Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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I wonder when the larger majority in the country, and world actually, will finally realize that the only answer to our problems is God/Jesus.

Unless we have changed and converted hearts (leading to a changed and converted culture), we have no means to stop or even slow the evil.

Yet, from the fighting going on in this thread, it is obvious that we are not remotely close to the day when we turn to God.

THE ANSWER IS JESUS. There is no other solution. People are so filled with the desire to fight for their own wordly agendas, that they cannot allow themselves to see truth.

Be careful to obey all my commands, so that all will go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and pleasing to the LORD your God.​
From first hand, look at these shooters in these recent massacres, early/mid 20s, Loughner, guy in Denver, guy in Oregon only earlier this week, this fellow in Connecticut. And I’ve said I’ve hated hearing about what is common in some cities, teens or again, 20s age shooting each other. Even this KC Chief NFL player.

But after that, I’m not sure if we have as much of a problem agewise.
The fact that the brother of the shooter was at first identified as the shooter by the MSM is just despicable. This poor man just lost both parents and his disturbed brother. The media should be ashamed of themselves.
And I’ve heard it both ways per the parents and I’ve heard that no one was found dead in New Jersey so we don’t have clear facts yet even on some of these other details.

The Mother is dead. Not so sure about the Father.
Amen, brother.

As little as 2 generations ago, in times of much greater poverty, my grandparents used to sleep at night with both doors open for “air conditioning”. We got here from there; we can certainly get there from here.
The grand experiment to secularize the west is proved to be an utter failure. The only answer is God, period.
EmperorNapoleon: Driving is regulated and the rules enforced far more than gun ownership.
LOL. Buying a car is not regulated at all. No purchase is more regulated than a gun purchase.

EmperorNapoleon: You can be pulled over and questioned for just looking suspicious.
You can be stopped and questioned if you are carrying a gun.

EmperorNapoleon: Nothing happens if you buy your own personal arsenal.
True. And nothing happens if you buy 44 cars.

EmperorNapoleon: It would be a lot more difficult to stab 18 children to death with a pencil before someone stopped you.
Yes it would be much easier just to run 18 kids over at the bus top with your $200 hooptie.
From first hand, look at these shooters in these recent massacres, early/mid 20s, Loughner, guy in Denver, guy in Oregon only earlier this week, this fellow in Connecticut. And I’ve said I’ve hated hearing about what is common in some cities, teens or again, 20s age shooting each other. Even this KC Chief NFL player.

But after that, I’m not sure if we have as much of a problem agewise.
They are not shooters…they are monsters, they are murderers, they are killers. We need to reclaim moral language.
It just never ceases to amaze that a large portion of our society thinks its a good idea to give deadly weapons to people who have no proven ability or intent to use them lawfully. 🤷
That is not what people here are saying. Nobody wants criminals to have guns.
It just never ceases to amaze that a large portion of our society thinks its a good idea to give deadly weapons to people who have no proven ability or intent to use them lawfully. 🤷
Cain murdered Abel. He did not have a gun.
I submit that if he knew that even some teachers carried guns in that school… he would have never went there.

Or if he did go to that school… he would NOT have been able to walk uncontested from room to room, killing children at will.

BTW… anyone here like to offer an opinion as to why so many of these killers choose “GUN FREE” zones such as Schools or Churches… and not Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores?

👍 Bingo!
A one stop-light town in CT. Still think there’s not a deeper rooted issue than the guns?
The grand experiment to secularize the west is proved to be an utter failure. The only answer is God, period.
Exactly. This stuff never happened just 2 generations back, when everyone was armed.
I feel that a change is coming (because it has to). I just wonder how our Lord will carry it out.
In year’s past, some of the Catholic Church’s Clerical Hierarchy sweep child molesters under the rug, and Media goes on the warpath, and U.S. Congressmen, State Legislatures and State Attorneys General complain about the Catholic Church.

In year’s past, some mentally ill persons purchase semi-automatic guns and shoot to death Elementary, Middle School, High School and College children and students, teachers, and professors, as well as citizens at Shopping Malls and Movie Theaters and Media says little, and the U.S. Congress, State Legislatures, and State Attorneys General, on the whole, do nothing.🤷

How long will the Slaughter of the Innocents continue because of a bunch of cowardly, lazy, greedy lawmakers who accept donations from the Gun Lobby in order to get reelected? :hey_bud:
BTW… anyone here like to offer an opinion as to why so many of these killers choose “GUN FREE” zones such as Schools or Churches… and not Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores?

An absolutely brilliant point.👍
Exactly. This stuff never happened just 2 generations back, when everyone was armed.
I feel that a change is coming (because it has to). I just wonder how our Lord will carry it out.
I said earlier that I believe a storm is on the horizon, and these horrible events are just the first rumblings.
I said earlier that I believe a storm is on the horizon, and these horrible events are just the first rumblings.
Man, I really don’t want it to have to get worse before it gets better. I want to live in “small town” America again. Even if it means ditching the iPhone, etc.
Man, I really don’t want it to have to get worse before it gets better. I want to live in “small town” America again. Even if it means ditching the iPhone, etc.
People refuse to wake-up. We really are near the bottom of the slippery slope, and millions still think there is no such thing.

Sam sex marriage
Living Together
Single parent homes
Loss of faith
Low church attendance
Attacks on Christian traditions, from Nativities to crosses to prayers to Christmas trees.

We are an absolute fallen mess. The Light of Christ is the only thing that can fix this mess. I hope it does not get worse, yet I do not see many people turning to God for the solution, instead they turn to themselves.

There is a reason our Bishops are calling for confession, fasting, and increased prayer…they too can see that we have walk away from God.
Man, I really don’t want it to have to get worse before it gets better. I want to live in “small town” America again. Even if it means ditching the iPhone, etc.
The little town where this happened is “small town America.”

There’s nowhere to hide.
Exactly. This stuff never happened just 2 generations back, when everyone was armed.
I feel that a change is coming (because it has to). I just wonder how our Lord will carry it out.
The American government is two-faced. Obama doesn’t shed any tears for babies murdered by abortion, not even when a baby is killed at 9 months or born alive after an abortion attempt. But when this happens he sheds a tear and talks about what these children could have grown up to be? 🤷
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