I don’t know that they will take the right to bear arms away from people. There will probably just be a lengthier and more intensive process to obtain a gun which is fair enough, something wrong if a person demands to have a gun right now or within days.These murders are the price we pay for living in a free society but we seem to be on a path to a cure. Many bad things are said which are protected by the 1st amendment. Many bad theings are hiddden because of the protection of the 4th and bad crimes are unsolved or the perpetrator freed because of the 5th. The left does not like the 2nd amendment and they seem to be in charge now. Here it comes friends.
Most people on here would not have an issue with more checks and balances prior to issuing a weapon.
It still won’t resolve the issue of how criminals gain access to weapons. The majority will continue to steal these weapons from law-abiding citizens who legally purchased the weapon. And the vicious cycle continues.