Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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OK, her’s an idea. We could start by legislating a law that states that all schools, churches, theaters and shopping malls must post a prominent sign at every entrance declaring it to be a “gun free zone”
Wonder why libs don’t put Gun Free Zone signs on their homes? That would reduce the chance of a home invasion.

Utopia will never be possible until Christ returns.

As for an example: England used to be armed. The police carried no firearms. Now England is disarmed, to the point of knife control, the police carry guns, and they have cameras watching everybody all the time. And guess what the cameras stop nothing, and you go to jail if you use your cricket bat to stop somebody from raping your daughters.
You might be right on the first point but not the second. English police rarely carry arms and only special officers may do so. CCTV in town centres yes, but no-one is watching me now. For all that we had just 39 gun murders last year. I expect the cricket bat story came from the Daily Mail.
A Columbine Survivor is on, this has more to do with the decay of morals and the younger generation, all these guys in their 20s commit these acts according to the Survivor. It’s the Secular outlook and turning away from God.
Ridiculous argument frankly: knives and cars have other uses, guns don’t. And besides homicides (as opossed to accidents) from both negligible.

The study seems to be laughably casual and I notice subject to verification. Frankly I am not surprised to discover that it has been quietly buried!
Yes, because nobody hunts, competes in target shooting, trap shooting, skeet shooting, or any of the many other uses for guns? :rolleyes:
Ridiculous argument frankly: knives and cars have other uses, guns don’t. And besides homicides (as opossed to accidents) from both negligible.

The study seems to be laughably casual and I notice subject to verification. Frankly I am not surprised to discover that it has been quietly buried!
Not totally ridiculous. Before guns there were long bows and before longbows were swords and the sword is nothing but a bigger knife. If you go far enough back, you’ll find the weapon of choice was a rock. Most of these items were at one time used for warfare (to kill). Now, they’re no big problem. Once man finds a more efficient and effective way to kill, the gun issue will solve itself. BTW, I’ve found that most studies that don’t agree with my way of thinking are laughable. Show us a study you agree with.
Ridiculous argument frankly: knives and cars have other uses, guns don’t. And besides homicides (as opossed to accidents) from both negligible.

The study seems to be laughably casual and I notice subject to verification. Frankly I am not surprised to discover that it has been quietly buried!
Guns have no uses other than murder? :rotfl:
The guns involved in these crimes out of all the guns out there would be such a miniscule percentage.

I think Connecticut is where there were those heinous murders, where the house was broken into and the Mother and Daughter were set on fire and killed. The reason I bring this up is because apparently the Mother of Lanza had lots of guns. One wonders if this was why?
What are you talking about killing through abortion which didn’t seem to bother you in speaking against Romney, Ryan and Life. Let’s remember, your view basically supported children being cut to pieces in the womb. And now, you try to quote the Gospel. Sickening.
Broomwagon, I must say to you that you are very wrong in you judgment of Prodigal Son1.
I follow his contributions to these forum threads and I honor and appreciate his (name removed by moderator)ut.

We hear are all sinners and we must be careful to take the planks and splinters out of our own eyes first. Peace, Carlan
Broomwagon, I must say to you that you are very wrong in you judgment of Prodigal Son1.
I follow his contributions to these forum threads and I honor and appreciate his (name removed by moderator)ut.

We hear are all sinners and we must be careful to take the planks and splinters out of our own eyes first. Peace, Carlan
Your opinion is noted, you seem to be another one up-in-arms about gun control but uncaring about the plight of the unborn. We are talking life here. I think your opinion is very wrong. We are talking about people who spoke down people who would defund the nation’s largest abortion provider after all. Now the shoes on the other foot, some people in essence supported widespread abortion, abortion candidates, really pushing a liberal agenda, a slaughter of the unborn.

Some of us followed Catholic teachings, not a homespun religion and trying to find loopholes in doctrine and now on another subject dealing with life, making a 180 and citing the Gospel.

Sorry, if you wish me to stand down on being pro-life, for the lives of innocents and you don’t see hypocrisy with the Choicers views of Federal Government funding of abortions.
It should be noted that absolutely none of this would have changed the outcome of the situation under discussion.

That’s the problem with these situations. People react on emotion, and their “solutions” would do less than nothing to actually change the event that their “solutions” are supposed to prevent.
I have not followed the details of this one, or how the shooter acquired his weapon. But my recollection in many of these cases is that the weapons were “borrowed”.

But I was thinking more of the problem that, in general, most firearm injuries and fatalities are accidental. Better training and accountability would help a lot.

I have worked in jobs where using a weapon was an important part of the job. There are very few accidental shootings among people who are properly trained.
Your opinion is noted, you seem to be another one up-in-arms about gun control but uncaring about the plight of the unborn. We are talking life here. I think your opinion is very wrong. We are talking about people who spoke down people who would defund the nation’s largest abortion provider after all. Now the shoes on the other foot, some people in essence supported widespread abortion, abortion candidates, really pushing a liberal agenda, a slaughter of the unborn.
‘Now the shoes on the other foot…?’

Someone rejected your choice of candidates, because of his change of views on abortion and stand on other issues, and ‘the shoes on the other foot’ because a gunman killed 20 innocent children, 7 innocent adults, and then turns the gun on himself? Does the shoe being on the other foot justify those murders, and suicide? What do you mean by, the shoes on the other foot?

It’s that type callousness, towards these killings, that makes one question some ‘pro life’ stances; whether they are pro life or using an issue for the advancement of other issues.

If you want to discuss other issues, start a new thread and send me a message and we can rehash it. Otherwise, let’s not derail the topic of this thread.
Yes, because nobody hunts, competes in target shooting, trap shooting, skeet shooting, or any of the many other uses for guns? :rolleyes:
But you Americans stand alone in the west in using them for homicide apparently.
Some of us followed Catholic teachings, not a homespun religion and trying to find loopholes in doctrine and now on another subject dealing with life, making a 180 and citing the Gospel.

Sorry, if you wish me to stand down on being pro-life, for the lives of innocents and you don’t see hypocrisy with the Choicers views of Federal Government funding of abortions.
Please provide the Catholic teaching that stated a Catholic must believe everything a politician says. Then provide the Catholic teaching that forbids a person to write in a third party candidate. When you do, start a new thread and send me a pm, I’ll join the discussion, but stop trying to derail this thread.

No one is asking anyone to stand down on pro life. We are discussing another travesty of lives lost, that some are trying to throw up a smoke screen to prevent it being discussed for some reason.
Your opinion is noted, you seem to be another one up-in-arms about gun control but uncaring about the plight of the unborn. We are talking life here. I think your opinion is very wrong. We are talking about people who spoke down people who would defund the nation’s largest abortion provider after all. Now the shoes on the other foot, some people in essence supported widespread abortion, abortion candidates, really pushing a liberal agenda, a slaughter of the unborn.

Some of us followed Catholic teachings, not a homespun religion and trying to find loopholes in doctrine and now on another subject dealing with life, making a 180 and citing the Gospel.

Sorry, if you wish me to stand down on being pro-life, for the lives of innocents and you don’t see hypocrisy with the Choicers views of Federal Government funding of abortions.
We seem to be going a bit off track here. The issue is gun and gun control and this is a purely civil matter. Abortion is not. There are devout Catholics who believe that every gun should be destroyed and there are devout Catholics who will only give their guns up when they are pried from their dead hands but you can’t be a Catholic and support abortion in any way…whatsoever! You’ll find the Church amazingly quiet on the issue of guns. After all the Pope is always surrounded by the Swiss Guard and they carry guns…nice ones. Before guns were swords and Jesus allowed Peter to bring one to the garden which indicates he may have carried one often. This was the most advanced weapon at the time. Fast forward 2000 years and Peter may very well have brought a firearm with.
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