabotage the ship, government, church, family, whatever it gets involved in because it has its own view of society which is Godless elite authoritarianism…

The call to unity is strong but it only makes sense when you are uniting with good, not untruth, coverups and 4 years of flat out lies and prostitution of government processes and media.

People will not join with that and as Christians we should not encourage it.
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