Our church doesn’t have air conditioning. It gets mighty hot in there. But I always want to wear something nice for God. I guess I am an old fogey.
Yes, it’s a widespread reverencemodesty problem. And yes, this is a problem in some non- Catholic churches, too. Younger amily members who go to a non-denom. church sometimes dress too casually, too. I understand the arguments that it’s what is inside that counts, but we are showing our inner diposition, by taking the time to look nice for mass. (that’s the argument some of my non-denom. family members use, too)This is a problem not only with Catholics but also Protestant churches - even many of the evangelical ones (although they do not have the real presence). I think it is a result of many factors that are listed but primarily the reason is that we live in a society that is saturated in doing whatever feels good or is comfortable. I brought this up at another forum once and many became hostile- “God only cares what’s in a person’s heart” and “Bill Clinton wore a suit to church” were some of the quotes I remember. It is amazing to see the low-income black congregations om the inner city wear suits and dresses, but to go to a parish in a wealthy suburb you will find flip-flops, shorts and t-shirts- even among the EEM’s.
This would be a perfect opportunity to sacrifice for God. He made the ultimate Sacrifice for us, it is a shame when we can’t put ourselves out - even the tiniest for Him.I bought a suit for a cruise two years ago and wore it twice on the cruise. I hated it. My wife hated it. I can not imagine going to Mass wearing it (please note I keep calling it “it”).
It would be well to remember that the Saints regularly made themselves uncomfortable to make sacrifice to God - they wore hair shirts, tied ropes around their waste and slept on beds of bricks. Although God does not expect this from us - (this is for the extrodinary) It is not good for the soul that we do only that which is pleasing to us. - We have truly become a self-gratifying world.I think people would get so tired of my squirming they’d start a new thread on people who squirm at Mass.
What does this statement mean? I’ve never heard of overdone modesty.I
(but people here sometimes do get carried away on the modesty question. If you want women to dress in burqas, please go to Afghanistan)