Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Well then, make sure you have plenty of target practice and can aim straight so you don’t accidentally injure or kill the wrong person, especially if you happen to live in a big urban center.
sight picture, breath control, trigger control. practice. practice. practice.
by all means, PLEASE for the love of anything, tell us what gun laws u think would have stopped this tragedy?
Strict liability for all gun owners as to how their guns are used. If a weapon is not secured, and it is used by someone, then the owner is liable for how it is used.

Adequate training for gun owners, regarding weapon safety and marksmanship.

Re-qualification and testing on safety principles, annually or semi-annually.
My understanding is that throughout the US and throughout the world, when strict gun control is put into place, then violent crime and murder rises. In those same places, when gun controls are relaxed, then violent crime drops. When Texas, Florida, and Michigan enacted “right to carry” laws, then violent crime rates plummeted in each state. The states in the US which have the lowest violent crime rates are the states with the more relaxed gun control laws.
Strict liability for all gun owners as to how their guns are used. If a weapon is not secured, and it is used by someone, then the owner is liable for how it is used.

Adequate training for gun owners, regarding weapon safety and marksmanship.

Re-qualification and testing on safety principles, annually or semi-annually.
My understanding is that throughout the US and throughout the world, when strict gun control is put into place, then violent crime and murder rises. In those same places, when gun controls are relaxed, then violent crime drops. When Texas, Florida, and Michigan enacted “right to carry” laws, then violent crime rates plummeted in each state. The states in the US which have the lowest violent crime rates are the states with the more relaxed gun control laws.
Really? That’s not what I was taught. :o
I have asked that question too, none of the gun control advocates will provide an answer
The question is a red herring because tragedys like these are difficult to prevent anywhere in the world. If a madman has access to a gun, little can be done to prevent it. What I would say though is that the laws of probability that allow access to guns means it is more likely to happen where guns are in easy circulation and that is why these incidents happen with depressing frequency in the US, and only rarely elsewhere in the western world.

Another tragedy, as someone posted earlier, is that on an average day in the US, more people are** killed **by guns than the number killed in this event. What incidents like this mask is that **11,000 people per year are killed in the US ** in gun homicides.

It is sad that as a nation the US seems to lack the courage to ask itself why this death toll is so high, and have an honest rather than an emotional debate about what might be done to prevent it. The conclusions may be that nothing can be done - but surely now is the right time to at least ask the question and try to identify a solution.
Strict liability for all gun owners as to how their guns are used. If a weapon is not secured, and it is used by someone, then the owner is liable for how it is used.

Adequate training for gun owners, regarding weapon safety and marksmanship.

Re-qualification and testing on safety principles, annually or semi-annually.
It should be noted that absolutely none of this would have changed the outcome of the situation under discussion.

That’s the problem with these situations. People react on emotion, and their “solutions” would do less than nothing to actually change the event that their “solutions” are supposed to prevent.
It should be noted that absolutely none of this would have changed the outcome of the situation under discussion.

That’s the problem with these situations. People react on emotion, and their “solutions” would do less than nothing to actually change the event that their “solutions” are supposed to prevent.
Accountability for the weapons may have had these particular weapons secured, and not available to the shooter. But, as you speculate, we don’t know for sure.

It’s easy to dismiss other solutions, it’s another thing to dismiss other solutions without offering any ideas of your own. What solutions would you propose?
I have asked that question too, none of the gun control advocates will provide an answer
OK, her’s an idea. We could start by legislating a law that states that all schools, churches, theaters and shopping malls must post a prominent sign at every entrance declaring it to be a “gun free zone”. That should keep the guns out. I think I’ll start on the sign for my front yard right now! :rolleyes:

Oh, wait…don’t we already have a law something like that? Got it, the signs need to be bigger. I’m sure the gunmen just didn’t see them…
The question is a red herring because tragedys like these are difficult to prevent anywhere in the world. If a madman has access to a gun, little can be done to prevent it. What I would say though is that the laws of probability that allow access to guns means it is more likely to happen where guns are in easy circulation and that is why these incidents happen with depressing frequency in the US, and only rarely elsewhere in the western world.

Another tragedy, as someone posted earlier, is that on an average day in the US, more people are** killed **by guns than the number killed in this event. What incidents like this mask is that **11,000 people per year are killed in the US ** in gun homicides.

It is sad that as a nation the US seems to lack the courage to ask itself why this death toll is so high, and have an honest rather than an emotional debate about what might be done to prevent it. The conclusions may be that nothing can be done - but surely now is the right time to at least ask the question and try to identify a solution.
It could be argued that the availability of knives in most kitchens, and law of probability mean more people are likely to be killed because of availability of knives. How many persons are killed yearly by knives? You have to pass a test before you can legally drive a car yet as of 2005 40000 people die in America yearly from car crashes. If you got rid of cars you could save a lot of people

If people want gun control it seems odd not to not know what legislation they want enacted

Any innocent death from guns is terrible but guns save more lives by far, than they kill, annually

Professor of criminology at Florida State University did research and found guns prevent estimated 6849 crimes per day, 2.5 million crimes annually and that every day 1100 murders, 5200 other violent and 550 rapes per day are prevented by showing a handgun, less than 0.9% of that time a gun is fired

US department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, ‘Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities, 1979’ said of the 2500000 yearly self defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% were by women against sex abuse defending themselves
Please provide us with what you think would have been an effective solution.
What are you talking about killing through abortion which didn’t seem to bother you in speaking against Romney, Ryan and Life. Let’s remember, your view basically supported children being cut to pieces in the womb. And now, you try to quote the Gospel. Sickening.
Really? That’s not what I was taught. :o
You were taught wrong. Why do you think prohibition was repealed? Why do you think several states have legalized pot? Because trying to enforce these laws took too many officers away from the real problems. Don’t forget, we have laws regarding street drugs, how’s that working for us :confused:
The question is a red herring because tragedys like these are difficult to prevent anywhere in the world. If a madman has access to a gun, little can be done to prevent it. What I would say though is that the laws of probability that allow access to guns means it is more likely to happen where guns are in easy circulation and that is why these incidents happen with depressing frequency in the US, and only rarely elsewhere in the western world.

Another tragedy, as someone posted earlier, is that on an average day in the US, more people are** killed **by guns than the number killed in this event. What incidents like this mask is that **11,000 people per year are killed in the US ** in gun homicides.

It is sad that as a nation the US seems to lack the courage to ask itself why this death toll is so high, and have an honest rather than an emotional debate about what might be done to prevent it. The conclusions may be that nothing can be done - but surely now is the right time to at least ask the question and try to identify a solution.
In 2011, it was 12,664 homicides total. Only 8,583 were by firearms. Homicides overall and by firearms have been going down every year.
What are you talking about killing through abortion which didn’t seem to bother you in speaking against Romney, Ryan and Life. Let’s remember, your view basically supported children being cut to pieces in the womb. And now, you try to quote the Gospel. Sickening.
You are distorting our previous discussions. I said repeatedly, I am pro life, from conception to natural death. Because I chose not to believe a politician, who changed views with political aspirations, doesn’t change that. Then you go beyond discussion to disgusting, to demonize me on another issue? You should try to understand how that takes away from the validity of the pro life movement. You can’t show less than charity towards others and expect everyone to believe your stated views of ‘pro life’.

From what you’ve posted, I haven’t posted enough Gospel, or someone isn’t reading the messages…
Utopia will never be possible until Christ returns.

Yes the lack of ethics and morals helps engender a society that perpetuates these evils, and I am not one to say everything around every corner that is bad is diabolic in nature. I will say that it would be ignorant to think the diabolic is not at work. (Archbishop Fulton Sheen on the diabolic, he even says how it seeks to destroy liberty.)

Feel good legislation does not produce a single good, as it seeks to punish collectively; therefore, removing personal responsibility (which we need more of), and as such I will adhere to the natural law, the constitution, and common Law (which we should pay more attention to) until God shows up and takes His throne.

As for an example: England used to be armed. The police carried no firearms. Now England is disarmed, to the point of knife control, the police carry guns, and they have cameras watching everybody all the time. And guess what the cameras stop nothing, and you go to jail if you use your cricket bat to stop somebody from raping your daughters.
It could be argued that the availability of knives in most kitchens, and law of probability mean more people are likely to be killed because of availability of knives. How many persons are killed yearly by knives? You have to pass a test before you can legally drive a car yet as of 2005 40000 people die in America yearly from car crashes. If you got rid of cars you could save a lot of lives.

Any innocent death from guns is terrible but guns save more lives by far, than they kill, annually

Professor of criminology at Florida State University did research and found guns prevent estimated 6849 crimes per day, 2.5 million crimes annually and that every day 1100 murders, 5200 other violent and 550 rapes per day are prevented by showing a handgun, less than 0.9% of that time a gun is fired US department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, ‘Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities, 1979’ said of the 2500000 yearly self defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% were by women against sex abuse defending themselves
Ridiculous argument frankly: knives and cars have other uses, guns don’t. And besides homicides (as opossed to accidents) from both negligible.

The study seems to be laughably casual and I notice subject to verification. Frankly I am not surprised to discover that it has been quietly buried!
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