Conservatives Demand Kids of Gays be Expelled

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How can you compare homosexuality to drug addiction???!!! the two are seperate issues. this is what im saying when i refer to the churches extreme point of view on homosexuality. like i said i think even God would be disappointed with the way the church views and treats homosexuals.
I agree that they are two separate issues. Do you think that a drug addict should be allowed to adopt? If not, then why? Why should a same-sex couple be allowed to adopt? Those that support it seem to be doing so for pragmatic reasons, i.e. there aren’t enough heterosexual couples willing to adopt, and these children have to be placed somewhere. I haven’t seen a principled reason why same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt. Society rightly places some restrictions on adoption and it’s perfectly reasonable to include an immoral lifestyle as one of those restrictions.

How can you put yourself above the Church’s moral teachings? Do you know more than 2000 years of God’s revealed wisdom?

. like i said i think even God would be disappointed with the way the church views and treats homosexuals.​

The Church views homosexual sex properly as a disorder. That is what it is. The American Psychological Association viewed it as a mental disorder until 1973.
i believe violence is the wrong word. would it be difficult for the child at times yes. but thats true of any kid who is fat, wears glasses, has pimples or braces, divorced parents, poor family etc… kids get made fun of for wearing the wrong brand of clothes. kids are just cruel for the most part when they get to the bully/bullied phase. what if the parents are loving and kind and generous. i agree with Island Oak. it provides loving homes and families for otherwise unwanted children.
I’m afraid you are missing the point. The “violence” the Vatican document refers to is a severe disregard for the children’s emotional, mental, and physical needs, which can only be adequately met by a mother and father committed together in love.
It has nothing to do with how some kids treat other kids.
A study of Dutch homosexuals show they suffer the same rate of suicide and addiction. In Dutch society their behavior is accepted. So to blame that on homophobia is not entirely accurate.

So a high rate of psychiatric disorders associated with homosexual behavior in the Netherlands means that psychiatric disease cannot be attributed to social rejection and homophobia. The Dutch study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, did indeed find a high rate of psychiatric disease associated with same-sex sex behaviors.
Island Oak:
As far as my posts…I would never argue that gay adoption should be promoted or go mainstream. I do have a strong reaction when a couple takes on a particularly difficult case in complete charity and then is lambasted for it. The practice among the wealthy-trendy-celebrity types to get inseminated or use a surrogate to become parents while in the midst of the gay lifestyle is abhorent to me. However, with respect to kids already here and discarded by society, I think the compassion they receive from a segment of society that is also marginalized can be affirming, not violent, to both sides of the equasion. Nothing more, nothing less.
The problem here is that accepting homosexual adoption under ANY circumstances would lead to mainstreaming it. In fact, homosexual adoption of kids in bad foster home situations is just one form of mainstreaming homosexuality as a normal foundation for raising familes.

As the Church states, homosexual raising of children is always a negative. The solution is to find homes for foster children that do not consists of 2 or more people completely rejecting the basic family unit of proper marriage.

The homosexual adoption does not fix the child neglect problem that the foster homes make more obvious. The neglect of children is a serious issue that must be addressed head on. Modifying the situation of neglect is no solution.
as does poverty.

besides,if you are aborted, you have no rights once you’re dead.
Katherine - are you saying you reject a teaching of the Church?
i do not know more than 2000 years of God’s wisdom no did i ever claim to. i am meerly expressing my opinions. drug addicition presents an OBVIOUS and present danger to a childs well being. homosexuality does not. not all homosexuals are perverts or child molesters or promiscuous. the couple that are friends of my inlaws have been together more than 15 years. these are the types of couples that should be allowed to adopt. my husbands diabetes is a red flag to adoption agencies. they believe that his dependence on insulin would make him and i unlikely candidates for adoption. not to mention we dont have the 1000’s of dollars it costs to adopt a child. if his and my illness prevents us from natuarally concieveing we have already decided a private adoption would be the route we would go. there are too many deserving couples gay and straight and too many children who need loving homes that go unmatched for the most ignorant reasons.
Island Oak:
Please list for me the many other options available to the types of children I described in my earlier post.
Orphanage. Boys Town type establishments. Also, if we started to work the other side of the equation, that is the moral law, we may find less discarded children.

. like i said i think even God would be disappointed with the way the church views and treats homosexuals.​

The Church views homosexual sex properly as a disorder. That is what it is. The American Psychological Association viewed it as a mental disorder until 1973.
yes and then they opened their eyes. people with mental disabilities were also put in insane asylums up until around this time. its so sad that a society as modern and intelligent as ours is so afraid of what they dont understand and know only to be different from the majority.
you wanna know why there is a higher rate of depression and suicide and substance abuse amoung the gay community??? because they are ostricized, beaten, murdered, victimized and outcast by an unwanting unwelcoming and unfriendly society.
Pardon me, but that is rubbish. The “gay” community is self absorbed, paranoid and has a persecution complex. Too bad authentic psychological help is to hard to find these days and that good mental healthcare for these folks being hard to find is directly related to the agenda they promote.
check out the movie white oleander, read the series a child called it. then tell me whats the better alternative. loving homes or foster/group care. the sad thing is that group homes CANNOT be monitored like this. due to lack of funding lack of training lack of experiance and education. the fact is adoption from thouroughly screened parents is better than the children being left in a group home. why do they have to be held at a better than nothing standard anyway. why cant they be held as normal loving parents. im not sure i agree with homosexuality being a sexual disorder, rather than a chemical imbalance, a hormonal switch a chromosome misplaced who knows, but just because they are gay does not make them perverted and undeserving.
Irregardless of the cause of homosexual tendencies, a child NEEDS a mother and a father. To purposefully prevent them from having one is child abuse.

Would you think it appropriate for an abused child that receives 3 beatings a day to be adopted by a couple because they will bring the beatings down to 1 a day?
you wanna know why there is a higher rate of depression and suicide and substance abuse amoung the gay community??? because they are ostricized, beaten, murdered, victimized and outcast by an unwanting unwelcoming and unfriendly society. i thank God every day that i belong to a beautiful church like the one here where openmindedness, love and acceptance are the goal rather than cold hearted calousness by people that berate and abuse people of different lifestyles. are not a minority of priests homosexuals? and becoming a priest is their way of dealing with it? to love and serve God and remain celebate? most people adore their priests,but once its made public that that priest is gay they are out cast and hated. i think its time for Catholics in general to open their eyes otherwise we will have a salem witch trial all over again. i am a proud strong faithful Catholic and a CCE teacher. i dont teach my children to hate i teach them that our mission is to love as God has loved. i dont think God would punish berate and abuse homosexuals as some do, in the public, in the media and on the internet! also the series a child called it is a perfect point of how foster system can go HORRIBLY wrong. thats my point!
If you are a Catholic then you assent to the Church’s stance that same sex adoption is gravely wrong.
there is also a large group of people who believe couples should only be able to adopt children of the same race as the couple because this will lead to identity problems in the future. where does it end?
If you are a Catholic then you assent to the Church’s stance that same sex adoption is gravely wrong.
being Catholic does NOT mean i have to agree with EVERYTHING the church says just because the church said it. God graced me with free will as well.
yes and then they opened their eyes. people with mental disabilities were also put in insane asylums up until around this time. its so sad that a society as modern and intelligent as ours is so afraid of what they dont understand and know only to be different from the majority.
So some day bestiality will be “ok” becuae we will be more enlightened?
Island Oak:
The root cause of every last one of the problems listed in this thread. And of course, to tip my hat to fix, (who I don’t really disagree with as much as it might seem) the failure to be responsible comes in no small part from disordered thinking caused by moral recklessness and relativism.
If you truly believe that, then you cannot say homosexual adoption is ok under some circumstances when it has been rejected as ever good by the Church - which speaks for Christ on moral matters. If you do say it, you are being a relativist.
why do people always jump from homosexuality to beastiality. please! give me a break.
Pardon me, but that is rubbish. The “gay” community is self absorbed, paranoid and has a persecution complex. Too bad authentic psychological help is to hard to find these days and that good mental healthcare for these folks being hard to find is directly related to the agenda they promote.
fix, telling you what i want to right now would result in unchristian behavior and would get me banned, so as such i will refrain, because most of the time i enjoy the conversation i have with other intelligent people on this forum.
being Catholic does NOT mean i have to agree with EVERYTHING the church says just because the church said it. God graced me with free will as well.
Actually, one does have to “agree” with all teachings and obey all disciplines and moral teachings.

The Church teaches homosexual conduct is intrinsically evil. It may never be done.

yes and then they opened their eyes. people with mental disabilities were also put in insane asylums up until around this time​

People who are mentally ill can benefit from mental hospitals. If Andrea Yates could have more time in the mental hospital where she was hospitalized she probably would not have done what she did.
Also, when mental hospitals are closed down the homeless population in that particular area increases.
Not all mental hospitals are bad.​

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