Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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What pray are you so afraid of .? Is having a gun in your possession that vital to you?just simply to have one to look and play with. To collect just to have.
Good heavens the son who killed those little ones and their teachers did so with his mother,s collection of guns.
She was a law abiding citizen .
In my opinion, and the opinion of common sense people, such weapons only belong in the possession of Soldiers and Law enforcement.
Since you talk about common sense . . . do you think that if such weapons were in the possession of only Soldier and Law enforcement, that would keep such weapons out of the hands of crazy criminals. There is no common sense in that. They’d get stolen, or purchased over the Internet, or purchased on the black market or in Mexico.
That works both ways and the evil one can do as much damage if the good is armed or not but even if it ends up to be a lottery, you can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket.
It’s not a game brother, and your plan fails if the good one takes the first hit.
Nobody should be forced to carry a firearm, but the responsible people who do want to should be able to.
Somewhere, can’t remember where (anyone) a law was passed requiring everyone over the age of 18 to carry a gun. Can’t remember in what context. Actually, maybe I was dreaming. Can’t remember if it was a nightmare or not, lol.:eek:
You seem to be arguing against any changes
Actually, if you look above, I note ( and correctly so) that any solution has to achieve the effect it is looking for.

What has been proposed that meets this criteria?
What solutions do we have against murder, robbery, rape, etc.?

The iniate right to defend oneself against those, and justice inflicted upon those who do them.
I will state that it is my belief that there is no human solution that will prevent those from ever happening, at least without the denial of free will that God granted to man.
So those who were killed did not have an intrinsic evil inflicted upon them?

Can you quote what I said that gave you that impression and we can discuss it. I don’t think that I have every claimed that the death of innocents was never anything other than an intrinsic evil. What I did claim was the the existance, or even ownership and possession of a firearm was not an intrinsic evil. Do you claim otherwise?
Back to the murder, robbery, rape, etc. Have they all ceased with our solutions?
No, and nor do I expect them to, at least on this side of the Second Coming. What I DO look for is a solution that preserves the moral good of self defense, and offers opposition to the commission of evil.
Somewhere, can’t remember where (anyone) a law was passed requiring everyone over the age of 18 to carry a gun. Can’t remember in what context. Actually, maybe I was dreaming. Can’t remember if it was a nightmare or not, lol.:eek:
Town in Georgia required every home to have a gun back in '82. Exempt were those with criminal records or religious objections.
Originally Posted by JohnVictor
If the shooter knew there were some teachers
with state training and C/C permits he would have went elsewhere…
and if not, the teachers would have at least had the opportunity top stop him early.
Originally Posted by panevino
More people with guns.
With yet more family members who will also have access.
Yep… More guns in hands of good people. less crime

Now ya got it.
I’m no mathematician but I believe your logic leads to the problem of “inappropriate people having inadvertent access to guns” which grows in a kind of exponential way.
One more owner=say 2 or 3 family/friends who have secondary access.
What pray are you so afraid of .? Is having a gun in your possession that vital to you?just simply to have one to look and play with. To collect just to have.
Good heavens the son who killed those little ones and their teachers did so with his mother,s collection of guns.
She was a law abiding citizen .
In my opinion, and the opinion of common sense people, such weapons only belong in the possession of Soldiers and Law enforcement.
I’m familiar with Law Enforcement and officers don’t enforce laws. They attempt to catch the person who already broke the law. Does an officer stop you from speeding or does he ticket you after he catches you. You are your first line of defense, any LEO will tell you that. He’s minutes or even seconds away and much can happen in minutes or seconds. You must defend yourself before waiting for law to arrive and if you can fight , do it. If you have a dog, use it. If your armed, don’t threaten…do.
How do some people get dozens of DUI’s? Maybe we should take the alcohol away, or the car and we do…and the driver gets more, and another car. So much for laws.
by all means, PLEASE for the love of anything, tell us what gun laws u think would have stopped this tragedy?
Maybe banning the sale of semi-automatic weapons to ordinary citizens? That is the one of the three guns found that is reported to have been used by Adam Lanza in the killings.
Actually, if you look above, I note ( and correctly so) that any solution has to achieve the effect it is looking for.

What has been proposed that meets this criteria?
Well, it seems it has to pass your test and then it brings your test, or criteria, into question. What makes you the ‘expert’. I’d venture that none of us are really ‘legal’ experts, but speaking from the heart as people who have influence with their politicians.
Can you quote what I said that gave you that impression and we can discuss it. I don’t think that I have every claimed that the death of innocents was never anything other than an intrinsic evil. What I did claim was the the existance, or even ownership and possession of a firearm was not an intrinsic evil. Do you claim otherwise?
So guns don’t create intrinsic evil, people do! But the people normally choose guns to inflict their intrinsic evil on people. Seems to be we’re headed for the ‘circular’ argument.
No, and nor do I expect them to, at least on this side of the Second Coming. What I DO look for is a solution that preserves the moral good of self defense, and offers opposition to the commission of evil.
And did that solution work in Connecticut? In the mall in Oregon? In the theater in Colorado? Virginia Tech, Columbine, or at the place Congresswoman Gifford was shot? There are many more that did not make the notoriety of others.
What pray are you so afraid of .? Is having a gun in your possession that vital to you?just simply to have one to look and play with. To collect just to have.
Good heavens the son who killed those little ones and their teachers did so with his mother,s collection of guns.
She was a law abiding citizen .
In my opinion, and the opinion of common sense people, such weapons only belong in the possession of Soldiers and Law enforcement.
A gun in the hand of one of the teachers would have been quite vital to them.

These threads generally don’t go anywhere and I told myself to stay away…I should have listened.
, I’m a very pro-gun person, but I dont’ see any reason what so ever for anyone to have a thirty bullet magazine
They save reload time in competition.
I support stricter gun control but I do not support abolishing the 2nd amendment altogether.
We will never help improve the culture if we refuse to compromise. All we have seen is both sides remain entrenched in their positions–nothing changes because people are too prideful to give any ground to the other side.

Most people here are Catholics. Please, ask yourself a serious question: Would Jesus wants us to craft a compromise that lessens the number of guns, while saving 300,000 babies each year?

We are called to be the light of Christ.

Do you not want to live in a world where doors are unlocked and guns for self defense are NOT required?
This is an over simplification of the problem. No one is going to relinquish their arms to be sitting ducks for criminals and/or a government out of control.
This is an over simplification of the problem. No one is going to relinquish their arms to be sitting ducks for criminals and/or a government out of control.
That statement is suspect of issues, in my opinion. Seriously brother, would you lift your gun to government authorities at your door? Also, do you realize such an action would risk the lives of anyone in the home with you?
Maybe banning the sale of semi-automatic weapons to ordinary citizens? That is the one of the three guns found that is reported to have been used by Adam Lanza in the killings.
I own a semi automatic shotgun and now consider myself an ordinary citizen. Do you want it also? If not, why? I could saw the barrel down, remove the limiting magazine plug, load it with 00 buckshot and create more carnage then someone with an assault rifle.
According to the best research on Hitler and firearms, the reverse is true: Hitler did NOT outlaw the ownership of guns by German citizens. This belief is a misconception of what actually occurred. The laws under the Nazi regime were in fact laxer than under the prior Weimar Republic. However, there were also separate regulations concerning the purchase of guns and carrying guns in public.
Considering he confiscated everything the Jews owned, I’m sure they were forced to surrender their guns too. I seriously doubt any citizen of a conquered territory would have been permitted to keep their arms.
I own a semi automatic shotgun and now consider myself an ordinary citizen. Do you want it also? If not, why? I could saw the barrel down, remove the limiting magazine plug, load it with 00 buckshot and create more carnage then someone with an assault rifle.
It was just a suggestion, written before I had read the posts talking about the weapons hunters use. I’m certainly no expert on guns. But in crowded cities such as New York, I just wonder whether citizens who are generally not licensed hunters need these military-style weapons, and so do police chiefs of most major cities.
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