How can we do that when:
20% of Catholics pray once a month or less
28% of Catholic don’t believe or are uncertain there is a god
10% of Catholics don’t believe religion isn’t important
80% of Catholics believe there are multiple ways to interpret the Teachings of the Church
You can go try and save this evil culture by spreading the News…I’m going to try and focus on the Church, because I find that more important than the culture…as for the last thing. No Christian was called to prevent Israel or Rome from collapsing…they are called to follow Christ, not the culture.
The Church will shrink and shrink and shrink if we do not try to convert hearts. The Apostles, who were directly chosen and called by Christ, went into the world to convert it to Christ. They did not worry only of themselves–they worried about all the souls around them, and they started the conversion of the ancient world. Saint Patrick was called to help convert the nearly all pagan land of Ireland–he was not called to just focus on himself. We are Jesus’ arms, hands, and legs, in this world.
I never said follow the culture, I said we have to convert the culture as did Jesus, as did His Apostles, and as did hundreds of Saints through the centuries. The Church is US, it is not some unseen entity–the Church means nothing if there are no faithful. Look at Europe with gorgeous Cathedrals that have 5-6% Mass attedance…those buildings are meaningless without people there to worship and receive the Lord.
The culture needs to receive the light of Christ–period. It is our call to give the culture that light in any way we can where we are right now! If it is through prayer and fasting, so be it. If it is through speaking to one person at a time, so be it. If it is write books or blogs, so be it. If it is teach Catechism classes, so be it. If it is to minster to the poor, so be it…whatever our call is, we must begind doing it. There is not a lack of workers, there is a lack of workers saying yes to the Lord.
At least 20% of USA Catholics are faithful–that equates to about 14,000,000 Catholics who can help turn this thing around. We must do that for the sake of souls, and for the sake of kingdom.
The light of Christ is still available…it is still there…we must be the salt and the light to the world. One does not hide their lampstand, they place it on a table so all can benefit.