And it’s just fact that the USA pays a greater percentage of GDP towards healthcare than any other developed nation in the world. We pay more per person. We have worse infant mortality rates and life expectancy rates. We have a large number of uninsured. And the majority of available plans are all managed care plans with high deductible and out of pocket costs (not counting premiums) when citizens of other countries have no out of pocket costs.
Americans tend to live very unhealthy lives.
We eat way too much, and much of what we eat is sugar and fat (not the good fats, but the transfats).
Our obesity rate is around 50% in adults. I’ve also read that 2/3 of all adult Americans are obese. Some of the figures claim that 1/2 or 2/3 of all adult Americans are overweight but not clinically obese. And some studies claim that 1/2/ or 2/3 of all Americans’ are morbidly obese.
It’s hard to get accurate figures on the obesity rate. But look around. Drive by a high school at closing time and you will be shocked to see the number of students who are literally really really fat, not just “chubby” or “big-boned!” And I’m not talking about the football players who are solid muscle! Many of the girls obviously weigh well over 200 pounds, and many of the boys are walking spraddle-legged to be able to manage their hanging bellies.
Many of those kid will be dead by the time they are 30. Dead of complications of Type II Diabetes, which many Americans do NOT take seriously! They figure, “Well, I have too much sugar in my blood. I’ll cut back to two cookies instead of four.” Sigh.
And equally unhealthy are the Americans who are sleep-deprived. This is almost as deadly as being obese!
And how about the number of Americans who are addicted to something, usually alcohol or over-the-counter drugs, but also many opioid addicts. Most of these addictions started out innocently enough, but because of various factors, users became addicted.
And a large percentage of Americans are clinically depressed. Not just “kinda blue,” but depressed and in need of cognitive and medical treatment. High risk of suicide here.
And then there are the numbers of people who are living with chronic stress. Losing a job, divorce, kids, illness, crime, traffic, too much online, loneliness–etc. Chronic stress is a killer.
We are a very unhealthy nation. When I compare our lifestyles to the Italians, or the Africans (living in peaceful African nations), or the Scandinavians–we are in terrible shape here!
So if we could just get our wellness act together, we would probably use a lot less healthcare! But we aren’t likely to stop living large–that’s the American Way, and as long as you stay healthy, it’s fun! But when it goes bad, life in Denmark or Canada or France looks pretty good.