Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Come on now Jim… that’s not what your own link said:

WINDHAM, N.H. (WHDH) – There are unconfirmed reports that the shooter in the Newtown, Conn. school massacre entered the building wearing body armor.

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I copied the headline of the article.

I understand that it said “unconfirmed reports,” but there isn’t anything out denying the unconfirmed report.

But you posted that he was not wearing body armor, without providing a source. :rolleyes:

I don’t know enough about bullet proof body armor to know what the effect of being shot are, to comment more on the subject.

Its like being hit with a baseball bat on bare flesh. You get the impact of the round without penetration, assuming it works. Nothing is “bullet proof” armor is bullet resistant. Big difference between the two.

Yes 47 35.07%
No 78 58.21%
Don’t Know 9 6.72%

Looks like the NOs are winning!**
I agree but I think that guns are too much a part of our culture to do anything about it now.

What I don’t understand is how contraception is considered a life issue but easy access to guns (most of which are made to kill human beings) isn’t. The pro-gun attitude of this site is strange to me.
Stringent gun control laws do nothing but cut off access to guns for law abiding people. Criminals do not care about the law.

Somehow this fact seems to overlooked again and again by gun control advocates.

So when a gunman shoots down people, the average law-abiding gun owner is punished.
The forum polls don’t reflect the sentiment nationwide. Remember the presidential polls prior to the election?
Wow–what an awful attitude. Jesus does not call us to such pessimism. Think of the days when Christians lived in catacombs, thank God that they did not give-up like you are.

Do you not understand? If we can start, even with tiny steps, to turn this back to God, the Lord will be there with us.
It’s not pessimism. I will not succumb to this culture of evil and the sooner it ends the better. Fatalistic? Awful attitude? my friend. A culture that parades sin and the murder of unborn children and the desire to not wish the sinful culture to end, is an “awful attitude” my friend.

Give up? I do not seek to preserve and maintain the sick degraded culture of today…I am merely focusing on my own soul. That’s what I’m trying to do.

When this society collapses, so does the systematic slaughter of the unborn, creeping tyranny and governmental persecution of the Church. When the society collapses and the state can no longer give the bread and circuses…people will turn to God.

Do I wish famine? No
Do I wish mass chaos and death? No
Do I wish an end to this evil culture? Yes
I’m opposed to the government taking away the ability of people to defend themselves.

All we can do is make sure safe-guards are put in place to reduce incidents like this.

However, we might as well begin to accept the fact that we will not be able to stop every case where a mad-man wants to go on a killing spree.

I live in a state with the most strict gun control laws in the Union, yet the gun crime rates have not gone down. If anything, they seem like their on the rise lately.

I’m opposed to the government taking away the ability of people to defend themselves.

All we can do is make sure safe-guards are put in place to reduce incidents like this.

However, we might as well begin to accept the fact that we will not be able to stop every case where a mad-man wants to go on a killing spree.

Such as?

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