Conservatives Demand Kids of Gays be Expelled

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fix, telling you what i want to right now would result in unchristian behavior and would get me banned, so as such i will refrain, because most of the time i enjoy the conversation i have with other intelligent people on this forum.
UnChristian behavior is being a secularist with a poorly formed conscience. I am trying to be kind.

The “gay” community is leading souls astray. You know what Christ said of those who would lead others astray?
How can you compare homosexuality to drug addiction???!!! the two are seperate issues. this is what im saying when i refer to the churches extreme point of view on homosexuality. like i said i think even God would be disappointed with the way the church views and treats homosexuals.
The Church doesn’t “treat” people that perform homosexual acts badly. They do it to themselves by making sin part and parcel of their life. The Church is merciful in its helping them to understand what they are doing is not right and only by changing their behavior will they find true happiness.
Actually, one does have to “agree” with all teachings and obey all disciplines and moral teachings.

The Church teaches homosexual conduct is intrinsically evil. It may never be done.
actually they dont. most people in my church including my priest and deacon and the head of the CCE education are well aware of my views on these issues because of the classes i belong to at my church. i have never been accused of being shy. yet i have been asked back to teach CCE and am asked every year to work with the RCIA program. you dont have to agree with everything to be a good moral Catholic. this is not the only issue i disagree with trust me. however it balances. i agree with more than i disagree with. the Churchs standings is not what made me convert and be baptised at the age of 19. it was the reverence the church had for God and worship. the tradition and the compassion that the majority of the Catholics im exposed to follow and practice.
why do people always jump from homosexuality to beastiality. please! give me a break.
25-30 years ago if I told the average person we would be seeing two men kissing on TV or that two men would be “married” or adopt children, they would have said…give me a break, that is over the top! Guess what… it all came to pass. Now, please give me a break.
you wanna know why there is a higher rate of depression and suicide and substance abuse amoung the gay community??? because they are ostricized, beaten, murdered, victimized and outcast by an unwanting unwelcoming and unfriendly society. i thank God every day that i belong to a beautiful church like the one here where openmindedness, love and acceptance are the goal rather than cold hearted calousness by people that berate and abuse people of different lifestyles. are not a minority of priests homosexuals? and becoming a priest is their way of dealing with it? to love and serve God and remain celebate? most people adore their priests,but once its made public that that priest is gay they are out cast and hated. i think its time for Catholics in general to open their eyes otherwise we will have a salem witch trial all over again. i am a proud strong faithful Catholic and a CCE teacher. i dont teach my children to hate i teach them that our mission is to love as God has loved. i dont think God would punish berate and abuse homosexuals as some do, in the public, in the media and on the internet! also the series a child called it is a perfect point of how foster system can go HORRIBLY wrong. thats my point!
Quite frankly, this is a heap of untruth.

Homosexuals have problems because they sin and try to bury their guilt by saying it is not a sin. They are not murdered nor are they ostracized. I and 99% of other Christians treat homosexuals with the same kindness and support we do any other person. But we also stick up for what is best for children and families. You insinuating that we “abuse” them is preposterous.
actually they dont. most people in my church including my priest and deacon and the head of the CCE education are well aware of my views on these issues because of the classes i belong to at my church. i have never been accused of being shy. yet i have been asked back to teach CCE and am asked every year to work with the RCIA program. you dont have to agree with everything to be a good moral Catholic. this is not the only issue i disagree with trust me. however it balances. i agree with more than i disagree with. the Churchs standings is not what made me convert and be baptised at the age of 19. it was the reverence the church had for God and worship. the tradition and the compassion that the majority of the Catholics im exposed to follow and practice.
Aquinas said that if one rejects even one teaching, one rejects the entire faith. To reject any teaching means one rejects the authority of the Holy Spirit. One makes themselves their own authority, or their own god. In short, moral relativism.
being Catholic does NOT mean i have to agree with EVERYTHING the church says just because the church said it. God graced me with free will as well.
That is exactly what Catholic means…to be obedient to Mother Church. It would be to our detriment to question Her when she speaks on morals or anything else for that matter. Yes, God gave us free will. He also gave the angels free will and 1/3 of them used it to their own damnation. I can trust Mother Church faithfully and be reassured of being on the right path…

i do not know more than 2000 years of God’s wisdom no did i ever claim to. i am meerly expressing my opinions. drug addicition presents an OBVIOUS and present danger to a childs well being. homosexuality does not. not all homosexuals are perverts or child molesters or promiscuous. the couple that are friends of my inlaws have been together more than 15 years. these are the types of couples that should be allowed to adopt. my husbands diabetes is a red flag to adoption agencies. they believe that his dependence on insulin would make him and i unlikely candidates for adoption. not to mention we dont have the 1000’s of dollars it costs to adopt a child. if his and my illness prevents us from natuarally concieveing we have already decided a private adoption would be the route we would go. there are too many deserving couples gay and straight and too many children who need loving homes that go unmatched for the most ignorant reasons.
I took these words of yours:
this is what im saying when i refer to the churches extreme point of view on homosexuality. like i said i think even God would be disappointed with the way the church views and treats homosexuals.
as a claim to know more than 2000 years of God’s wisdom as promulgated by the Church.

It’s only your opinion that homosexual behavior doesn’t present an OBVIOUS threat to a child’s well-being. In other posts Fix has presented Church teaching that states otherwise.

BTW, I’m truly sorry that you and your husband are having difficulty adopting. I will pray that you will be parents one day.
yes and then they opened their eyes. people with mental disabilities were also put in insane asylums up until around this time. its so sad that a society as modern and intelligent as ours is so afraid of what they dont understand and know only to be different from the majority.
Sorry - but your opinion does not consist of what we all do not understand - as much as you want that to be true. Read your history - those organizations that instituionalized homosexuality or allowed it to prosper and normalize - are no longer.
there is also a large group of people who believe couples should only be able to adopt children of the same race as the couple because this will lead to identity problems in the future. where does it end?
The line is drawn with the pen of moral law.
being Catholic does NOT mean i have to agree with EVERYTHING the church says just because the church said it. God graced me with free will as well.
On faith and morals issues, it does mean that. Your opinion does not make it otherwise. You have free will to sin or not sin. You do not have free will to modify the Church - this would be starting your own church.
actually they dont. most people in my church including my priest and deacon and the head of the CCE education are well aware of my views on these issues because of the classes i belong to at my church. i have never been accused of being shy. yet i have been asked back to teach CCE and am asked every year to work with the RCIA program. you dont have to agree with everything to be a good moral Catholic. this is not the only issue i disagree with trust me. however it balances. i agree with more than i disagree with. the Churchs standings is not what made me convert and be baptised at the age of 19. it was the reverence the church had for God and worship. the tradition and the compassion that the majority of the Catholics im exposed to follow and practice.
Your priest and deacon need some more courage - they are not helping you by allowing you to think that what you are proposing is ok.
BTW, I’m truly sorry that you and your husband are having difficulty adopting. I will pray that you will be parents one day.
i appreciate that kindness thank you.
fix said:
25-30 years ago if I told the average person we would be seeing two men kissing on TV or that two men would be “married” or adopt children, they would have said…give me a break, that is over the top! Guess what… it all came to pass. Now, please give me a break.

Yes, give us all a break please.
most people adore their priests,but once its made public that that priest is gay they are out cast and hated. i think its time for Catholics in general to open their eyes otherwise we will have a salem witch trial all over again. i am a proud strong faithful Catholic and a CCE teacher. i dont teach my children to hate i teach them that our mission is to love as God has loved. i dont think God would punish berate and abuse homosexuals as some do, in the public, in the media and on the internet! also the series a child called it is a perfect point of how foster system can go HORRIBLY wrong. thats my point!
Can you give us an example of a priest that was cast out and hated? Furthermore, I don’t believe that I’ve seen in this thread any abuse of homosexuals. If you believe there is, could you give us an example?

To get back to the original thread topic, I’m not so sure that given the situation described, that those children should be expelled. I think the school, if they knew before they admitted those children, should not have admitted them in the first place. However, once they’re in I do think it’s wrong for some of the parents to call for their expulsion. If that were the situation in my school I would seriously consider withdrawing my own children. No one has really addressed my point about the other parents’ duty to protect their own children. Does anyone think that matters?
On faith and morals issues, it does mean that. Your opinion does not make it otherwise. You have free will to sin or not sin. You do not have free will to modify the Church - this would be starting your own church.
im sorry but i have to disagree. you are one of the more cool headed people, the type i enjoy debating just so you know that. but i have to disagree. i dont think the pope would throw me out on my rear because i disagreed with a few things the vatican said. i dont disagree with them entirely. i DO believe homosexuality is morally wrong, i however DISAGREE that gays should be mistreated and outcast by society when there are loving kind caring giving gay couples in the world. some of which i have had the distinct pleasure of knowing. i dont agree that they should be allowed to have a marriage that is recognized outside of a civil union. my beliefs are somewhat scattered i understand, however they are just that. MY beliefs. i would never be so arogant as to assume i know more than blessed mother church, however please keep in mind that i have only been a catholic for a few years and was raised to be open minded and a free thinker. old habits die hard.
Then you my friend are nothing more than a protestant…you agree with whatever is expedient for you. In matters of faith, dogma, doctrine, and Tradition…you are bound to believe such things…otherwise, you are no better than Martin Luther.
being Catholic does NOT mean i have to agree with EVERYTHING the church says just because the church said it. God graced me with free will as well.
Then you my friend are nothing more than a protestant…you agree with whatever is expedient for you. In matters of faith, dogma, doctrine, and Tradition…you are bound to believe such things…otherwise, you are no better than Martin Luther.
i have certificates that suggest otherwise my “friend”. dont disparrage me because i disagree with you. save your insults for someone who they would have an impact on. you dont know me, dont presume to.
im sorry but i have to disagree. you are one of the more cool headed people, the type i enjoy debating just so you know that. but i have to disagree. i dont think the pope would throw me out on my rear because i disagreed with a few things the vatican said. i dont disagree with them entirely. i DO believe homosexuality is morally wrong, i however DISAGREE that gays should be mistreated and outcast by society when there are loving kind caring giving gay couples in the world. some of which i have had the distinct pleasure of knowing. i dont agree that they should be allowed to have a marriage that is recognized outside of a civil union. my beliefs are somewhat scattered i understand, however they are just that. MY beliefs. i would never be so arogant as to assume i know more than blessed mother church, however please keep in mind that i have only been a catholic for a few years and was raised to be open minded and a free thinker. old habits die hard.
The Church may not have to throw you out. You may find you placed yourself outside the Church. I just wonder if I reject a teaching and come to a different conclusion then the Church and another person rejects the Church teaching and comes to a different conclusion than me, how do we know which one is correct?

See, the problem is not only that we each may reject teachings, but if we start teaching others that we may reject teachings, then how are we all in communion with the Church?
This a story about two homosexuals with a political agenda. Why do they want to put this child in a school that they know teaches their lifestyle is a grave sin. It appears to be a set up. The “gay” agenda rolls on.
Does the average Catholic school really teach doctrine anymore? I have no personal experience but the impression I’m getting here is that most are as PC as public schools and most teachers don’t really understand the faith like the nuns did back in the day. I mean that’s the first thing that popped into my mind–the school probably wouldn’t say anything to hurt their feelings anyway.

Certainly the kids of gay marriage should not be penalized. That would really be hypocritical. The complaining parents instead should be wondering what is being taught. That’s were all the trouble is going to come from.

I fear TarAshley’s cafeteria Catholicism may be pretty common. And you’re teaching RCIA girl? I daresay that your very inability to capitlize the letter “I” shows a certain spinelessness that may have crept into your conscience.
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