Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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yer logic about “gun owners” and our children can apply to anything. but u keep dodging cause Im assumin u like alcohol, eatin, baseball games.
Like I said, none of those are things purchased for the purpose of mass murder.
and if yer against sellin firearms to ANYONE without performin a back ground check, then DON’T!!!
I don’t think the victims of the loosey-goosey gun sales in this country would be satisfied with the state simply telling vendors they’ve been naughty. The legal loophole must be closed. If even the NRA supports it, and it does, then I can’t imagine why any reasonable gun owner wouldn’t.
Like I said, none of those are things purchased for the purpose of mass murder.

I don’t think the victims of the loosey-goosey gun sales in this country would be satisfied with the state simply telling vendors they’ve been naughty. The legal loophole must be closed.
I bet most of the victims parents wish someone with a gun had put a round in the killers brain pan… so there child would be home this weekend,


If the shooter knew there were some teachers
with state training and C/C permits he would have went elsewhere…
and if not, the teachers would have at least had the opportunity top stop him early.

More people with guns.
With yet more family members who will also have access.
More people with guns.
With yet more family members who will also have access.
Of course. Its all gravy for the pro-anything goes gun crowd until a member of your family decides to murder you and 18 children or the teacher decides to blow away the class clown. Gun violence in response to gun violence leads to nothing but gun violence.
And yet those who study mass shootings say they are not becoming more common.
“There is no pattern, there is no increase,” says criminologist James Allen Fox of Boston’s Northeastern University, who has been studying the subject since the 1980s, spurred by a rash of mass shootings in post offices.
The random mass shootings that get the most media attention are the rarest, Fox says. Most people who die of bullet wounds knew the identity of their killer.
Society moves on, he says, because of our ability to distance ourselves from the horror of the day, and because people believe that these tragedies are “one of the unfortunate prices we pay for our freedoms.”
Grant Duwe, a criminologist with the Minnesota Department of Corrections who has written a history of mass murders in America, said that while mass shootings rose between the 1960s and the 1990s, they actually dropped in the 2000s. And mass killings actually reached their peak in 1929, according to his data. He estimates that there were 32 in the 1980s, 42 in the 1990s and 26 in the first decade of the century.
Chances of being killed in a mass shooting, he says, are probably no greater than being struck by lightning.
Still, he understands the public perception — and extensive media coverage — when mass shootings occur in places like malls and schools. “There is this feeling that could have been me. It makes it so much more frightening.”
Like I said, none of those are things purchased for the purpose of mass murder.

I don’t think the victims of the loosey-goosey gun sales in this country would be satisfied with the state simply telling vendors they’ve been naughty. The legal loophole must be closed. If even the NRA supports it, and it does, then I can’t imagine why any reasonable gun owner wouldn’t.
please answer how the back ground check if done 100% of the time woulda stopped yesterdays tragedy?

and be honest with yourself, yer pushin a gun control agenda and using yesterdays event to push it!!

in 2001 passenger planes killed more people, so y not regulate passenger planes? yer assumin ALL guns r bought for murder. u keep sayin cars and alcohol r NOT bought to “mass murder”!! so all gun owners are soon to be murders???
Of course. Its all gravy for the pro-anything goes gun crowd until a member of your family decides to murder you and 18 children or the teacher decides to blow away the class clown. Gun violence in response to gun violence leads to nothing but gun violence.
I feel real sorry for your family… that you won’t defend them.

And, as the ATF and City of New York pointed out, legally prohibited persons can and have bought guns at gun shows because there is no legal requirement that background checks are performed there.
It’s not quite that simple. Those selling at gun shows with a FFL MUST perform a background check. Private individuals that do not have a license do not have to perform a background check. That is also assume state law doesn’t require a background check. I agree that loophole should be closed.

As far as the rest of the discussion goes, people using this situation for promoting gun control are opportunists. The murderer did not buy guns at a gun show, and broke gun control laws already in place. Anyone that thinks stronger gun control laws would’ve changed anything is kidding themselves.
Like I said, none of those are things purchased for the purpose of mass murder.

this just keeps stickin out to me EN. Please tell me if u think all us gun owners bought our guns for murder! if not all, please give me yer percentage of law abiding gun owners u feel are mass murders!!!
So Emperor, what additional gun controls that you want, would have stopped the CT shooting?

Be specific and tell us how they would have prevented the killings.

It’s not quite that simple. Those selling at gun shows with a FFL MUST perform a background check. Private individuals that do not have a license do not have to perform a background check. That is also assume state law doesn’t require a background check. I agree that loophole should be closed.

As far as the rest of the discussion goes, people using this situation for promoting gun control are opportunists. The murderer did not buy guns at a gun show, and broke gun control laws already in place. Anyone that thinks stronger gun control laws would’ve changed anything is kidding themselves.
Their agenda wont let them admit that truth.

Of course. Its all gravy for the pro-anything goes gun crowd until a member of your family decides to murder you and 18 children or the teacher decides to blow away the class clown. Gun violence in response to gun violence leads to nothing but gun violence.
So your solution is to hope he kills himself or runs out of ammo.
It’s not quite that simple. Those selling at gun shows with a FFL MUST perform a background check. Private individuals that do not have a license do not have to perform a background check. That is also assume state law doesn’t require a background check. I agree that loophole should be closed.
Finally, some reason! 👍
As far as the rest of the discussion goes, people using this situation for promoting gun control are opportunists. The murderer did not buy guns at a gun show, and broke gun control laws already in place. Anyone that thinks stronger gun control laws would’ve changed anything is kidding themselves.
Any incidence of mass murder using guns should launch a discussion of the ease of their acquisition.
this just keeps stickin out to me EN. Please tell me if u think all us gun owners bought our guns for murder! if not all, please give me yer percentage of law abiding gun owners u feel are mass murders!!!
I never said that all gun owners purchased their guns for the purpose of murdering people. I said that, unlike guns, no one purchases the other objects you mentioned for that purpose. Would you allow anyone to operate a commercial 747 without requiring any kind of background checks or license?
Finally, some reason! 👍

Any incidence of mass murder using guns should launch a discussion of the ease of their acquisition.

I never said that all gun owners purchased their guns for the purpose of murdering people. I said that, unlike guns, no one purchases the other objects you mentioned for that purpose. Would you allow anyone to operate a commercial 747 without requiring any kind of background checks or license?
Really now…

What additional gun controls that you want, would have stopped the CT shooting?
He’s never going to respond because he knows no gun control would have stopped this and he will not let that stop his failed crusade against personal defense.
Finally, some reason! 👍

Any incidence of mass murder using guns should launch a discussion of the ease of their acquisition.

I never said that all gun owners purchased their guns for the purpose of murdering people. I said that, unlike guns, no one purchases the other objects you mentioned for that purpose. Would you allow anyone to operate a commercial 747 without requiring any kind of background checks or license?
no I wouldn’t! but it doesn’t matter that people don’t buy cars and alcohol to kill, the bottom line is MORE people are killed by those two than any gun!! so if yer so hell bent on protectin our children, y r u ONLY concerned about it with gun control? Child endangerment is bad NO matter what the weapon! but u choose to infringe on my 2nd amendment, but yer fine with an individual with multiple DUI’s gettin behind the wheel whenever he wants!! and I know yer not fine with that, but yer logic for goinj after law abiding gun owners and NOT drunk drivers cause they didnt buy their alcohol to commit mass murder is just puzzlin to me 😦
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