CONSOLIDATED STICKY: Contemporary Catholic Music

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My favorite Catholic Band is Seven Sorrows.

My husband plays drums and sometimes I will fill in on bass for them.

All the songs are up on the website for free downloading. If you have a chance you should check them out.
Matt Maher has some really good Catholic music, you can find him on the internet…
My husband plays guitar in a local Christian band, all the members but one are Catholic. They are called Sons and Daughters. They have 2 cd’s out now & are in the process of mixing the third. Check out their website:

The writer/lead singer also writes & performs songs for Catholic Kids Net.

Rich Mullins was a Christian singer, who, after much studying, decided to enter the Catholic Church and was killed in a car accident on his way to the Church. His music is quite good I think.
I’ve long been aware of the “Brady Bunch” theme in “Here I Am, Lord.” I wonder if the composer has noticed it yet? How embarrassing.

I’ve been a cantor in Catholic parishes for the last 25 years, and I sing many weddings. The way you can tell if the couple actually goes to church is by the music they choose. If they ask for stuff like “Be Not Afraid” and “On Eagles’ Wings,” you know they’ve been to church recently. On the other hand, I hate both of these songs so much that I now surcharge for them. My fee goes up $5 for each bad song they request. I don’t mention it to them - it’s just my little secret. I’m so bad.

There’s this one song on our Christian station here in Houston…I don’t know who sings it, or all the lyrics, sorry. But it’s cool, because we’re practically in the Bible belt down here, and our station is SOOO Protestant. Anyways, here’s the lyrics I like:

Your body’s the bread
Your blood is the wine
Cause you traded your life for mine

Maybe somebody else knows more of the lyrics…

I have learned to play the guitar ( not actually that difficult) and I ordered the guitar music books for the hymnals at church. Whenever I need a good catholic song, I play and sing it myself at home. Cats and dogs from all over the neighborhood come running. It’s great.
My favorit has always been “On Eagles Wings.” We have used it at church to celebrate mass, weddings, and funerals, so it brings me to joy and tears at the same time.
I grew up Methodist, with lots of Baptist relaltives. So, I love Gospel music, and the old hymns Iearned as a child…Just hearing one of them will make me cry!

**I also love Worhsip and Praise music, and hear it when I attend my husband’s Evangelical church. There’s something really wonderful about this music that really gets to people. **

Our parish has a Mass that features a kind of Worhip and Praise music, too. I don’t attend that Mass, because the group that leads the singing is too loud…Some of the music is unsuitable for Mass, I think…Too loud on the drums…

**Got to admit that I love David Haas, Marty Haugen, John Michael Talbot, Jim Cowan, and others…It was their music that drew me into the Church in 1985, and I love them still. **

Grayon Warren Brown and Thomas Moore are wonderful!

**I also appreciate traditional Catholic music, but don’t know it as well as I would like to. It just isn’t sung in my parish very much. **

Love to sing in Latin, though…I think Latin is much better than English when it comes to Church music…Sounds so much better.

As you can see, my tastes are rather eclectic. I love and appreciate all kinds of Christian music. Classical, Traditional, Contemporary, you name it. There is a place for it all…
DONNA CORI GIBSON She’s the BEST :dancing:
My kids and I can never get enough!. We espescially love her song
“When We Lift Up our Hearts”.
I can’t recommend her “Our Catholic Faith” CD enough!
She also explains the faith in between songs.
👍 Right on. She’s one of my favorites, too. 👍

But I would also add The Pierce Sisters, Lynn Cooper, Fr. Albert Gutbertlet, LC (see for his music), and (of course) Dana.

I’m probably the different one :tiphat: I enjoy listening to Catholic music in Spanish.
Like Guillermo Vallencia who has Salsa and Merengue styles.
Mario Alberto has Pop and Ballads and Hannany B. who has an amazing voice for singing Ballads.

Your Friend in Christ,

I listen to a lot of Spanish Catholic music, too. In fact, I used to direct a church choir in my parish.

Maybe I should put you in touch with my daughter. She is looking for good Spanish music that she can take to her choir. (They’ve just been asked to add the Saturday 5:00 pm Mass (as well as their current Monday night Mass) to their schedule.

Tu hermano en Cristo y Maria

Tatiana has some really nice CD’s too. She was a Croatian Madonna, who had a conversion experience and now ministers especially to teens. or 310 859-6994
She tours the country and gives free concerts, just asking for a free will offering. The website should have her schedule. FYI the vast majority of her songs are in English, and her accent is almost nonexistent
Make that three votes for Crispin. I learned a lot about the Catholic faith by listening to that music. You can listen at Also check out:

Rich Mullins (almost Catholic and EXCELLENT)
Jars of Clay (not Catholic)
Newsboys (not Catholic)
John Michael Talbot (definately Catholic)
Marie Bellet (Catholic wife and mother of 8 or 9 kids)

To respond to the many posts about songs such as Here I Am Lord… I grew up hearing these songs at mass, so they do have a place in my heart, and I do like hearing them. I don’t think most would say they are “bad” songs. However, a lot of what is played at mass today, including this song, is not a song of praise and worship to Our Lord, which is what we are at mass to do, praise and worship Him. It’s funny, b/c most of the non-Catholic Christian artists write what’s considered praise and worship music, and I listen to a lot of it, but I can’t get that kind of music where I need it most… in church!
My fellow phatmasser’s beat me to the punch as usual.

Check out MassMatics if you havent already. Youd be suprised how awesome it is.
go here and check out their music section.

Buy the Compilation that they put out last summer.

It strengthens, It teachs, It makes ya bob yer head, Its 100% Catholic. Its better than that secular junk some people listen to.

And I too look forward to MC Just’s Album coming out.
I heard yesteday on Revelant Radio that Rich Mullins died on the way to meet with his Catholic Spiritual Director to enter into the Church.
Mullins wanted the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

As far as I am concerned, since he had the ‘desire’ to become Catholic, and died with that in his heart, I consicer him Catholic. Does anybody agree with my statement?

Go with God!
I heard yesteday on Revelant Radio that Rich Mullins died on the way to meet with his Catholic Spiritual Director to enter into the Church.
Mullins wanted the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

As far as I am concerned, since he had the ‘desire’ to become Catholic, and died with that in his heart, I consicer him Catholic. Does anybody agree with my statement?

Go with God!

“CCC 1259 For catechumens who die before their Baptism, their explicit desire to receive it, together with repentance for their sins, and charity, assures them the salvation that they were not able to receive through the sacrament.”

I do not know if he was a catechumen or a candidate, but I think the principal is the same. If, at the time of his death, he had every intention of enetering the Catholic Church and was making an effort to do so, then he died a Catholic.

He are some links to articles about Rich Mullins, his death, and his Catholicism:

Christian Singer Rich Mullins Dies; Planned To Become Catholic

Awesome Guy

In Loving Memory of Rich Mullins

Rich Mullins – Enigmatic, restless, Catholic
Anything by John Michael Talbot, especially Come Worship the Lord I & II and his Collection double CD.
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