Can I be a little more sarcastic on this thread? This is really my true nature but I wouldn’t dream of being sarcastic in the other thread we’ve been dealing with!
That works for me, and I hope you don’t mind me being a little more forward as well. Now that you mention it, it is thoughtful of you to keep it here rather than there.
Once again, the Church is never has circular arguments. There are no catch-22s. Just because you believe there are circular arguments doesn’t mean that it is so. If there were circular arguments, the Church wouldn’t be THE CHURCH. The Church is linear and vertical. Sometimes when you don’t get something you might just want to come to it as a child, per se.
Somebody else from our other conversation pointed this out to me and I’ve got to say that it’s true. To quote this person “…so many Catholics think THEY are going to be the first and only person in 2000 years of tradition to “outsmart” the Holy Mother Church.” Although I’d probably use “outthink” I believe the idea behind this is very true.
The Church may be much older than me, but as I said in another reply, the pope may be an expert at faith and morals but I am an expert at mathematics and logic. If she wants to debate me on the logic of this issue, then I am willing to take her on anytime, anywhere. So far she has not put up anything that constitutes a realistic logical defense of her position. If she is right, I long to be soundly whipped by her both so that I may be humbled, and so that I may be rid of this troubling spirit of doubt that the Church’s voluminous justifications of her teachings on sex and fertility has nurtured in my mind.
I am not impressed by the argument that the Church is older, more trained in morals and/or traditions, or that the argument is many against one. After all, if everyone else were jumping of a cliff… I am no stranger to being the first one in a very large group to get and articulate a correct answer. What impresses me is an argument that actually supports the conclusions.
You are not grasping the division of the marital act. You think it the same as the barrier methods of ABC. People have given you articles and explained away but to no avail. Fine. The fact is that it is infallible, the Church has decided and taught and you are to accept it. This should be a good enough explanation but somehow I’m sure it won’t be.
You’re absolutely right. It won’t be.
You know, if the Church simply told us what was right and wrong and that it was infallible, then I would have a simple decision: accept it or reject it. Since she has chosen to use libraries full of information to justify her position with logic, she has taken the argument into my territory and so far she isn’t advancing very far.
Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe!
I hear that! If it were only that simple! I’ve actually envied people who didn’t see the complexities in life that I do. There have been times my mind was so uncontrollably active that I wished I were dead so that I could quit thinking. Luckily that phase of my life is over, with much thanks for some great spiritual direction and centering prayer.
You can call me “doubting Thomas,” but look at how Jesus responded to Thomas’s doubts. He offered him the exact evidence that Thomas wanted. In all the volumes of materials you folks have so generously offered so far, I have yet to piece together a coherent story that connects the Church mandates to her ostensible reasons therefore and believe me, I’m really trying. I hate open-endedness and crave resolution, I’m starting to fear that may not happen in my lifetime. If only I were Thomas, then I could believe.:yup:
I was a bit disappointed in your post. At first I thought I was going to see sarcasm, but then you were nice throughout. What’s up with that?