Churchgoers' Attire (Whatever happened to 'Sunday Best'?)

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Why do people dress like they just finished feeding the hogs when they go to church?. Why are so many good Catholics trying to get on the 10 worst dressed list of the decade?

I wouldn’t dress like that to interview for a job or meet the president, so I certainly won’t dress that way to commune with our Lord on his holy day.

Sincerely, WhiteDove
:nope: Excellent question. I have some inkling as to why people come in dressed as if going to the park, beach picnic. THEIR PARISH PRIEST (MANY) DON’T EVER MENTION THE SUBJECT. How distracting to see long time (not new converts) parish membersas the following: Women in minnie skirts, low cut blouses, shorts, often the same ones who during the sign of peace (sign of paece by the way is optional) kiss their boyfriends for minutes in end, when they do go with their boyfriends. Or, the same ones who laugh, joke, talk during the WHOLE mass, and oh yes! Chew gum, how can i forget. Many men too: shorts, sandals. etc. MODESTY IN DRESS IS MENTIONED IN THE NEW CATECHISM why then are some priests AFRAID to MENTION this in general in Mass? Well, part of the relativism, nothing is bad (or good for that matter) or I want to FILL the Church($ collections).:whistle:
Disregarding those who dress inappropriately because they don’t care, I believe many are the result of the decline in manners and etiquette in this country. Many people have been raised with little or no instruction. Add to that the trend towards casual dress all the time, and you end up with a church full of people in jeans and t-shirts. This is all made worse by people who know better who allow it to happen by not insisting on proper attire.
Just wondering if a poll can be taken on this category?

I am on a fixed budget and what clothes I do have are not all ‘Sunday Meeting clothes’. And I have to admit that there I have worn a pair of jeans to church (no holes or tearing or discoloration). I also will wear a decent casual three button shirt (pull over) or a short sleeve dress shirt.

In our Byzantine Liturgy, we do A LOT of standing, and pastor even permits us to wear ‘comfortable shoes.’ but NOTHING torn or worn out.

As for the ‘Sunday bum look’ not THAT is unacceptable!
There was a country music song back around 1979 by Johnny Paycheck which talked about a man who was not well dressed but had the devotion to Jesus. He got thrown out of Church because the person had unkept hair and old clothes. The person in the song was what you would call a ‘homeless man’.
If the song’s character’s clothes are all that he has on his back, then is that disrespectful?

It is said, ‘Clothes make the man’, but isn’t it what it in the heart the most important to God?

Go with God!
Just wondering if a poll can be taken on this category?

I am on a fixed budget and what clothes I do have are not all ‘Sunday Meeting clothes’. And I have to admit that there I have worn a pair of jeans to church (no holes or tearing or discoloration). I also will wear a decent casual three button shirt (pull over) or a short sleeve dress shirt.

In our Byzantine Liturgy, we do A LOT of standing, and pastor even permits us to wear ‘comfortable shoes.’ but NOTHING torn or worn out.

As for the ‘Sunday bum look’ not THAT is unacceptable!
There was a country music song back around 1979 by Johnny Paycheck which talked about a man who was not well dressed but had the devotion to Jesus. He got thrown out of Church because the person had unkept hair and old clothes. The person in the song was what you would call a ‘homeless man’.
If the song’s character’s clothes are all that he has on his back, then is that disrespectful?

It is said, ‘Clothes make the man’, but isn’t it what it in the heart the most important to God?

Go with God!
Two weeks ago our pastor addressed this issue. He said he understood that not everyone had a suit to wear to Mass but they do have other clothes that are appropriate that are not shorts, jeans, Tee shirts with Harley Davidson and other logos and flip flops. He also addressed that women should not come to Mass with low-rider jeans and halter tops that expose the mid drift that leaves little to the imagination.

Some of these outfits I see young girls and women are a disgrace that shouldn’t even be worn anywhere in public. My question is where are the parents? Obviously they must think this is acceptable.😦
When talking about how one dresses going to church, the problem is not always about the “dressiness” of clothing. It is understandable that not all members of a parish can dress in suits and ties, but the problem is the modesty of dress. It is now summertime, how many young people will you see at Sunday Mass in SHORT shorts, tank tops, micro-mini skirts, crop tops, etc. It is disrespectful and distracting to all in Church. If the parents are dressed that way, how can the children know any better?
Two weeks ago our pastor addressed this issue. He said he understood that not everyone had a suit to wear to Mass but they do have other clothes that are appropriate that are not shorts, jeans, Tee shirts with Harley Davidson and other logos and flip flops. He also addressed that women should not come to Mass with low-rider jeans and halter tops that expose the mid drift that leaves little to the imagination.

Some of these outfits I see young girls and women are a disgrace that shouldn’t even be worn anywhere in public. My question is where are the parents? Obviously they must think this is acceptable.😦
The parents of today’s youngsters were born in the 60’s and 70’s. They were reared post-Vatican II, during the sexual revolution, the feminist revolution, Cosmopolitan magazine, and the leftist indoctrination of our academic institutions K through college, along with the mainstream media.

If they had strict and religious parents, and were lucky enough to have a mother who did not feel compelled to dump them in day care, avoided television a great deal, they might have managed to be instilled with some traditional ideas of modesty, respect, humility and gentleness. However, times change, and I’m afraid those things may actually, within a few more generations, become extinct!
This is a problem not only with Catholics but also Protestant churches - even many of the evangelical ones (although they do not have the real presence). I think it is a result of many factors that are listed but primarily the reason is that we live in a society that is saturated in doing whatever feels good or is comfortable. I brought this up at another forum once and many became hostile- “God only cares what’s in a person’s heart” and “Bill Clinton wore a suit to church” were some of the quotes I remember. It is amazing to see the low-income black congregations om the inner city wear suits and dresses, but to go to a parish in a wealthy suburb you will find flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts- even among the EEM’s.
Grrrr! Close your eyes and pray for them! I can honestly say that I pay no attention about what others are wearing to Mass. My husband and I have made sacrifices so that I may be home to raise my children. I have one Sunday outfit per season. Do you people notice that I wear the same clothes EVERY Sunday? Take the log out of your own eye before you speak to the speck in your brothers!

I’ve always thought that one way to enforce modesty in dress in the summertime is to crank up the air conditioning so it’s about 55 degrees in the church. They won’t come in skimpy clothing more than once! I say this only partially with tongue in cheek - although it would increase utility costs, it would be a good investment in dignity and and reverence.

Telling someone to take the log out of their own eyes doesn’t help. In fact, it’s an overused cliche’ these days. I’m hardly the ‘clothes police’ and don’t crititque the outfits during Mass. But, I could hardly help but notice that a lot of people dress extremely casually at Mass, wearing blue jeans and T shirts. Even the EME’s dress this way. I shop in thrift stores myself. A pair of nice slacks and button up shirt is more respectful IMO, and not any more expensive than an outfit more appropriate for cleaning out the barn.

To say the Jesus truely cares only for what is in our hearts is overused as well. That’s entirely true of course, but beside the point. What are we saying by how we dress? And, I’ll bet those casual dressers wouldn’t drress that way for other important events!
I try not to pay attention because it really does bug me. It’s all a matter of respect to me. I don’t pay attention who wears what outfit how many times , I don’t have a different one every week myself, but I do dress respectfully. When you see a gentleman wearing a Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt with Docker shorts and deck shoes, I’m pretty sure he has more appropriate clothes to wear to meet Our Lord. I live in Florida and that kind of dress is fine for a cookout but in my opinion, not for Mass. The worst for men is Football Jerseys and shorts. There are alot of women and young girls wearing what we call down here “Hoochie” shorts and tops. That makes me CRAZY! Also , flip-flops on one of the Alter girls was bad. I want to say what are the parents thinking? And then I see the parents!! SIGH!
That is one of many reasons that prompted me to seek another Catholic church. The main reason though was that we built a new church and the Tabernacle was moved behind the alter in a private chapel. But that is another topic isn’t it? I love my “new” church which is actually the oldest church in my Diocese. I notice very few wearing disrespectful clothes, however I did see a young man wearing a tee that said “I went to O’Grady’s for my 21st Birthday and all I got was this lousy shirt!” SIGH & GROAN…
I try not to pay attention because it really does bug me. It’s all a matter of respect to me. I don’t pay attention who wears what outfit how many times , I don’t have a different one every week myself, but I do dress respectfully. When you see a gentleman wearing a Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt with Docker shorts and deck shoes, I’m pretty sure he has more appropriate clothes to wear to meet Our Lord. I live in Florida and that kind of dress is fine for a cookout but in my opinion, not for Mass. The worst for men is Football Jerseys and shorts. There are alot of women and young girls wearing what we call down here “Hoochie” shorts and tops. That makes me CRAZY! Also , flip-flops on one of the Alter girls was bad. I want to say what are the parents thinking? And then I see the parents!! SIGH!
That is one of many reasons that prompted me to seek another Catholic church. The main reason though was that we built a new church and the Tabernacle was moved behind the alter in a private chapel. But that is another topic isn’t it? I love my “new” church which is actually the oldest church in my Diocese. I notice very few wearing disrespectful clothes, however I did see a young man wearing a tee that said “I went to O’Grady’s for my 21st Birthday and all I got was this lousy shirt!” SIGH & GROAN…
Blame the pulpit… I can’t remember the last time I heard a SERMON on minimum behavior or minimum acceptable standards of basic appearance at church… I am not talking about visitors in town on vacation, and I am not talking about those with little or no economic choice… we all know each other in church, at least those who regularly attend… and those who have the ware for all but just don’t care or whose parents never trained them… i firmly believe that if the person walking in the doors of that church thought they were going to see Christ standing there in front as plainly as you and I then you can bet there would be suits and beautiful dress… it’s a shame that they can’t see that in the tabernacle… Christ really is there and certain minimum attire or dress code for want of a better phrase should be honored… this is not an abdication of a dress code, it’s just a wish that guidence from the pulpit could really be helpful here…
I think that there’s a kind elitism going on for many Catholics…“I’m so important that I don’t even have to dress up for the Lord.” Dressing nicely therefore is only for those poor country bumpkins, rustics, yokels who actually fear the Lord, " but since I don’t, I can approach him however I want." Casual dressing then indicates a certain hubris that reveals none or very little awareness of the awesomeness of the Lord. But these casual dressers often justify their actions by rationalizing that the Lord doesn’t care how they dress. Of course the Lord doesn’t need our dress, but we need to dress our best to help remind us who we’re in front of…
Isn’t it interesting that these very same casual dressers will dress up for a job interview but yet fail at the biggest “job interview’” of their lives–their internal interview with the Lord!!
I, too, find this issue problematic. I try to remind myself, that earlier in my own faith journey, I may not have always dressed in a totally modest manner. Then I pray for God’s graces to rain down upon them and on me that I might remain focused on Him!

However, my son is 16, and it is extremely difficult for him to maintain his focus when the girl in front of us is half undressed. I often notice him kneeling there with his eyes closed.

Perhaps if we reintroduced the notions of modesty, sin, the near occasion of sin, and not leading others into sin back into the Catholic vobulary from the ambo it would help.

I attend a parish where the median income is much higher than ours, and I know that these people would not attend a meeting with the President of the United States dressed as they are when they attend Mass and receive their Lord in Holy Communion.

In Christ’s peace and joy,

Robin L.
As far as little economic choice, I’m not suggesting expensive clothes, only respectful ones. It has nothing to do with money, but attitude. There are just as many button up shirts available at thriftstores as there are T-shirts, jeans, tank tops, etc.

As far as teenagers, I apply a different standard to them as they are sort of in a mutant alien lifeform catagory 😃 (just kiddin’!) But, the girls shouldn’t look like hookers, for goodness sakes!

I agree, it’s a general societal problem though. I went to jury duty yesterday and was curious how people would dress. I guess folks just don’t mind wearing dirty jeans anymore for something like that. The court did include dress suggestions in their mailer, BTW, at least asking folks to avoid sexually suggestive attire.
Whitedove-I am sorry that using the words of our Lord has offended you. I hardly consider Jesus’ words ‘overused cliches’. I suggest you speak to your Pastor about it. My Pastor doesn’t give a sermon, but he does remind us for a couple of Sundays when the weather gets warmer when he makes his announcments at the end of Mass. He also prints the paragraph from the Catechism in the bulletin a couple of times. Maybe you could call the Parish office and suggest that he do that. If people still dress immodestly, pray for them. You could even talk to the parents if it is particulary offensive.

When you see a gentleman wearing a Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt with Docker shorts and deck shoes, I’m pretty sure he has more appropriate clothes to wear to meet Our Lord. /QUOTE]

You really have a problem with that sort of dress? Seems completely acceptable to me.
Dear Annie,
I wasn’t offended, I’ve just noticed that that phrase is used a lot these days. People use it to accuse other people of being judgemental and not minding their own business, thus deflecting attention away from that person’s concern. Yes, I think the phrase ‘take the log out of your own eye’ is thrown around too easily today. It’s used as a conversation stopper, instead of addressing what may be a legitimate problem.

As far as trying to get my pastor to address this, it’s not my place to do so. It is a widespread societal problem, as I’ve mentioned. We live in a very casual society these days. But, in light of the fact that Christ is really present at Mass, it seems as if people would dress as they would for meeting any other important person.
Sincerely, WhiteDove
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