Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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These murders are the price we pay for living in a free society but we seem to be on a path to a cure. Many bad things are said which are protected by the 1st amendment. Many bad theings are hiddden because of the protection of the 4th and bad crimes are unsolved or the perpetrator freed because of the 5th. The left does not like the 2nd amendment and they seem to be in charge now. Here it comes friends.
I don’t know that they will take the right to bear arms away from people. There will probably just be a lengthier and more intensive process to obtain a gun which is fair enough, something wrong if a person demands to have a gun right now or within days.

Most people on here would not have an issue with more checks and balances prior to issuing a weapon.

It still won’t resolve the issue of how criminals gain access to weapons. The majority will continue to steal these weapons from law-abiding citizens who legally purchased the weapon. And the vicious cycle continues.
Last week during a parish mission Father Wade Menezes stated that when there is a proliferation of sin evil surfaces. This is an issue of spirits and principalities. Pick up your rosary. We must turn back to God.


I don’t know that they will take the right to bear arms away from people. There will probably just be a lengthier and more intensive process to obtain a gun which is fair enough, something wrong if a person demands to have a gun right now or within days.

Most people on here would not have an issue with more checks and balances prior to issuing a weapon.

It still won’t resolve the issue of how criminals gain access to weapons. The majority will continue to steal these weapons from law-abiding citizens who legally purchased the weapon. And the vicious cycle continues.
Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gave fully automatic weapons to known murderous criminals. Why didn’t liberals condemn that?
I submit that if he knew that even some teachers carried guns in that school… he would have never went there.

Or if he did go to that school… he would NOT have been able to walk uncontested from room to room, killing children at will.

BTW… anyone here like to offer an opinion as to why so many of these killers choose “GUN FREE” zones such as Schools or Churches… and not Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores?

So that is your solution, to have teachers at elementary schools walking around carrying guns? Ridiculous.

Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gave fully automatic weapons to known murderous criminals. Why didn’t liberals condemn that?
Yeah, because that is what the intention of the program was, right? Obama haters are without shame.
Having only lived in countries that do not allow guns, I am interested in - and I’m not trying to take sides as to whether the gun laws should be tightened or not - as to how many crimes are actually stopped by armed 'potential victims, through shooting their attackers, are the many each year?. Do such cases go to court?

Do all gun owners, in the US, carry their guns with them all the time and, if so, when is it permissible, by law, to use the weapons

Having never known anyone that owned a gun, I really do not know anything about the usage of a personal weapon.
LOL, its you conservatives and libertarians who are emotional. libertarians are like a bunch of insolent children who just dont want anyone to tell them what to do. by the way i cant speak for anyone else, but im not a liberal.
but yeah im leaving too, its no use arguing, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink 🤷

i agree with realjulienne, we should pray for the families and the deceased.
I guiss I’m an insolent child because ? ? ? Is because I can/will not agree with ones that blame everyone and everybody other then the one the pulls a tricker or swings a bat or throws a rock at another person? :eek: 🤷 😃 😛
There is evidence from the statistics provided that increased numbers of guns and increased possesion of guns does not increase suicide, accidents or violent crime

Not sure the coutnries you name have lower murder rates, violent crime is worse in Britain than in America. Murder rate per capita in countries mentioned could be lower because of better mental health services, conviction rates, police intelligence and enforcement of the law
I was informed online by some people from Britain that the criteria for violent crime and the statistics related to it are different in the U.K. than in the U.S.

I think they said the British statistics includes anyone that receives a threatening phone call. You’re not getting that in the United States if in fact that is the case in the U.K.

When drug dealers threatened my mother from a debt I owed she called the police and the police in Milwaukee told her there was nothing they could do. End. I called someone I knew who called someone they knew and it was resolved like most conflicts in the United States: on the street level. They were informed they would be killed if anyone in my family was touched.

That is the American way. Period.

Also, in Milwaukee the police statistics touting a decrease in crime were putting violent assaults (stabbing etc.) into non-violent crimes. It was investigative journalism that broke this. The crime rate actually increased (rather than decreased) I think. And there is no sense in thinking Milwaukee is an isolated city in this regard given it is by U.S. standards one of the cleanest governments in the country. So, I’ll hazard a guess almost every medium to large size city in the U.S. is falsifying their statistical data on violent crime before presenting it to the FBI.
I think what EmperorNapoleon means is that it is too easy for criminals to get guns. They simply steal them off people who have legally purchased guns. That is the ‘on demand’ he is referring to. It would be difficult for someone with a criminal record to legally purchase a gun so he doesn’t bother with that, he simply steals a gun off someone who has legally purchased a gun.
In which case more laws are useless.
Schism hater: So that is your solution, to have teachers at elementary schools walking around carrying guns? Ridiculous.

Say that to one of the parents that lost a child today.

Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gave fully automatic weapons to known murderous criminals. Why didn’t liberals condemn that?
I don’t know anything about Fast and Furious so cannot comment.

Not sure that it’s only the liberals supporting gun control, there are conservatives supporting gun control as well. This issue is not that easily separated into conservatives and liberal camps.
I bet money that most of these rampage shooters are not devote anything and would consider themselves atheist.
Anders Brevik, Eric Rudolph, and probably many members of the IRA are all Christians and killers.

England is a fairly secular nation. Where’s all the mass shootings there? It rarely happens.

You mentioned earlier that entitlements and materialism are to blame. Proof for this?
that is a lie. you cant just go on assuming what the catholic church allows. if you would do a little research youll find that the church has supported gun control laws. sorry, the church isnt the mouthpiece of the republican party, its the mouthpiece of God./QU
I am not going to debate either of you on the subject of Gun Control, except that if you do not like our 2nd Amendment rights, you are free to attempt to change our Constitution or find somewhere else, that doesnt permit firearms to live-like Canada-.
Holy Mother the Church is actually mute on the subject of firearms. However, she doe permit lethal force in ones self defense and in the defense of others. Various Clergy are at odds about this, just as are many other Americans. Anti-firearms beliefs are not manditory in our church.
Just as you excoriated the pro-gunner, don’t you twist Catholic Doctrine to your own ends.
Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gave fully automatic weapons to known murderous criminals. Why didn’t liberals condemn that?
I wouldn’t call Fast and Furious necessarily Obama’s. It was an idea of someone pretty far own the food chain at ATF that went terribly wrong. I think trying to pin it on Obama is pure politics.

A small community suffers such a major loss and everyone rushes to debate gun control? Priorities…
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people! If someone wants to kill someone or many , he will find a way to do it. Did you know that I could stab someone with a pencil and kill them? Maybe we should ban pencils at schools too…
**These experts agreed that gun control worked VERY well:

Hitler, Castro, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot and Kim Jong-il


A small community suffers such a major loss and everyone rushes to debate gun control? Priorities…
Of course it makes sense that we would discuss gun control. When such a tragedy happens, there needs to be an immediate response to prevent it from happening again.
These experts agreed that gun control worked VERY well:

Hitler, Castro, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot and Kim Jong-il


Look, our Founding Fathers were the most politically gifted bunch in the history of the world. They drafted the 2nd Amendment. I am going with them.
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