If the Church wanted to, it could re-interpret scripture and reverse doctrine on homosexuality which, frankly, is at the root of homophobia in the Western world.
(I’m not looking to cause offence and this isn’t intended to be blasphemous. I’m just trying to resolve centuries of heartache, anguish and suffering by gays. My heart is in the right place.)
Mark 7
15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.
Ridiculous? Read Mark 7 in the context of Leviticus 18. Think of Jesus in Mark as Moses in Leviticus. Think of Leviticus 18 as laws to prevent deformed children.
Therefore, a man who lies with men, procreating with a woman causes abomination - a valid translation. Gays don’t procreate naturally, yet many have over the centuries. Gays have higher cancer rates and die younger. It’s not their life-style. It is genetic. We are the genetic garbage carriers. Ironically, gays are designed to perpetuate the species.
Why do you think cancer rates in the human population are now 1 in 2, when in the animal kingdom they are far lower? Gay animals don’t procreate. Gay humans do. Gay sex isn’t the sin. Gays procreating is.
It just takes a little imagination and research.
It is actually in the interests of the perpetuity of the human species for the Church to reverse its stance on homosexuality. The more gays procreate, the more genetic diseases there will be down the bloodline and early deaths. “They shall surely die. Their blood will be upon them”. Lev. 20.13.
Research into the consequences of gay procreation is currently impossible because homosexuality was only decriminalised in the 1960s. There are no records. Anyway, scientifically labelling gays as genetic garbage carriers would be considered discriminatory. We have to trust in the Creator’s Laws in scripture. Therefore, the Church needs to take the lead.
Traditional Christian doctrine persists in the secular world, almost concentrated, but no longer with guidance from the Church. While the Church preaches respect for the person that is the homosexual, vast swathes of non-Church-goers don’t hear that. They remain in the middle ages and see abusing gays verbally and physically as morally justified; it is what their parents did and their parents before, who would have been Church taught that homosexuals are possessed and agents of the devil.
Even now, the word “Faggot” is used. A faggot is a bundle of firewood used for fuel. In other words, “faggot” means that they should burn at the stake or burn in hell. The word faggot is Christian in origin but is widely used by secular society, oblivious of contemporary Church teaching.
Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and others are equally responsible. The Church, being the largest religion, should lead the way.