Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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It won’t happen, because not all semi-auto weapons are created the same. I don’t know a single hunter that doesn’t use a semi-auto rifle or shotgun. The time it takes to reload can be the difference in killing your prey or just injuring it. (I would say they’re just poor shots, but then I don’t hunt.) I can see having restrictions on the capacity semi-auto weapons can hold. That seems reasonable.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t all handguns semi-auto? You don’t have to reload them after each shot.
Well when the Zombie Apocalypse comes you don’t want to be fumbling with the bolt trying to cycle another round into the chamber do ya, eh. (No I’m not Canadian). Not with 100 undead bearing down on ya.
But you’re leaving a paper trail. Actually we all are. Just sayin.
Yup, you are right. But they were ALL bought from reputable sporting goods stores so that trail already exists. The receipt for the vault they’re kept in is also on file. I’d be more concerned about the 80% of time that we’re on camera. Granted, if someone wants something you have bad enough, they’ll get it, but like I said, I ain’t careless…they’ll have to work awful hard to get it.
Goodness Nitesnake, where on earth do you hang out that you gotta sling a gun?
Peace to you, Carlan
Maybe a movie theater in Aurora, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or an elementary school in Conneticut
OK America. Enough of your secular ways. Enough of your sexual revolution. We’ve tried ecumenical tolerance. We’ve tried gun free school zones. We’ve tried taking the Ten Commandments out of school. We’ve removed corporal punishment from schools. We’ve tried replacing religious for lay teachers with lay opinions.

We’ve had it & we’re back with a vengeance. We’re nuns with guns! 😃
Oh ya . . . I’m sending you and any other gun packin’ Christian a friendship request:thumbsup:
Yup, you are right. But they were ALL bought from reputable sporting goods stores so that trail already exists. The receipt for the vault they’re kept in is also on file. I’d be more concerned about the 80% of time that we’re on camera. Granted, if someone wants something you have bad enough, they’ll get it, but like I said, I ain’t careless…they’ll have to work awful hard to get it.
Well you could always start smithing your own guns! I have a 12 gauge hand gun in the works. Oops . . . where is the ATF:eek:
Maybe a movie theater in Aurora, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or an elementary school in Conneticut
nitesnake . . . I really wish I had the sense of humor you and others have on this forum. The laughs I have are enough to keep me coming back!👍
No, just saying, why say weapon ? I have kitchen knives which are knives for a particular purpose, they become weapons when they are used I suppose in defense of ones life.
I get it now…

I was arrested once for carrying a friendly weapon.

Ironic coming from someone who repeatedly ignored my request to discuss the bible passage you provided as if it were in support of being ‘armed’.

Yes, I’ve seen the practical side of your solution at our local school. The school cop wasn’t fit for road duty, so he was assigned to the school. Now, what is the acceptable body count? Two cops at a school, covering how many entrances at once? Gunman comes in the far side of school, how many rounds could he get off with two automatic pistols before they reach him?
yer assuming a criminal would go in to a school with an armed cop 🤷
We require drivers of vehicles to have licenses. Gun owner’s should be held to the same standard. They should prove an ability to use a gun safely, and register all guns. Then hold them accountable if their gun is used in a crime. If we can’t trust people to control their own guns, then let our law enforcement control them and we have to check them out to use them. Or, another poster mentioned controlling ammo. That might be a solution.

What effective combating took place in this instance? Any instance where the gunman kills himself after taking the lives of others? It appears whatever we’re depending on now is not working.
u do NOT have to have a drivers license to operate or own a car!!
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t all handguns semi-auto? You don’t have to reload them after each shot.
in correct. an automatic weapon is what the military uses, squeeze the trigger ONE time and a bunch of rounds r fired! semi automatic means u have to squeeze the trigger for each round spent.
hand guns come as revolvers or semi automatic. Some revolvers are single action meanin when u squeeze trigger hammer goes back to fire weapon. other hand guns r single action were u have to literally pull hammer back before u can squeeze trigger.
Well when the Zombie Apocalypse comes you don’t want to be fumbling with the bolt trying to cycle another round into the chamber do ya, eh. (No I’m not Canadian). Not with 100 undead bearing down on ya.
Seriously? Forget the shooting them one at a time, I’ll be stocking up on granades & C4. I’m taking out a bunch of them all at once. And barracading myself in Sams Club or Walmart, where there is enough food and other supplies to wait it out. 😛
As much as I enjoy “cracking wise”, it just hit me that we’re starting to make lite of a truly tragic event. The debate on gun control should continue, it’s everyone’s right to do so but I for one have to leave the lightness behind. Sorry if I’ve offended…
He who lives by the sword…/QUOTE

It is erroneous to state that someone that owns and knows how to use a sword is living by the sword. You are assuming that is the case. How many Swiss Guard, who by your definition “live by the sword,” have died by the sword? Or Shaolin Monks?

Living By The Sword does not mean owning a weapon for the sake of one’s protection and/or the protection of others.
As much as I enjoy “cracking wise”, it just hit me that we’re starting to make lite of a truly tragic event. The debate on gun control should continue, it’s everyone’s right to do so but I for one have to leave the lightness behind. Sorry if I’ve offended…
Yes, but maybe a little levity somewhere in Adam’s life might have avoided all this.

But I agree, there isn’t much horror worse than what occurred in Connecticut so my apologies as well.

I have to catch up on some prayers so later…
Seriously? Forget the shooting them one at a time, I’ll be stocking up on granades & C4. I’m taking out a bunch of them all at once. And barracading myself in Sams Club or Walmart, where there is enough food and other supplies to wait it out. 😛
Shot me an email just before the Internet goes down and I’ll try and get there. Course I’ll bring a semi-truck full of goods. Don’t want to cut into your goods:rolleyes:

Okay every . . . seriously now. No laughing . . .
Shot me an email just before the Internet goes down and I’ll try and get there. Course I’ll bring a semi-truck full of goods. Don’t want to cut into your goods:rolleyes:
I’m not above sharing. 😃
That statement is suspect of issues, in my opinion. Seriously brother, would you lift your gun to government authorities at your door? Also, do you realize such an action would risk the lives of anyone in the home with you?
So who will do your bidding? LOL

An ultimately fatal flaw in liberal “thinking”… is understating the number of guns and gun owners in this country, and their resolve. AND assuming that our conservative men and women in the military would ever obey orders to point guns at civilians and take guns. They can’t stand liberals for the most part… and dislike Obama and his anti-military polices.

That order would be disobeyed faster than the young marines recently disobeyed orders to refuse assistance to an American ambassador.

My advice… be very careful with such foolish ideas - you would be engineering your own defeat… bigtime. LOL

*“The policy of the American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits.” --Thomas Jefferson

“For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well organized and armed militia is their best security.” --Thomas Jefferson

“That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.” --Thomas Jefferson

“The most fortunate of us, in our journey through life, frequently meet with calamities and misfortunes which may greatly afflict us; and, to fortify our minds against the attacks of these calamities and misfortunes should be one of the principal studies and endeavors of our lives. The only method of doing this is to assume a perfect resignation to the Divine will, to consider that whatever does happen, must happen; and that, by our uneasiness, we cannot prevent the blow before it does fall, but we may add to its force after it has fallen. These considerations, and others such as these, may enable us in some measure to surmount the difficulties thrown in our way; to bear up with a tolerable degree of patience under the burden of life; and to proceed with a pious and unshaken resignation, till we arrive at our journey’s end, when we may deliver up our trust into the hands of Him who gave it, and receive such reward as to him shall seem proportioned to our merit.” --Thomas Jefferson*

As a “pop” culture, we seem to lack vision and values. Without them there is hopelessness, no sense of direction and a lack of ambition and motivation. We don’t seem to “value” life. Where does this come from… mmm… I think we need to be “pro-life”. But more than that we need to understand why? Why be pro-life? It sounds simple but that’s how far we have apparently fallen. Freedom isn’t free. It requires a responsible, well formed, well informed and educated populace. Do we focus on that?

It is education, evangelization and enlightenment.

Tune In - to the Holy Spirit, Turn On - to Jesus Christ and drop out of the culture of death…
The issue is not about guns but about society and culture. Freedom is not free. It requires discipline and responsibility. We need to correct our social ills or we will lose our freedoms. I don’t want to give up any freedom. We’ve already given up too many. We need to govern ourselves. I don’t own a gun and haven’t since I was 24. If I owned guns, and I’m seriously considering it, I wouldn’t want this government to know.

What are our social ills and how do we correct them? This is not an indictment but more of an academic approach. Most of our social ills are the results of rapid technological advance faster than society could adapt and catch up and legacy social inevitabilities we wouldn’t or couldn’t address. More governmental control is not the answer unless you want to surrender your rights. There is a balance between freedom, liberty and government and social control. Voluntary social control is obvioulsly what we want. But we have to desrve it / earn it.
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