Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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In this shooting, it doesn’t appear that this shooter owned any guns. So how would preventing him from buying a gun have prevented this shooting?
Please stop, you’re being confusing with all of your facts.
What amazes me is no one in the media sees the crux of the problem. The problem is not “we don’t have this law or that” but we as a society do not have a sense of right and wrong. The proposals from the Right and Left will not solve this. Conceal-carry laws or gun bans won’t protect society, because nowhere is the issue of morality addressed.

The proposals signifies to me, that our culture wishes to cling to its moral indifferent society but find a law that will offer the security of a moral society. You cannot have it both ways.

You can ban the guns or force everyone to own one, it won’t amount to a hill of beans if we allow the Culture of Satan to flourish.

So let’s drop the goofy “we need more/less guns” argument and pray for the victims and start publicly living and teaching the Faith.
In this shooting, it doesn’t appear that this shooter owned any guns. So how would preventing him from buying a gun have prevented this shooting?
A gun without an owner?

Gee, how did that happen?
A gun without an owner? Gee, how did that happen?
Apparently gun ownership is good until a member of your family decides to murder you and 18 children with it. 🤷 Apparently its not much of a deterrent.
Don’t get lost in the minutia.
I am only asking a simple question. What change in laws would have prevented THIS shooting? It’s all well and good to say “we need stricter laws”. But unless you can come up with constructive suggestions, then your argument is pointless.

So tell me what laws would have prevented this shooter from getting ahold of a gun?
Hail Mary, full of grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of they womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

May God have mercy on the souls of all the departed, especially the innocent victims.
I am only asking a simple question. What change in laws would have prevented THIS shooting? It’s all well and good to say “we need stricter laws”
I’d have to know more about the case.
But unless you can come up with constructive suggestions, then your argument is pointless.
It seems that the pro-gun crowd is always saying this whenever a massacre happens. Perhaps its time that THEY come up with constructive suggestions for why we shouldn’t prohibit free-for-all gun ownership. The answer always seems to be the same; if only someone else brought a loaded gun with them to school we could have had a shoot out at the OK Corral then everyone would wander off into the sunset safe and sound. Sorry, not good enough.
Prayers offered for the victims and their families. When I was a kid, we used to have psychopathic killer control. That seemed to work pretty well.
I’d have to know more about the case.

It seems that the pro-gun crowd is always saying this whenever a massacre happens. Perhaps its time that THEY come up with constructive suggestions for why we shouldn’t prohibit free-for-all gun ownership. The answer always seems to be the same; if only someone else brought a loaded gun with them to school we could have had a shoot out at the OK Corral then everyone would wander off into the sunset safe and sound. Sorry, not good enough.
Every mass shooting is stopped by someone with a gun. It’s too bad you want to force the victims to wait longer for that to happen.
I’d have to know more about the case.

It seems that the pro-gun crowd is always saying this whenever a massacre happens. Perhaps its time that THEY come up with constructive suggestions for why we shouldn’t prohibit free-for-all gun ownership. The answer always seems to be the same; if only someone else brought a loaded gun with them to school we could have had a shoot out at the OK Corral then everyone would wander off into the sunset safe and sound. Sorry, not good enough.
So you don’t have any actual useful ideas then. 🤷

Gun ownership is a Constitutional right in this country. Banning gun ownership is not an option.
Every mass shooting is stopped by someone with a gun. It’s too bad you want to force the victims to wait longer for that to happen.
Case-in-point. Its never that the perpetrator should never have had that weapon in the first place; its that no one else was there to start shooting people.
Gun ownership is a Constitutional right in this country. Banning gun ownership is not an option.
Of course, but the Constitution doesn’t say anything about ammunition. 😉 So, do you believe that anyone should be able to buy any guns and ammunition they like in any quantity without any kind of impediment?
I don’t have a TV, so I don’t know how the networks have treated this, but almost immediately the online print media was politicizing this tragedy. I can’t say that I am suprised but it is rather despicable considering that there are copycat psychopaths who are encouraged when these kind of events get politicized. And then you have the simple fact that so many children were involved. The media needs to exercise some respect and restraint once and a while.
What amazes me is no one in the media sees the crux of the problem. The problem is not “we don’t have this law or that” but we as a society do not have a sense of right and wrong. The proposals from the Right and Left will not solve this. Conceal-carry laws or gun bans won’t protect society, because nowhere is the issue of morality addressed.

The proposals signifies to me, that our culture wishes to cling to its moral indifferent society but find a law that will offer the security of a moral society. You cannot have it both ways.

You can ban the guns or force everyone to own one, it won’t amount to a hill of beans if we allow the Culture of Satan to flourish.

So let’s drop the goofy “we need more/less guns” argument and pray for the victims and start publicly living and teaching the Faith.
Good post.

Gun control does seem to be offering the bandaid sort of approach to a problem whereas it is society that suffers.

I am torn on this, I have driven through a neighborhood where the police cars were at a home and a teen just killed another teen. It does bother me.
I don’t have a TV, so I don’t know how the networks have treated this, but almost immediately the online print media was politicizing this tragedy…
Apparently there are quite a few without any journalistic integrity or ethical standards. In their ratings rush to be the first to get pictures of the perpetrators; they claimed they found the Facebook page of one of the shooters, aired his photos, and linked directly to his page. Too bad all their “research” consisted of was typing a name in the Facebook search box. They got the wrong kid and he’s been battling heinous posts and messages ever since. I smell a lawsuit.
It is my business because its an issue of public safety. Choosing to be ignorant of such activities is why 12 people died and 58 were injured in a Colorado movie theatre. A warranted investigation would have prevented that crime.

Again, I’m not advocating a complete prohibition on gun ownership.
Just reading through the posts and you sir appear to be the most sensible, informed and balanced poster on this issue.
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