Churchgoers' Attire (Whatever happened to 'Sunday Best'?)

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In the 50’s when I was growing up, we were taught 🙂 mind you, the appropriateness of dress. We were taught this in our homes, in our schools, and in our workplaces. Today, few parents actually teach this, and the schools have stopped setting these standards(with the exception of some Catholic schools), and the place where I work has dress standards that no-one follows, and the management doesn’t enforce. Is it any wonder that those attending Mass don’t dress appropriately? Since the onslaught of moral relativism, everything else has gone by the bye. We must get back to teaching from the home, and teaching by example.
Oh, come on. In our parish which is completely orthodox and conservative, at least half the folks wear shorts to the earliest mass. More as the day goes on. I’m talking about dress (no cut-offs) shorts, which would be appropriate anywhere during hot weather.
Not so, it is quite hot in Italy during the summer, but you will not be admitted into many of the old churches there with shorts on - dressy or not!

You will, however, be given the opportunity to purchase a lovely pair of vinyl pants to cover your legs. Not cheap, either, so forget about buying lunch!
:whistle: To use the words of a priest I was knew: “it’s amazing how some people just don’t get it.”:confused:

The relitavistic attitude is: “I DON’T care what anyone thinks” , is exactly why there is so much of a self-centered “ME” generation. These are the same ones who don’t believe anything is a sin anymore, nothing is wrong, everything is opinion. Sometimes, they are not to blame. They just have NOT been formed to learn the BASICS of their Catholic faith.
It is worth noting that the issue of dress and modesty appear in the NEW Catechism of the catholic Church. See #2521, #2522, #2523, #2525, #1832:wink: :clapping:
This reminds me of a passage in “the Screwtape Letters” where the advice is to tempt the new Christian to notice the annoying things about those in the pews nears him, their off-key singing, their shoddy apparel.

As long as the clothing is modest the rest is unimportant.

I am not at mass to notice what others are wearing, I couldn’t care less.

I’m in TOTAL agreement with Darcee-- what I wouldn’t give to attend a Mass where ‘disrespectful’ dress was the biggest issue.

I guess it had to happen. I was away this week-end but knew I would be able to attend Mass with no problem. I even packed a nice outfit to wear. So, what happened? Ended up attending Mass at 4:00 yesterday on the spur of the moment and did not have my “best” on. Thankfully, it was a resort town Church and many others were dressed casually.
We all agree that this is a problem and have stories to tell about attire - what can we, as involved lay people do? Our parish did a renovation (moving the tabernacle front and center) then tried to run articles in the bulletin “now that the church is all dressed up, shouldn’t we all be?” or something along those lines. It helped for a few weeks.

What else can be done? Someone on this thread said that their parish publishes dress code - where can you find that?

Let’s hear some positive suggestions, instead of complaints.
Just my :twocents:

Our pastor and Worship Commission is trying to focus on encouraging reverence at the Holy Mass.

God bless your day!
I still don’t understand why people think they must wear shorts to church in hot weather? Are their churches not air-conditioned? :confused: :confused: :confused: I walk a short distance from my air conditioned car to the air conditioned church in mid July and never felt the ‘need’ to wear shorts to chuch. I live in the south as well.

I’m not saying you are wrong for doing so…I’m just confused at why people feel the need to do so.

dream wanderer
I do feel sorry for teen boys in Mass. There are so many teen girls dressed inappropriately, it surely must be distracting. For men too. —KCT
dream wanderer:
I still don’t understand why people think they must wear shorts to church in hot weather? Are their churches not air-conditioned? :confused: :confused: :confused: I walk a short distance from my air conditioned car to the air conditioned church in mid July and never felt the ‘need’ to wear shorts to chuch. I live in the south as well.

I’m not saying you are wrong for doing so…I’m just confused at why people feel the need to do so.

dream wanderer
Not every church has air-conditioning 😦 .
And some people still walk to Church. 🙂
It was 75 degrees with 95% humidity here, and I ended up standing in the doorway of the Church for Mass I simply couldn’t catch my breath. I wished I had had shorts on.
dream wanderer:
I still don’t understand why people think they must wear shorts to church in hot weather? Are their churches not air-conditioned? :confused: :confused: :confused: I walk a short distance from my air conditioned car to the air conditioned church in mid July and never felt the ‘need’ to wear shorts to chuch. I live in the south as well.

I’m not saying you are wrong for doing so…I’m just confused at why people feel the need to do so.

dream wanderer
Bingo! Our church is NOT air conditioned. Our parish just ain’t got the bucks.

Thanks for asking.
What else can be done? Someone on this thread said that their parish publishes dress code - where can you find that?

Our pastor and Worship Commission is trying to focus on encouraging reverence at the Holy Mass.
Oh my GOSH!!! A dress code for MASS? You’ve GOT to be kidding!!!

The priests have THEIR dress code for what they wear when they CONFER a sacrament.

I wear my clean and modest clothes because I refuse to try to impress others in the church with HOW I’m being respectful. For me, clothing does NOT say “respect.”

I come the way I am… which is exactly how I am “inside.” My outside is JUST appearances. And God sees through appearances… and He sure does NOT want me to be trying to impress others with how pious I am just by the way I choose to dress.

I am not saying that it’s okay to be distracting… that’s something else altogether.

Am I making any sense with anybody here? Just curious…

(okay… I’m ducking now… go ahead and throw those pebbles at me… )
I have a couple of observations/questions:
  1. Is there something about shorts that makes them intrinsically less respectful than pants? After all, many shorts are simply “short pants”, as they are even called in some places. Made out of the same material, the only difference is that pants cover the legs. If there is something intrinsically disrespectful about bare skin, perhaps we should dress like the women of Taliban-era Afghanistan?
The issue is not so much what people are wearing but why they are wearing it.

Some people:
  1. Don’t know the cultural meaning of various patterns of dress or 2) Don’t care.
There is also another explanation: Many people that I know dress casually for mass. I don’t think that it is due to a disrespect for Jesus, but is the result of an over-emphasis on our ability to individually relate to God. These same people are so glad to be Catholic. They love going to Mass. However, they are so accustomed to trying to incorporate God into every aspect of their life, worshiping him and praying to him when they first get up in the morning while they are still in their pajamas, or even when they go to the beach, that they have imported that into their approach to Jesus in the Mass. With them at least, rather than scolding them for their lack of respect for God, it would be better to commend them for the way that they can relate with God-as-Father-and-Friend and encourage them to also relate with God-as-Awesome-and-King.

Both/and, not either/or.

(And no, I do not wear shorts to Mass. I always wear long pants and a button-up collared shirt at the least.)

There is nothing wrong with wearing shorts and a t-shirt to Mass on Sunday or any other day.

I go to Mass to celebrate the Mass not a fashion show.

If a member is getting out of line address them one on one don’t make a show of it and then pray for them. While your at it pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to focus in on the Mass and not what others are doing or wearing.

Dear reidgang,
Since you suggest approaching a member who is out of line, I thought I would make a suggestion to you, to help you improve your posting ettiquette.

Saying "GROW UP!’ in all capital letters is not an example of polite posting. It is insulting and belittling. In fact, on this forum, there are those who will give negative reputation for such a comment, so beware.

I think you can probably reword your post without the "GROW UP!’ and get your meaning across just fine and dandy, don’t you? 🙂
Not every church has air-conditioning 😦 .
And some people still walk to Church. 🙂
It was 75 degrees with 95% humidity here, and I ended up standing in the doorway of the Church for Mass I simply couldn’t catch my breath. I wished I had had shorts on.
Sounds like excellent conditions for “offering up” to our Lord.

“If you can not sacrifice the little things, how will we manage the big things” - Imitation of Christ
Veronica Anne:
and He sure does NOT want me to be trying to impress others with how pious I am just by the way I choose to dress.
Correct! God wants you to impress HIM with how pious you are by the way you choose to dress.
Dear reidgang,
Since you suggest approaching a member who is out of line, I thought I would make a suggestion to you, to help you improve your posting ettiquette.

Saying "GROW UP!’ in all capital letters is not an example of polite posting. It is insulting and belittling. In fact, on this forum, there are those who will give negative reputation for such a comment, so beware.

I think you can probably reword your post without the "GROW UP!’ and get your meaning across just fine and dandy, don’t you? 🙂
No not always.

Look I’m not trying to insult or belittle anyone and I think it’s great to look your best for Mass. I’m an at home dad homeschooling my children and somdays I never get out of my PJ’s. I have a pair of jeans that are just for wearing to church. That’s my Sunday best! Sometimes I wear my best shorts. That’s my Sunday best!

I bought a suit for a cruise two years ago and wore it twice on the cruise. I hated it. My wife hated it. I can not imagine going to Mass wearing it (please note I keep calling it “it”).

I think people would get so tired of my squirming they’d start a new thread on people who squirm at Mass.

I say come one come all. The Holy Spirit will teach the masses as he sees fit. I’d rather see more bodies in the pews than out on the streets.

So what if you can tell what color thier briefs are. Close your eyes and Pray (Pray for your enemies and Love those who presecute you).

dream wanderer:
I still don’t understand why people think they must wear shorts to church in hot weather? Are their churches not air-conditioned? :confused: :confused: :confused: I walk a short distance from my air conditioned car to the air conditioned church in mid July and never felt the ‘need’ to wear shorts to chuch. I live in the south as well.

I’m not saying you are wrong for doing so…I’m just confused at why people feel the need to do so.

dream wanderer
LOL - I shake my head at that attire, then i close my eyes and pray. Fr T. cranks the a/c so cold that a person is crazy to wear anything revealing for fear of frostbite. Yet, many STILL do… :banghead:
H(name removed by moderator)of3:
LOL - I shake my head at that attire, then i close my eyes and pray. Fr T. cranks the a/c so cold that a person is crazy to wear anything revealing for fear of frostbite. Yet, many STILL do… :banghead:
I sympathize with Fr T. It must be hot up there in all those vestments. No one else should complain of the heat.
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