Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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no I wouldn’t! but it doesn’t matter that people don’t buy cars and alcohol to kill, the bottom line is MORE people are killed by those two than any gun!! so if yer so hell bent on protectin our children, y r u ONLY concerned about it with gun control? Child endangerment is bad NO matter what the weapon! but u choose to infringe on my 2nd amendment, but yer fine with an individual with multiple DUI’s gettin behind the wheel whenever he wants!! and I know yer not fine with that, but yer logic for goinj after law abiding gun owners and NOT drunk drivers cause they didnt buy their alcohol to commit mass murder is just puzzlin to me 😦
Now wait a minute here. Intent does matter! The problem that I have is that society operates on the premise that everyone who wants to purchase a gun should simply be assumed be acting lawfully or have the intent and/or qualifications to use that gun lawfully. We don’t do that with airplanes, cars, booze, or any of the other ridiculous items brought up in this thread yet none of them are used for the purpose of mass murder.

There is absolutely no reason why a deadly weapon should be easier to obtain than a drivers license or should require less proof of eligibility, among unlicensed sellers, than a bottle of booze. I could be pulled over in my car just for looking suspicious but the shifty-eyed guy in a trench coat murmuring about murder can purchase a gun without so much as a raised eyebrow.
Now wait a minute here. Intent does matter! The problem that I have is that society operates on the premise that everyone who wants to purchase a gun should simply be assumed be acting lawfully or have the intent and/or qualifications to use that gun lawfully. We don’t do that with airplanes, cars, booze, or any of the other ridiculous items brought up in this thread yet none of them are used for the purpose of mass murder.

There is absolutely no reason why a deadly weapon should be easier to obtain than a drivers license or should require less proof of eligibility, among unlicensed sellers, than a bottle of booze. I could be pulled over in my car just for looking suspicious but the shifty-eyed guy in a trench coat murmuring about murder can purchase a gun without so much as a raised eyebrow.
What additional gun controls do you want, and how would they have stopped the CT shooting?

still waiting

Now wait a minute here. Intent does matter! The problem that I have is that society operates on the premise that everyone who wants to purchase a gun should simply be assumed be acting lawfully or have the intent and/or qualifications to use that gun lawfully. We don’t do that with airplanes, cars, booze, or any of the other ridiculous items brought up in this thread yet none of them are used for the purpose of mass murder.

There is absolutely no reason why a deadly weapon should be easier to obtain than a drivers license or requires less proof of eligibility, among unlicensed sellers, than a bottle of booze. I could be pulled over in my car just for looking suspicious but the shifty-eyed guy in a trench coat murmuring about murder can purchase a gun without so much as a raised eyebrow.
u need facts to back any of that up. and u have yet to answer any question directly. if u don’t have an answer, just say so please 👍

let me ask u this, how many guns are sold in America LEGALLY every year? and outta those legally sold firearms, how many were purchased with the INTENT to commit “mass murder”??

anyone at ANY age can purchase a car if they have they money??
and anyone can make that car into an extremely dangerous weapon as any available out there! so once a CRIMINAL decides to buy a 70’s model buick and makes a bomb outta car and goes into a school on a suicide mission, will yer outlook on automoblies change??
What additional gun controls that you want, and how would they have stopped the CT shooting?

And if this would help inspire EN to answer, the Brady Campaign had this to say about CT on their website

“Connecticut has strong gun laws that help combat the illegal gun market, prevent the sale of most guns without background checks and reduce risks to children”.

The state is ranked by Brady at #5 out of 50 States for “sensible” gun laws, after CA, NJ, MA and NY
Every time we have a horrible incident like this the gun control folks start their gun control statements, but none of them ever offer a workable plan to accomplish this. We have plenty of laws on the books right now, but often they are ignored. And no law is going to stop a criminal from getting a gun if he/she wants one. That is why they are called criminals.
Im not gonna argue those stats, and they may very well be correct, its really irrelevant to the tragedy of yesterday. the boy took the guns from his mother! NO background check woulda stopped it! NO gun bans on “ASSAULT RIFLES” woulda stopped it!

so PLEASE, tell me why any gun regulation would unarm anyone other than law abiding citizens?? it’s a very simple question that NO gun control advocate can answer!!
Which of those pistols were ‘hunting’ weapons? One was a Glock and the other was a Sig Sauer. The rifle they found at the scene was an AR15,

Irregardless, it’s a problem. His mother was legally armed, and it didn’t save her life when he used her own guns against her, and then went to the school.
And if this would help inspire EN to answer, the Brady Campaign had this to say about CT on their website

“Connecticut has strong gun laws that help combat the illegal gun market, prevent the sale of most guns without background checks and reduce risks to children”.

The state is ranked by Brady at #5 out of 50 States for “sensible” gun laws, after CA, NJ, MA and NY
Gun crime is up in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut

Overall gun crime has decreased even though there is increased sales of gun which prove more guns do not equal more crime
Which of those pistols were ‘hunting’ weapons? One was a Glock and the other was a Sig Sauer. The rifle they found at the scene was an AR15,

Irregardless, it’s a problem. His mother was legally armed, and it didn’t save her life when he used her own guns against her, and then went to the school.
As I mentioned before, ] the AR style is a common weapon to hunt fox and coyote with. Accurate, readily available optics,with a round that was specifically designed for that purpose.

Here is a bit more on it
Every time we have a horrible incident like this the gun control folks start their gun control statements, but none of them ever offer a workable plan to accomplish this. We have plenty of laws on the books right now, but often they are ignored. And no law is going to stop a criminal from getting a gun if he/she wants one. That is why they are called criminals.
Overturning Roe vs. Wade won’t stop all abortions. Should we give up? Prior to the election it was to protect as many as possible, when it comes to gun control it’s don’t tread on me???
Which of those pistols were ‘hunting’ weapons? One was a Glock and the other was a Sig Sauer. The rifle they found at the scene was an AR15,

Irregardless, it’s a problem. His mother was legally armed, and it didn’t save her life when he used her own guns against her, and then went to the school.
What additional gun controls do you want, and how would they have stopped the CT shooting?

Which of those pistols were ‘hunting’ weapons? One was a Glock and the other was a Sig Sauer. The rifle they found at the scene was an AR15,

Irregardless, it’s a problem. His mother was legally armed, and it didn’t save her life when he used her own guns against her, and then went to the school.
The 2nd Amendment is not ,was never, and never will be about hunting.
As I mentioned before, ] the AR style is a common weapon to hunt fox and coyote with. Accurate, readily available optics,with a round that was specifically designed for that purpose.
It also seems to be highly regarded by those who want to do mass casualties on other people, the same as the AK47 type models. 🤷
Every time we have a horrible incident like this the gun control folks start their gun control statements, but none of them ever offer a workable plan to accomplish this.
Let’s be fair here. It seems that those on the other side aren’t offering any workable solutions either. Just like with cars and alcohol, there is some responsibility that must be assumed by those using them. We’re all in this together and sometimes we have to police one another as law enforcement seems to be scarce these days.
Seems several sources are reporting the shooter was wearing body armor.
It also seems to be highly regarded by those who want to do mass casualties on other people, the same as the AK47 type models. 🤷
So, propane tanks were the explosive of choice for the Columbine shooters, should we ban those too, just because they were valued by those who wanted to inflict mass casualties?
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