Ok, so in Texas, in order to be qualified to carry a gun on your person you must be:
Proficient in firearm usage. Basically know how to operate your gun, and hit a person sized target from 3 to 15 yards with a 70% accuracy with 50 rds. Are you required to be a sharp shooter, absolutely not, but you must be able to hit better than the broad side of a barn.
You can not have a diagnosed history of mental illness. You can not have been convicted of drunk driving recently, can’t be a spousal abuser, can’t be addicted to drugs or alcohol, can’t be delinquent on child support, can’t be dishonorably discharged from the military, can’t be delinquent in taxes to the state, can not have a felony conviction, or a class a or b misdomeanor in the past 5 years.
Must pass a fbi background check with fingerprints submitted.
So in essence, you do have to be a pretty good citizen to get one. Does the local community get to weigh in, no, it is a State’s right thing not a local right thing.
As an instructor, we do have the ability to weigh in on the matter by making a statement to the State DPS if someone in our class gives us pause as to whether or not they should get their permit. Instructors can notify the state if we have concerns, they would investigate further and make a determination.
Just for further discussion, should the local community get to vote on whether someone would get to exercise their right to use the 1st amendment. I mean should we be able to vote on whether someone should attend Mass, or be able to use the internet or write a letter to the editor. I know the answer, but both the 1A and 2A are in the bill of rights. We certainly can’t be selective on which rights we can actually exercise can we, even though others may feel uneasy about certain people exercising them.