Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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It just never ceases to amaze that a large portion of our society thinks its a good idea to give deadly weapons to people who have no proven ability or intent to use them lawfully. 🤷
It just never ceases to amaze me that certain people think gun laws are going to stop someone who is intent on breaking the law. Five gallons of gasoline and he probably could have killed everyone in that school.
The crooks and the crazies are going to fix it so that there is a massive public backlash against private ownership of firearms. Then, after the government takes the guns away from the law-abiding citizens, the crooks and the crazies will be the only ones left with guns, and they will rule the streets.
It just never ceases to amaze me that certain people think gun laws are going to stop someone who is intent on breaking the law. Five gallons of gasoline and he probably could have killed everyone in that school.
In the Oklahoma City massacre fertilizer was used, but they weren’t saying we should ban fertilizer.
It just never ceases to amaze that a large portion of our society thinks its a good idea to give deadly weapons to people who have no proven ability or intent to use them lawfully. 🤷
Yes some of the watery, irrelevant arguments used regarding cars and pens and hands used for killing are strange. As well as the Constitution protecting their rights absolutely. :eek:

Automatic weapons provide anonymity, you can kill multiple victims, from a safe distance, with the ability to reload in seconds and you can easily move onto the next victim with very little energy spent, unlike the above. Guns make it easier to kill others and yourself. 🤷

The right to bear arms is not absolute, it comes with responsibility and limits in much the same way as the right to free speech. It ends when it infringes on another persons right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Besides which cars, pens and hands have other usages apart from being used a a weapon in killing people. A gun can be used to threaten to kill or kill.

Obviously, there is a problem with criminals having access to guns, which is why so many people feel they, too, need a gun for self-defense. But this is a vicious cycle: FBI Crime Reports sources indicate that there are about 340,000 reported firearms thefts every year. Those guns, the overwhelming amount of which were originally manufactured and purchased legally, are now in the hands of criminals, people with a point to prove, people who want revenge or mentally unbalanced people.
EmperorNapoleon: Through accidents, many caused by weather conditions. People don’t go out and buy cars for the sole purpose of barreling over 18 kids or to drive into a movie theatre and run over a dozen people.

No they DUI and wipe out a family, or just decide to do it with the one they already own, or steal one and do it in a police chase, etc.

EmperorNapoleon: You are exponentially more likely to get blown away by a psycho with a gun than intentionally mowed down by a motorist.

Better check those stats again. lol

Last week during a parish mission Father Wade Menezes stated that when there is a proliferation of sin evil surfaces. This is an issue of spirits and principalities. Pick up your rosary. We must turn back to God.
Last week during a parish mission Father Wade Menezes stated that when there is a proliferation of sin evil surfaces. This is an issue of spirits and principalities. Pick up your rosary. We must turn back to God.
Father Menezes is right and speaking about the real reason for what’s going wrong in our world.

EmperorNapoleon: We shouldn’t enable criminals by giving them guns on demand in the first place.

Can you tell us the name of a couple people (or companies) **that give guns to criminals on demand? **

(Other than Barrack Obama and Eric Holder of course)

You made the statement - - now back it up.

Names please?
EmperorNapoleon: We shouldn’t enable criminals by giving them guns on demand in the first place.

Can you tell us the name of a couple people (or companies) **that give guns to criminals on demand? **

(Other than Barrack Obama and Eric Holder of course)

You made the statement - - now back it up.

Names please?
EmperorNapoleon: We shouldn’t enable criminals by giving them guns on demand in the first place.

Can you tell us the name of a couple people (or companies) **that give guns to criminals on demand? **

(Other than Barrack Obama and Eric Holder of course)

You made the statement - - now back it up.

Names please?
I think what EmperorNapoleon means is that it is too easy for criminals to get guns. They simply steal them off people who have legally purchased guns. That is the ‘on demand’ he is referring to. It would be difficult for someone with a criminal record to legally purchase a gun so he doesn’t bother with that, he simply steals a gun off someone who has legally purchased a gun.
Inserted Survey: Should the US Enact Stricter Gun Control?
Robert, with all due respect, worded that way pushes a yes answer, ie, my stricter differs from your stricter.

It might be better worded as:

Would stricter gun control laws result in fewer events like today’s?
These murders are the price we pay for living in a free society but we seem to be on a path to a cure. Many bad things are said which are protected by the 1st amendment. Many bad theings are hiddden because of the protection of the 4th and bad crimes are unsolved or the perpetrator freed because of the 5th. The left does not like the 2nd amendment and they seem to be in charge now. Here it comes friends.
you have to be intellectually consistent. this just shows me that conservatives and libertarians dont know what they want and they dont know what best for society…
As a group, conservatives and libertarians are not any more intellectually inconsistent then any other group, Do you know what is best for all of society? (most not ask such queitions . . . 'couse I am just a dumb mick. . .)🤷:D:p
Last week during a parish mission Father Wade Menezes stated that when there is a proliferation of sin evil surfaces. This is an issue of spirits and principalities. Pick up your rosary. We must turn back to God.
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