It could be argued that the availability of knives in most kitchens, and law of probability mean more people are likely to be killed because of availability of knives. How many persons are killed yearly by knives? You have to pass a test before you can legally drive a car yet as of 2005 40000 people die
in America yearly from car crashes. If you got rid of cars you could save a lot of lives.
Any innocent death from guns is terrible but guns save more lives by far, than they kill, annually
Professor of criminology at Florida State University
did research and found guns prevent estimated 6849 crimes per day, 2.5 million crimes annually and that every day 1100 murders, 5200 other violent and 550 rapes per day are prevented by showing a handgun, less than 0.9% of that time a gun is fired US department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, ‘Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities, 1979’ said of the 2500000 yearly self defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% were by women against sex abuse defending themselves