Well think about it Paul.Having trouble finding any “claim” in what you said.
Right now . . . You don’t want them attending Mass “because they might not know”.
The context is the guy next to you potentially having corona virus. Right?
Well HOW can we “know” five or ten years from now too?
Well the guy could run around with a colored Government-issued arm band signifying he is OK. He has had the corona vaccine. A proverbial “Vaccination Certificate”!
That’ll do it! Right? Wrong. Why? . . .
Because what then?
We know vaccines are not 100%.
Far from it.
And even if the guy has immunity from his vaccine . . .
And we ALSO KNOW, vaccines don’t necessarily protect the innoculated from being an asymptomatic CARRIER.
Now what?
You are right back to . . .
. . . about the healthy feeling and healthy looking guy next to you at Mass . . . Ten YEARS FROM NOW.“because they might not know”.
You have the same problem.
And I am saying this “because they might not know” paradigm is, IN PRINCIPLE, a formula to PREMANENTLY do away with Mass.
Nothing in principle, could possibly change ten years from now.
The only thing is the chances will lessen (but not go away).
So if mere chances are what is acceptable to you then,
how can you in principle,
criticize someone today
who has that same risk-willingness now,
only with a different degree of chance?
So with your paradigm,
it always comes down to someone making a decision FOR YOU, about risk acceptance.
It is just someone else deciding for you.
Because “risk” never goes away.
(We had “risk” last year too. With influenza.)
Your paradigm is essentially a cry out for more Government
to make your risk-acceptance decisions for you.
Cookie-cutter “Central Planning” Government-ran risk acceptance.
But nothing in principle changes though.
You just have Government nannying you with your paradigm, instead of making your own decisions on risk-acceptance.
Your “because they might not know” paradigm, is
a template for PERMANENT shutdown of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
At least if you follow your own principles.
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