Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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I can under stand the age old sport of hunting,but I would never choose it in this day…
Tell me why you must buy a hand gun? Is it simply to own one because you love the idea? As in the early days of America and the settling of the west?. The Cowboys and the Indians and that memory:shrug:
Soldiers and Law enforcement ,common sense, it’s understood.
For other reasons, in my opinion guns are obscene.

Peace, Carlan
Because I am responsible for my life and the lives of my family. Also, it’s fun to shoot stuff.
I can under stand the age old sport of hunting,but I would never choose it in this day…
Tell me why you must buy a hand gun? Is it simply to own one because you love the idea? As in the early days of America and the settling of the west?. The Cowboys and the Indians and that memory:shrug:
Soldiers and Law enforcement ,common sense, it’s understood.
For other reasons, in my opinion guns are obscene.

Peace, Carlan
I think there are cities where one might really want conceal and carry to protect themselves, if one uses public transportation late at night in certain parts of a city. Seems practical. I don’t myself but I would also try to steer clear of certain situations.
Well the kid was on SSRI’s…I’m for banning guns if we can ban the SSRI’s and graphic violent FPS first.
Why do you want to ban the SSRI’s (antidepressants)? Do you think the side-effects of the medication caused his behavior since teenagers on such medications have to be monitored closely?
Monsigneur Robert Weiss is on Fox’s news talking about greivance counseling, it was a filmed story so is bound to come back on a few times. He was not on as a guest. Monsigneur Robert Weiss seems to be clergy in Newtown.
My response was not directed toward this case in particular. There may have been negligence on the part of Adam Lanza’s mother in not preventing him from having access to guns at home or not purchasing guns at all; but I don’t know and neither does the media at this stage of the investigation.
Should we not apply our theoretical “solutions” toward particular cases and fact sets in order to determine their plausibility and to make they’re not just feel good ideas that wouldn’t work or may have unintended consequences?

There’s a problem with pulling out one teaching to support a personal view and ignoring other teachings from the men of the Church. There’s a middle ground to this problem and it doesn’t necessitate assault style weapons, easily obtained by anyone. Most of these incidents are from people without records that prevent them from getting guns.
Is there any teaching from the men of the CHurch that DENIES that all Christ’s faithful have a right to defend themselves. If so, could you post it.

And assualt weapons are already illegal to almost all civilians. Assault weapons are medium calibre, selective fire weapons. As such, they are obtainable only via a Class III Federal license. Those are hardly “easily obtained”

What ARE availble are semi-automatic medium calibre firearms that are similar in styling to assault weapons. But since they lack the full auto or burst capabilty of an actual assault weapon, they are not really assault weapons.
Why do you want to ban the SSRI’s (antidepressants)? Do you think the side-effects of the medication caused his behavior since teenagers on such medications have to be monitored closely?
But I think they think the Columbine teens, this Holmes fellow, Jared Laughner, all these guys may have been using some of these medications. So I think that is a viable concern. All of these people flipped out.
You could ban guns completely and people would manage to get them illegally from Mexico or somewhere else
Are you opposed to the failed “war against drugs” policy as well since they are also obtained illegally? For the record, I am. But with regard to guns, I understand what you’re saying and am not in favor of banning guns per se, but rather making sure the existing gun laws are enforced and, in some cases, strengthened.
Realistically, do you think you can get the country to make such a compromise? The country doesn’t see a connection in the problems, and I don’t see them being negotiated as such. As I said, we show we’re pro life and willing to make compromises in this area and then hope they accept the validity of pro life in the other areas.
Every compromise must have attractive results for each side.
What I meant was, if you have armed people in a school where a guy like this knows he’s not going to have a chance using a gun, he’ll come up with something else, or take action someplace else.

This kids was bent on killing lots of people, and I doubt we can stop such a person 100% of the time.

True. “Taking action somewhere else” would have been the most likely result of him knowing teachers or others were armed.

But that’s OK… Better than a school where our most innocent are.

But I think they think the Columbine teens, this Holmes fellow, Jared Laughner, all these guys may have been using some of these medications. So I think that is a viable concern. All of these people flipped out.
I agree that this is a valid concern. However, I don’t think we know whether the medication caused the behavior or the disorder it was, unsuccessfully, treating caused it.
Is there any teaching from the men of the CHurch that DENIES that all Christ’s faithful have a right to defend themselves. If so, could you post it.

And assualt weapons are already illegal to almost all civilians. Assault weapons are medium calibre, selective fire weapons. As such, they are obtainable only via a Class III Federal license. Those are hardly “easily obtained”

What ARE availble are semi-automatic medium calibre firearms that are similar in styling to assault weapons. But since they lack the full auto or burst capabilty of an actual assault weapon, they are not really assault weapons.
The Church does say one can defend themselves, however the men of the Church call for controls on guns, particularly in America. The self defense teaching is short of supporting all gun rights as is being proposed on these forums.

The AR15 is a duplicate of the military style weapon, only it’s not fully automatic. They will fire the same bullets as the military style weapon. I have seen many hunters, while on trips, and none ever use such a weapon for hunting. Also, many people upon seeing one instantly connects the weapon to an ‘assault style weapon.’ It’s not about semantics brother.
It’s not pessimism. I will not succumb to this culture of evil and the sooner it ends the better. Fatalistic? Awful attitude? my friend. A culture that parades sin and the murder of unborn children and the desire to not wish the sinful culture to end, is an “awful attitude” my friend.

Give up? I do not seek to preserve and maintain the sick degraded culture of today…I am merely focusing on my own soul. That’s what I’m trying to do.

When this society collapses, so does the systematic slaughter of the unborn, creeping tyranny and governmental persecution of the Church. When the society collapses and the state can no longer give the bread and circuses…people will turn to God.

Do I wish famine? No
Do I wish mass chaos and death? No
Do I wish an end to this evil culture? Yes
Okay, yet you have given-up trying to change the culture for the better, as if God is powerless to help us improve the country. We are called by God, and our faith, to be the light of Christ, even when it is most diffficult to do so…to focus only on yourself means you will not share the light of Christ with the world.

It is not too late.
I think people should take some responsibility for their own safety.

Has anyone here heard of ACT Cert?

Actually, the polls just before the elections were very accurate.
The polls being presented up to and right before the election proved to be wrong. It had appearances of selective processes in choosing which poll to present, depending on the poster’s preference in candidates.
Actually, the polls just before the elections were very accurate.
When it came to forum polls, they were way off compared to the national sentiment. I would guess the same would hold true to this poll on this thread.
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