CONSOLIDATED STICKY: Contemporary Catholic Music

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I recently released a hip-hop/rap album associated with Phatmass that you can listen to in its entirety here:
Paradox & DJ Sean P - “Mending”
If you’re skeptical, maybe you would feel better knowing that I also teach Theology at a Catholic High School and have Masters degrees in Secondary Education and Theology.
Thank you for the heads up. I’ve fortunately already connected with George and DJ Jedi is kind enough to feature my songs on the “Funk and Faith Podcast” associated with
God bless.
I feel like an odd duck; I write and perform contemporary Catholic music… The only thing is, the band I’m in is new, we’re little known and we’ve got very few resources because we’re students.
I feel like an odd duck; I write and perform contemporary Catholic music… The only thing is, the band I’m in is new, we’re little known and we’ve got very few resources because we’re students.

Sometimes you will feel like you are swimming upstream, because the current trend seems to be toward traditional hymns or chant, and away from contemporary. If you keep the focus on expressing your Catholic faith through music, there are enough Catholics who will listen and appreciate this form. Contact Catholic Music Express, and they might include your songs on the podcast.
Hey folks!

I’m looking for music with a Skillet-like sound but Catholic. Any suggestions?

God Bless, :signofcross:
The only band I can think of that totally fits the description of female-fronted alternative rock is Plain Jane (you can hear them on Catholic Jukebox). There used to be Plumb, but I’m pretty sure they weren’t Catholic and among the many Christian Evanescence-copycat bands I’ve encountered, none is Catholic. My own - ancient - band had several songs that featured our lead female vocal, but our style is more classic-type rock.

Peace & Love & JOY,
Mark LaJOIE!
I’m a singer/songwriter writing mostly folk rock. I thought I would share my music. I was once making Protestant music, but I am now a Catholic convert. Naturally my music carried over. I’m hoping to have more Catholic listeners as my music grows.

Some recommended songs:
  1. Lord, I Need Thee - Worship song, acoustic guitar rock
  2. There for You
  3. Unite - Based on one of St. Ignatius’s letters
Enjoy 🙂
You know what, I think that Catholicism stole this whole contemporary music thing right off those charismaniac heretics. I heard in Brazil, there are singing priests and they are giving the charismaniacs a taste of their own medicine.
My favorite singer of Catholic music is Annmarie. She’s recorded “Sacred Songs with Annmarie” CD that includes “Litany of the Saints.” She’s also recorded “Sing the Rosary with Annmarie” CD. Her website is if you’re interested. She has a very beautiful voice. When Bishop Charles Lay of Tampa Florida heard her sing the Litany during a Baptism, he said “We have an angel among us.”
You guys should check out the newest Catholic female Singer, Jenn Jinks from North Carolina. She is a Catholic youth minister, a mom of four kids under 8, and totally rocks. She is doing a concert with Steve Angrisano in the fall and is currently funding her kickstarter to release her album. Ya’ll should check her out, she is the real deal!

Link to some of her demo’s. All originals, rough recording. But she is awesome!

Also like her on Facebook, she is posting video’s on her album progress.
I found this rap song a while ago and its amazingly uplifting :dancing:
Im not sure if its supposed to be in this thread, but hey, I thougth id share anyways :rolleyes:
Its a remix version and regrettably has a hiccup like 1 minute in, but otherwise i love it.
I am in RCIA and only recently started listening to the Christian station on Sirius. Why is so much contemporary Christian music terrible? Seriously. I appreciate their aim to inspire and share the Gospel. But I tell you, I’m always jotting down songs, and from the Christian stations very few make it on my to-be-downloaded list. Most songs I hear are so sappy and monotonous, just regurgitating platitudes we hear constantly in church, in the same ‘formal’ language. I want music from the heart, sincere and from personal experience, telling their own–and maybe my–faith stories and journey. In vernacular language, the way we would talk with one another. These are the only songs I’ve downloaded recently, the only ones that spoke to me:

You Invite Me In, Meredith Andrews
Tell Your Heart To Beat Again, Phillips Craig & Dean
Carry Me, Josh Wilson
Help Me Find It, Sidewalk Prophets
Just Might Change Your Life, Sidewalk Prophets

5 songs?! Ugh 😦
Catholic Music Express is offline. 😦 Looking for a new Catholic music podcast
I can’t listen to internet radio on the work computer. I can get some radio on my iPhone, but it uses data. That is why I liked getting the podcast. I could download it onto my iPod & listen anywhere.
Shameless plug for an artist I mange but genuinely love as an artist as well - Tori Harris. She’s a relatively new Catholic artist whose new EP just debuted at #2 on iTunes last month!

Outside of that, I’m really loving PJ Anderson, Matt Maher, and Alanna Boudreau right now.
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