There is some appointment where you wait for a year, such as to controlled your eyes/vision. But they are due to a lack of physicians not state health care!
If the physicians could set rates, perhaps more people would choose to become physicians and people would be able to see an eye doctor in less than a year?
That is not how things worked in France.
The situation is due to th presence of a
numerus clausus. There is a lot of students in medical faculty the first year. They try to pass this first common year to study to become a physician, a pharmacist, a dentist or a midwife. But the vast majority of them would not pass in second year because of lack of level and because the govenement limit strictly the numbers of students in medical field for decades now without any adequation with the current lack of doctor in the country.
For eg, in my region the middle age of a family doctor is more than 60 years old! My doctor retire this month and haven’t found a substitute (like many of them). And in hospital the majority of physicians are foreigners. it is around 70% in my hospital.
The State pay for the studies of doctors, and after they more or less directly pay them fo eg if they become employed by an hospital, or indirectly if they become liberal practice doctors. Because the consultation is paid by the Securité Sociale (the State). The prices are decided by the governement.
In this situation, we can understand that the question of prices is off topic.
But we should not be worried for them financially. Physicians such as surgeon who exerced a liberal practice inside a public hospital (complicated system) can decide to charge patient to much more than what is covered by the Securité Sociale. They make a lot of money on the back of patients. And liberal physicians make a lot of money too. But they work too much, and the lack of physicians make the situation very very hard for them.
But medical students and foreign doctors are clearly exploited by the hospitals…
NOTE: there is a situation where physicians can decided their prices. If they break convention with the Secuité Sociale. In this case they are completely liberal, and charge patients who can afford them with very high prices. One Ophtalmologist choose this solution in my region. Also it is very expensive some people go to see him because the delay to have an appointment are very short compared to others, or because they don’t find someone else…
BUT you can understand from my post that it would never been one more physcian. only one physician left for the normal practice because of the numerus clausus…