Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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I just wonder whether citizens who are generally not licensed hunters need these military-style weapons, and so do police chiefs of most major cities.
I for one, refuse become a naive victim of a gun wielding criminal. If someone attacks me they are going to get shot. It’s little to me what citizens and police chiefs think about it.
I for one, refuse become a naive victim of a gun wielding criminal. If someone attacks me they are going to get shot. It’s little to me what citizens and police chiefs think about it.
Well then, make sure you have plenty of target practice and can aim straight so you don’t accidentally injure or kill the wrong person, especially if you happen to live in a big urban center.
It was just a suggestion, written before I had read the posts talking about the weapons hunters use. I’m certainly no expert on guns. But in crowded cities such as New York, I just wonder whether citizens who are generally not licensed hunters need these military-style weapons, and so do police chiefs of most major cities.
Almost all of my hunting friends live in major cities and that’s where we keep our weapons.As far as them being military style, what’s the difference? The military is responsible for many innovations in firearms. The carbon fiber stocks are lightweight and way more stable and durable then traditional wood. Half the hunters I know are carrying these into rugged terrain and more are joining each day. Why carry 10 pounds of traditional wood and steel when you can carry 6 pounds of carbon and alloy.
I’m familiar with several chiefs and their major concern is monetary. It costs money to stay as well armed as a criminal and they know that if it’s made, the criminal can get it.
I own a semi automatic shotgun and now consider myself an ordinary citizen. Do you want it also? If not, why? I could saw the barrel down, remove the limiting magazine plug, load it with 00 buckshot and create more carnage then someone with an assault rifle.
You must not sound so proud of yourself Shipwrkd, If you were to become careless with the care of your pet toy, it could fall into the hands of a crazy.:eek:
peace, Carlan
You must not sound so proud of yourself Shipwrkd, If you were to become careless with the care of your pet toy, it could fall into the hands of a crazy.:eek:
peace, Carlan
Well Carlan…it ain’t a toy.
and Carlan…I ain’t careless 😃
Maybe banning the sale of semi-automatic weapons to ordinary citizens? That is the one of the three guns found that is reported to have been used by Adam Lanza in the killings.
It won’t happen, because not all semi-auto weapons are created the same. I don’t know a single hunter that doesn’t use a semi-auto rifle or shotgun. The time it takes to reload can be the difference in killing your prey or just injuring it. (I would say they’re just poor shots, but then I don’t hunt.) I can see having restrictions on the capacity semi-auto weapons can hold. That seems reasonable.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t all handguns semi-auto? You don’t have to reload them after each shot.
It won’t happen, because not all semi-auto weapons are created the same. I don’t know a single hunter that doesn’t use a semi-auto rifle or shotgun. The time it takes to reload can be the difference in killing your prey or just injuring it. (I would say they’re just poor shots, but then I don’t hunt.) I can see having restrictions on the capacity semi-auto weapons can hold. That seems reasonable.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t all handguns semi-auto? You don’t have to reload them after each shot.
You’re probably right. As I said, I know next to nothing about guns and, besides, hunting for sport is forbidden by the Torah.
I don’t think there are any ‘approved’ apparitions out of Germany so far.

Belgium has two out of the 1930s, Beauraing and Banneux.

Approved too is Our Lady of all nations in Amsterdam. I guess that must be the only one out of the Netherlands.
Yeah, you may be right. I was just going off the top of my head.

I did a little research and the apparition from Germany that I was thinking about was at Heede, Germany in 1937. As to its status, I am not sure, but I think you are correct and it was never formally approved. My research turned up two assertions:

“Devotion of both Our Lady and Our Lord at Heede was enthusiastically approved by the Bishop of Osnabruck, and this approbation has been graciously ratified with the installation of each successive Bishop to this day. Interestingly enough, however, the Bishops have not published a formal ruling declaring the events to be supernatural.”


“The bishop of Osnabrück at the time the apparitions commenced, appointed a new parish priest who declared in a diocesan bulletin the supernatural character of the events of Heede that there are ‘undeniable proofs of the seriousness and authenticity of these manifestations.’”
You’re probably right. As I said, I know next to nothing about guns and, besides, hunting for sport is forbidden by the Torah.
I only know about rifles & shotguns because I took a safety course. Figured if I was going to be spending time around them, I should probably know how to safely handle them and know when someone else isn’t handling them safely. I’m not too crazy about guns…too loud.
What pray are you so afraid of .? Is having a gun in your possession that vital to you?just simply to have one to look and play with. To collect just to have.
Good heavens the son who killed those little ones and their teachers did so with his mother,s collection of guns.
She was a law abiding citizen .
In my opinion, and the opinion of common sense people, such weapons only belong in the possession of Soldiers and Law enforcement.
I don’t have a gun, and I would never put up a sign on my lawn letting everyone know that my house is a “gun free zone”. But if I did ever get a gun it would only be to protect my family in an emergency situation. And I would probably get a gun safe with a biometric lock so that no one but me could ever have access to the fire arm. I don’t believe in a total ban on fire arms because I don’t trust the government enough to give them absolute power over us citizens. Nazi Germany tried absolute power over its people, and it was a disaster.
I for one, refuse become a naive victim of a gun wielding criminal. If someone attacks me they are going to get shot. It’s little to me what citizens and police chiefs think about it.
Goodness Nitesnake, where on earth do you hang out that you gotta sling a gun?
Peace to you, Carlan
OK America. Enough of your secular ways. Enough of your sexual revolution. We’ve tried ecumenical tolerance. We’ve tried gun free school zones. We’ve tried taking the Ten Commandments out of school. We’ve removed corporal punishment from schools. We’ve tried replacing religious for lay teachers with lay opinions.

We’ve had it & we’re back with a vengeance. We’re nuns with guns! 😃
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