Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Health care improvements for mentally ill and criminally insane that actually work to prevent them from harming others.

Either make sure they are treated or keep them in the asylum where they can’t hurt others.
This I agree with, but TOGETHER with stricter enforcement of gun control laws.
Health care improvements for mentally ill and criminally insane that actually work to prevent them from harming others.

Either make sure they are treated or keep them in the asylum where they can’t hurt others.
But first you must identify who’s “mentally ill.” After the fact won’t do.

Also how do you determine the success of this program?
Well the kid was on SSRI’s…I’m for banning guns if we can ban the SSRI’s and graphic violent FPS first.
This I agree with, but TOGETHER with stricter enforcement of gun control laws.
But what laws went enforced?

He took the guns from his Mother sad to say…hate to say the parents, she may have had some responsibility to keep guns away from the Son. The son was well equipped it sounds like for his shooting rage.
How would you have taken away this kids ability to use a gun?

What I meant was, if you have armed people in a school where a guy like this knows he’s not going to have a chance using a gun, he’ll come up with something else, or take action someplace else.

This kids was bent on killing lots of people, and I doubt we can stop such a person 100% of the time.

Really? …What laws were not enforced in this case?

Be specific

My response was not directed toward this case in particular. There may have been negligence on the part of Adam Lanza’s mother in not preventing him from having access to guns at home or not purchasing guns at all; but I don’t know and neither does the media at this stage of the investigation.
I wouldn’t ban the guns, but I’d be watching who buys bullets for them, especially magazines.
Yeah, but the mom was “normal” so even if you were looking for who was buying bullets…it wouldn’t prevent the crazy drugged-up kid from shooting up the school.

Ban the extreme-violent FPS and SSRI’s and help prevent crazy kids from wanting to shoot up the schools in the first place.
But can’t guns be transported from other states in which they are more accessible?
It is illegal to purchase a gun in another state from anyone other than a dealer and all dealer sales involve an NICS background check with the same requirements nationwide. If your state requires a permit and the state you are buying from does not, you still must show that permit to buy it. It is illegal to buy a gun in another state that is illegal in your home state. It is illegal to buy a gun online and have it shipped to you; it must go through a dealer and involve an NICS check, as well as be legal to own in your state (the dealer may modify it for you to be legal if it is not, but cannot transfer it to you until it is).
I can under stand the age old sport of hunting,but I would never choose it in this day…
Tell me why you must buy a hand gun? Is it simply to own one because you love the idea? As in the early days of America and the settling of the west?. The Cowboys and the Indians and that memory:shrug:
Soldiers and Law enforcement ,common sense, it’s understood.
For other reasons, in my opinion guns are obscene.

Peace, Carlan
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