Conservatives Demand Kids of Gays be Expelled

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The truth comes out. The sodomistic agenda rolls on. If we call them on it we are called intolerant and “unloving”. This entire cabal could be seen from the start of the thread. We also can see that some are co opted by the agenda.

The answer to these questions is to stop active homosexuals from adopting children under any circumstance. The Church is right as usual.
The truth comes out. The sodomistic agenda rolls on. If we call them on it we are called intolerant and “unloving”. This entire cabal could be seen from the start of the thread. We also can see that some are co opted by the agenda.

The answer to these questions is to stop active homosexuals from adopting children under any circumstance. The Church is right as usual.
The truth did come out and we are not surprised. However, allowing the children in the school is a separate question from dissenting and heretical priests and sisters - this is the root of all of our problems but the media never touches it because they don’t understand why it is such a problem in our relativistic society.

Thus, lonely parishoners must often fight these battles completely alone - leading some to lose faith altogether.

Every Catholic must fight dissent when it comes knocking on their door - it is your duty as the Church militant - we are not obligated to accept the mocking of the teachings of the Church from any priest or sister.
you wanna know why there is a higher rate of depression and suicide and substance abuse amoung the gay community??? because they are ostricized, beaten, murdered, victimized and outcast by an unwanting unwelcoming and unfriendly society. i thank God every day that i belong to a beautiful church like the one here where openmindedness, love and acceptance are the goal rather than cold hearted calousness by people that berate and abuse people of different lifestyles. are not a minority of priests homosexuals? and becoming a priest is their way of dealing with it? to love and serve God and remain celebate? most people adore their priests,but once its made public that that priest is gay they are out cast and hated. i think its time for Catholics in general to open their eyes otherwise we will have a salem witch trial all over again. i am a proud strong faithful Catholic and a CCE teacher. i dont teach my children to hate i teach them that our mission is to love as God has loved. i dont think God would punish berate and abuse homosexuals as some do, in the public, in the media and on the internet! also the series a child called it is a perfect point of how foster system can go HORRIBLY wrong. thats my point!
I think the best example is the one Cardinal O’connor gave: while staying strong with the Church’s stance on homosexuality he personally visited and helped care for homosexuals dying of AIDS at local New York Hospitals.

I too teach my boys to be charitable to all. I also teach my kids the difference between right and wrong. Homosexuality is wrong and my boys recognize that. HOmosexuals are people and thus deserve our love, my boys recognize that too.

The truth did come out and we are not surprised. However, allowing the children in the school is a separate question from dissenting and heretical priests and sisters - this is the root of all of our problems but the media never touches it because they don’t understand why it is such a problem in our relativistic society.

Thus, lonely parishoners must often fight these battles completely alone - leading some to lose faith altogether.

Every Catholic must fight dissent when it comes knocking on their door - it is your duty as the Church militant - we are not obligated to accept the mocking of the teachings of the Church from any priest or sister.
Oh, it all goes back to dissent and authority. I agree. The sticky part, in my opinion, is not only the entrance of moral relativism, but the acceptence of emotionalism as truth. Several posts claimed that homosexuals could be authentic loving parents. To me those terms need to be clearly definded or we can become desensitized to what is authentically best for these children.
Oh, it all goes back to dissent and authority. I agree. The sticky part, in my opinion, is not only the entrance of moral relativism, but the acceptence of emotionalism as truth. Several posts claimed that homosexuals could be authentic loving parents. To me those terms need to be clearly definded or we can become desensitized to what is authentically best for these children.
Yes - good point. It takes a lot more than good feelings. Perhaps this should be taught??
Yes - good point. It takes a lot more than good feelings. Perhaps this should be taught??
In another post I tried to bring uo this point. It is hard to discuss the topic with out being labeled unsensitive or unloving. Just because two homosexual men raise a child and give the child proper food and clothing and do not abuse the child does not mean it is a loving relationship. They may even be well intentioned, but they are wrong and are not helping, but hurting the child.
In another post I tried to bring uo this point. It is hard to discuss the topic with out being labeled unsensitive or unloving. Just because two homosexual men raise a child and give the child proper food and clothing and do not abuse the child does not mean it is a loving relationship. They may even be well intentioned, but they are wrong and are not helping, but hurting the child.
You are right fix,one of the posters said are you saying I am not worthy of a child,which again further states the situations intent, that someones sense of entitlement does not out weigh the childs best interest.God Bless
You are right fix,one of the posters said are you saying I am not worthy of a child,which again further states the situations intent, that someones sense of entitlement does not out weigh the childs best interest.God Bless
Many arguments can be made refuting homosexual adoption. My first thought is for the soul of the child. How can it be loving to expose the child and teach the child that committing a grave sin is not only not an evil, but a good. The parents would teach the child by their actions and words that homosexual conduct is normal and virtuous. This is not love. Our goal should be to help each other reach heaven, not help poorly form a child’s conscience.
so heres a question should gays be allowed to be teachers?
If they are practicing gays they should not be allowed to teach in Catholic schools.
Lisa N:
No kidding, especially the part about one of the homosexuals become in a teacher’s aid in the kindergarten class. Yeah right, no agenda…they invite the lion to dinner and wonder why they have teeth marks. This is so disgusting.

MC1 thank you for the inside information. I would be outraged if I were the parents.

Lisa N
I missed the part about the teacher’s aid position and qualified people being overlooked. I go back to my first statement that it is horrible that the gay guardians are putting the children behind their own agenda. It is not right. The principal and superintendent should not allow that!

I actually like the idea of the parental moral covenant. I don’t know if they could ask for them to adhere to a strict Catholic upbringing. I had my children at Catholic schools and they never have required the people who enroll their children to even be Catholic. The children are required to take the religion classes, but not required to adhere to being Catholic.
Simple solution…homos should not be allowed to have children. That solves the problem right there.
Simple solution…homos should not be allowed to have children. That solves the problem right there.
I don’t know how you could stop them. Lesbians just get inseminated like on of my animals and male homosexuals adopt or even pay a woman to bear their child…again like an animal breeding program. There is nothing to stop them.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
I don’t know how you could stop them. Lesbians just get inseminated like on of my animals and male homosexuals adopt or even pay a woman to bear their child…again like an animal breeding program. There is nothing to stop them.

Lisa N
A good first step would be for all those who call themselves Catholic to accept what the Church teaches. Practicing homosexuals should never be allowed to adopt or have children. It is a very bad situation.
so heres a question should gays be allowed to be teachers?
If by “gay” you mean a homosexual person who publicly acknowledges he/she believes sodomy is normal and acceptable for any who desire and who wants children to “accept” deviant behavior as legitimate, then no, they should not be teachers.
One might question just why it is that a gay couple would want to send their child to a catholic school.

Personally, I am appalled at the state of catholic education today. Having spent 8 years in one and knowing people that teach in them now, it appears to me that most catholic schools today are nothing more than public schools with a religion class tacked on. In this region, the major parental motivator seems to be the athletic programs. In some others, it is the superior academic performance.

In my opinion, the purpose of catholic schools should be to teach youngsters basic knowledge, critical thinking/logic, natural law, history informed by catholic perspective, and the truths of the faith. If this were so, math, science, social studies, even gym class would be fundamentally different than at the public schools. And people diametrically opposed to church teachings would not be attracted to them. Instead the two are indistinguishable except that catholic schools retain the ability to discipline and even expel disruptive students, whereas the public schools no longer have any real disciplinary recourse.

I see two possibilities here.
  1. The ‘couple’ sees the catholic school as providing a better education than the other options. or, more cynically,
    2. They believe/hope that everyone opposed to the normalization of sodomy is merely prejudiced and bigotted and that exposure to a real life person with homosexual parents will aid the cause of making the next generation consider homosexuality as normal and acceptable. Any homosexual who can read knows that the Catholic Church will be the biggest obstacle to total public acceptance. Could not some be looking for ways to undermine her?
Perhaps I’m too cynical. But from watching the behavior of the “10 Percent Society” in college, I’d put nothing past some kinds of activists.

Either way, if the school is authentically catholic (Lord have mercy), there is no reason to exclude the child, just to beware the motives of the parent. After all, we are talking about kindergarten here, folks.
I once argued that they should make one have a license to have kids, and the requiremnts to get a license are age, marriage, suitable home, adequate income, etc. If they would do this, then in about 20 years they could stop building prisons.

Of course, people would scream a violation of the “rights.” Everyone seems to want rights, no one seems to want responsibility.

Blessings to all.
The Catholic Church would be first in line to vehemently protest anyone who proposes that it is the government’s business to decide who may and may not have children. That is a fundamental human right, and one that many evil regimes throughout history have attempted to deny.

Your contention that only the children of unmarried parents or those of an “unsuitable” age or income necessitate the building of prisons is ridiculous to the point of being irresponsible. Is your knowledge of history that bad? There was an age not so long ago in which the same arguments were used to contend that the Irish shouldn’t reproduce at all.

So speaking of wanting rights and not responsibilities… be sure that you yourself mind that you’re responsible for tasting your words before you let them fly.
I have to say 2 things that this says to me about Catholic schools these days:
  1. Yes, catholic schools should allow anyone to enter because everyone needs to learn the catholic faith - some would argue even more so if they are not currently practicing the Faith.
  2. The fact that someone would even want their child to attend a school that SHOULD be teaching their lifestyle is completely mortal sin makes me wonder if the schools are really teaching just that?? Surely these children would be ostracised by their classmates. Surely the parents would find all extracurriculiar functions uncomfortable?? Maybe the key here is to make it so uncomfortable to NOT follow the faith, that they feel they must follow it or leave?
Somethings just not right with this issue either way…
Your contention that only the children of unmarried parents or those of an “unsuitable” age or income necessitate the building of prisons is ridiculous to the point of being irresponsible.
Okay, where did I contend that only the children of unmarried parents or someone too young or too poor would end up in prison? Nowhere.

There are plenty of people in prison who have two married rich well-aged parents. That’s a no brainer. I did not say otherwise.

Also, did you know that about 70% of men in prison didn’t have a father? Plenty had fathers, but the illegitimacy rate has certainly contributed to crime.

As for the poor, I never suggested that only children of poor wind up in prison. But people should be able to afford kids before they had them.

In addition to illegitimacy, immature teenage parents have a higher tendency to create a criminal adult.

If I was misunderstood, I apologize. But before you accuse me of being irresponsible, or ridiculous for that matter, you should refrain from accusing me of saying things I didnt’ say.
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