Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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These experts agreed that gun control worked VERY well:

Hitler, Castro, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot and Kim Jong-il

That rhetoric is old and pointless. Look at gun control in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom and try saying that it doesn’t work
In which case more laws are useless.
I’m not American so I cannot relate to their obsession with guns and the 2nd Amendment which was probably designed for weapons which took a while to reload and were not automatic or semi-automatic. I think those who worded the original document had no idea of the kind of ‘arms’ that would be invented.

If I was American I think I would support a complete ban on guns. Amnesty for criminals with guns.

I don’t think new gun control laws will go far enough and the current laws are obviously not working.

I have no hesitation in stating that in the next year we will have another gun massacre in America. I have no doubt about it.

That’s just my view as an outsider observing America.

You are all in my prayers. :gopray:
EmperorNapoleon: Driving is regulated and the rules enforced far more than gun ownership.
LOL. Buying a car is not regulated at all. No purchase is more regulated than a gun purchase.

EmperorNapoleon: You can be pulled over and questioned for just looking suspicious.
You can be stopped and questioned if you are carrying a gun.

EmperorNapoleon: Nothing happens if you buy your own personal arsenal.
True. And nothing happens if you buy 44 cars.

EmperorNapoleon: It would be a lot more difficult to stab 18 children to death with a pencil before someone stopped you.
Yes it would be much easier just to run 18 kids over at the bus top with your $200 hooptie.
I don’t know if EmperorNopoleon has ever been hit, or just missed getting hit, by a driver who is ‘malti-tasking’ or can not see or hear while driving. (I have) 😃 🤷
I am not surprised that the air will be redolent with emotional reactions and easy solutions. This is not bad. We must discuss ways in which such tragedy can be eliminated. Personally, I can not see any solution. Gun control is definitely not a solution. We already have gun control. Anything more is going to require a Constitutional Amendment to remove the right to bear arms. Metal detectors? That idea is fraught with holes. I think there is not solution. This does not mean that someone might come up with something I do not see.

Let me change that. I do see one correctable issue here, that is to address the root problem. We here in this country have slashed funding for the mentally ill. In my own state we are a pitiable 49th out of 50 states in per capita spending on the mentally ill. We warehouse them in prisons and jails, then turn them out again. This is one thing that we can definitely improve on.
A small community suffers such a major loss and everyone rushes to debate gun control? Priorities…
You have a point, but I think people can reasonably anticipate that this will lead to massive media and political calls for more gun control. It always does when something like this happens, and people are reasonably wary about it.

After all, who, ten years ago, would have ever imagined that the HHS mandate would be imposed on Catholic institutions? Five years ago, some predicted it, but were largely ignored. Now we have it.

Who would have supposed, six years ago, that you couldn’t build a coal-fired electrical generation plant in the U.S.? Five years ago, some warned of it, but were largely ignored. Now we have it.

Who would have imagined, even three years ago, that every Democrat senator and some Repubs would have voted to supersede the Constitution with a UN treaty to control parental decisions about disabled children? But they did. It almost became the law of the land. Missed only by what? Five votes?

This is a time of unpleasant surprises, surprises that people thought the Constitution protected them from, and people are not rightly to be criticized for being very concerned about their rights when events like this happen, precisely because it will be heavily politicized and there will definitely be another run at it, perhaps by approval of a UN treaty superseding the Second Amendment.
We’ll be having the same debate next year when more innocent lives are taken.

Sadly, these gun massacres in the U.S. happen so frequently, you can count on it.
You have a point, but I think people can reasonably anticipate that this will lead to massive media and political calls for more gun control. It always does when something like this happens, and people are reasonably wary about it.

After all, who, ten years ago, would have ever imagined that the HHS mandate would be imposed on Catholic institutions? Five years ago, some predicted it, but were largely ignored. Now we have it.

Who would have supposed, six years ago, that you couldn’t build a coal-fired electrical generation plant in the U.S.? Five years ago, some warned of it, but were largely ignored. Now we have it.

Who would have imagined, even three years ago, that every Democrat senator and some Repubs would have voted to supersede the Constitution with a UN treaty to control parental decisions about disabled children? But they did. It almost became the law of the land. Missed only by what? Five votes?

This is a time of unpleasant surprises, surprises that people thought the Constitution protected them from, and people are not rightly to be criticized for being very concerned about their rights when events like this happen, precisely because it will be heavily politicized and there will definitely be another run at it, perhaps by approval of a UN treaty superseding the Second Amendment.
People haven’t had funerals yet, and others fight for gun rights…Priorities…
These experts agreed that gun control worked VERY well:

Hitler, Castro, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot and Kim Jong-il

With the current administration and the fact that people like Valerie Jarret have called the likes of Mao great, I’d be alarmed.
We’ll be having the same debate next year when more innocent lives are taken.

Sadly, these gun massacres in the U.S. happen so frequently, you can count on it.
Didn’t happen until they started taking God out of a schools, we know that!
In year’s past, some of the Catholic Church’s Clerical Hierarchy sweep child molesters under the rug, and Media goes on the warpath, and U.S. Congressmen, State Legislatures and State Attorneys General complain about the Catholic Church.

In year’s past, some mentally ill persons purchase semi-automatic guns and shoot to death Elementary, Middle School, High School and College children and students, teachers, and professors, as well as citizens at Shopping Malls and Movie Theaters and Media says little, and the U.S. Congress, State Legislatures, and State Attorneys General, on the whole, do nothing.🤷

How long will the Slaughter of the Innocents continue because of a bunch of cowardly, lazy, greedy lawmakers who accept donations from the Gun Lobby in order to get reelected? :hey_bud:
Who scream the loudest about guns but say nothing about the 30,000 + are killed on the streets by cars? Maybe the killing by cars will continue until a ‘bunch of cowardly, lazy, greedy lawmakers’ stop getting money and donations from the ‘Car Lobby’ :confused:🤷😃
A small community suffers such a major loss and everyone rushes to debate gun control? Priorities…
Sadly, with every disaster or tragedy we frantically go into the:
Govt Must Do Something… Anything To Fix This mentality


Australia took a different path after the Port Arthur massacre and it appears to be succeeding.

Below is an extract from an essay by a former Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard who enacted these new laws.

**"The Second Amendment, crafted in the immediate post-revolutionary years, is more than 200 years old and was designed to protect the right of local communities to raise and maintain militia for use against external threats (including the newly formed national government!). It bears no relationship at all to the circumstances of everyday life in America today. Yet there is a near religious fervour about protecting the right of Americans to have their guns - and plenty of them.

In this respect it is worth noting that the local police claim that James Holmes, the man now formally charged over the Aurora shootings, had in his possession an AR15 assault rifle (similar to one used by Martin Bryant at Port Arthur), a shotgun and two Glock handguns and 6000 rounds of ammunition. All had been legally obtained.

Research published in 2010 in the American Journal of Law and Economics found that firearm homicides, in Australia, dropped 59 per cent between 1995 and 2006. There was no offsetting increase in non-firearm-related murders. Researchers at Harvard University in 2011 revealed that in the 18 years prior to the 1996 Australian laws, there were 13 gun massacres (four or more fatalities) in Australia, resulting in 102 deaths. There have been none in that category since the Port Arthur laws.

A key component of the 1996 measure, which banned the sale, importation and possession of all automatic and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, was a national buy-back scheme involving the compulsory forfeiture of newly illegal weapons. Between 1996 and 1998 more than 700,000 guns were removed and destroyed. This was one-fifth of Australia’s estimated stock of firearms. The equivalent in the US would have been 40 million guns. Australia’s action remains one of the largest destructions of civilian firearms.

Australia is a safer country as a result of what was done in 1996. It will be the continuing responsibility of current and future federal and state governments to ensure the effectiveness of those anti-gun laws is never weakened.

The US is a country for which I have much affection. There are many American traits which we Australians could well emulate to our great benefit. But when it comes to guns we have been right to take a radically different path."**
**BTW… anyone here like to offer an opinion as to why so many of these killers choose “GUN FREE” zones such as Schools or Churches… and not Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores?

A small community suffers such a major loss and everyone rushes to debate gun control? Priorities…
Thank you for bringing a small gleam of light into this thread.
This is unfortunately what we have become…sit back and look.

Here with Christmas only ten days away, we worry about getting to the mall in time to buy the latest gadgets we just HAVE to have…we can sit on a computer and argue with people we don’t know about something we can do nothing about…
What kind of a Christmas do you suppose the parents of those little kids will be having this year…presents already bought for thier precious children who will never breathe another breath? How do you suppose every Christmas from now on will be for them? What about the kids who survived? What kind of Christmas will they be having? Maybe instead of arguing on a forum we should be thinking about that?
What kind of society -]are we becoming/-] HAVE we become? I don’t know this country anymore. I feel like I’ve been beemed to an alien world sometimes…
Maybe the money spent on those new “gadgets” would be better spent giving what you can to those families. Maybe the time spent on this internet arguing could be better spent on our knees with our Rosaries.
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