CONSOLIDATED STICKY: Contemporary Catholic Music

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Looking over the messages, so far, I have some comments…

If you hadn’t heard of Catholic Rap, the most successful artist is Fr. Stan Fortuna. As for other Catholic rap artists, I don’t know of any others off hand.

As for Catholic Country music, this goes for the Randy Travis fan, try Denis Grady, Katrina Rae, Mark Mallett.

As for traditiona liturgical music, I am Byzantine Catholic and we chant EVERYTHING, and it really make the Liturgy an experience to put ‘heaven on earth’. The readings are chanted also to protect the reading from lecture/priest bias. The only thing not chanted is the Homily and the prayer before Communion.

There is another Catholic Music Website that I found very interesting and suits all musical styles: I have learned A LOT going on this site, especailly about all the Catholic Concerts that are touring throughout the entire world.
👍 :cool:
Nevermind, I found an article. He was raised Catholic, but is now Protestant:
Phil Keaggy - A phenomenal Catholic guitarist and songwriter! “When speaking about his Catholic roots, he refers fondly to his devoutlyRoman Catholic mother. “She was very spiritual and I was, in many ways, the prodigal son. When she died, I became a Christian in another church, The Assemblies of God. However, I don’t think I would have done that if it weren’t for her love and example.” In our consversations, it is also obviosthat Phil Keaggy is very well read in the lives of the Saints and has takeninspiration from them in his lyrics. As to his views on the role of Mary in thechurch, he states, “I really believe that Mary is the Mother of God and thatthis is scriptural”. A recent album, “True Believer”, has a song called OnThat Day, which reflects his beliefs on Mary. Whenever he speaks of theCatholic Church, he does so with warmth and respect. “Many of the mostspiritual people that I know are Catholic. They are people that seem toexude the Spirit of God.” His recent collaboration with Michael Card andJohn Michael Talbot on Card’s ecumenical album, “Brother to Brother” istestament to his feelings towards Catholics.”
Nevermind, I found an article. He was raised Catholic, but is now Protestant:
I went to the link on your post. Maybe I’m wrong, but I got the impression that that was a Protestant site which was putting Phil Keaggy down for being Catholic. It seemed like they were stressing his Catholic connections as a negative thing. I didn’t see anything about him becoming Protestant. I saw Phil on EWTN maybe three years ago, and he was definitely Catholic then. I haven’t heard anything about him becoming Protestant. Any others out there have information on this?
Hi this is Gary G. at Catholic music is exploding all over the world from Jane Chifley in Australia to Roberto Bignoli in Italy. And the U.S. Has some great artists as weel like The band Rise ,,these for guys met in RCIA class in LA after the Easter Vigil they discovered they all played the right instruments to create a band…David Vogel who started The festival for life tour…and just recieved an Apostolic Blessing from the Pope. So many great artists but because they focus on the Catholic church they get very little if any air play on the protestant stations… Our Catholic brothers and sisters running Catholic radio stations should consider helping these musicians out?

And lastly did you know there are Awards for Catholic music? Check out

God Bless and if you ever have a question regarding Catholic music please drop me a line at

Gary G.
I went to the link on your post. Maybe I’m wrong, but I got the impression that that was a Protestant site which was putting Phil Keaggy down for being Catholic. It seemed like they were stressing his Catholic connections as a negative thing. I didn’t see anything about him becoming Protestant. I saw Phil on EWTN maybe three years ago, and he was definitely Catholic then. I haven’t heard anything about him becoming Protestant. Any others out there have information on this?
I’m confused too ~ :confused:
I thought Keaggy was a protestant who became catholic, or was a revert.
Nonetheless ~ incredible musician! 👍 Love him!
DONNA CORI GIBSON She’s the BEST :dancing:
My kids and I can never get enough!. We espescially love her song
“When We Lift Up our Hearts”.
I can’t recommend her “Our Catholic Faith” CD enough!
She also explains the faith in between songs.
The Pope’s CD ‘Abba Pater,’ it is absolutely wonderful. Sooome of the world music could’ve been orchastrated a smidge better, but hearing the Pope pray, sing, talk, chant…all of it just inspires me more than anything.
You’ve heard that one too?? I thought I was the only person who’d ever heard it.

Usually it’s played on the radio in the wee hours of the morning when I’m trying to fall asleep… and I force myself to stay awake to listen to it just because it’s on!

Such peace comes over me…

our Pope surely has a charism for spreading the Faith! I can picture all the saints and angels in Heaven around while he’s singing it.

Can’t wait to get to Heaven, if I do wind up there! (trying NOT to be presumptive!)
So true. Another of my pet peeves is “Here I am, Lord; is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night…”, which is almost identical in tune to “Here’s the story, of a man named Brady; who was busy with three boys of his own…”
Hmmm… this “Here I am Lord, is it I, Lord?” has me in TEARS every time!!

They play it at the Catechetical Ministry Masses… or did, when I was working as a catechist those years.

I guess ya just have to be in the “space” to apply it to particular scenes in your own life going on… relating to the words.

Especially when I’m in a quandary about what it is that God wants me to do… or to physically be… in my life to do His work.

Especially when I don’t think that I want to go where it is that I think he wants me to go.

Besides, it’s a very slow tune. I don’t hear the Brady Bunch song, at all for this. :o
Gotta be Jesse Manibusan!

Of course, I’m biased. I met him in the mid-80’s when he did music on Young, Single Catholic retreats I was taking in California. Since then, he broke into it 100% professionally. Now he has performed all over the world.

Oregon Catholic Press sells a few of his CD’s. You can get other of his CD’s from him directly, I think.

Last I saw of him personally was when he came to Oregon to perform at Eucharist 2000. The energy was so high that a young priest who had just given a 10-minute talk about The Call jumped into the crowd that had early on left their seats and were all crowded at the base of the stage to body surf. The Bishop was on the back of the stage, enjoying every minute!

Last I actually SAW him perform was when I was watching EWTN television on the Web for the World Youth Day conference in Canada. There he was, standing and singing the theme song for that particular World Youth Day among a small group of other musicians who had been performing those days at the event.

If you ever get a chance to buy one of his CD’s, you’ll be so very glad that you did!

And, oh. yes… he DOES have a Catholic rap tune on one of them!
Perhaps have a listen to the late Rich Mullins- from what I understand he was about to convert to Catholicism when he was killed in an auto accident. He’s got some great contemporary Christian tunes- I was thrilled when I heard a line from one of his songs -goes something like “faith without works is like a screen door on a submarine” 😉
Lots of folks may be aware of this already, but (since I just found out about it) I thought I’d throw it out in case it’s of value to anyone. Catholic Music Network is a resource with information about quite a few contemporary Catholic artists, including audio samples and an online store.

Thanks for all the feedback! Please keep it coming!
Allen Rickel, Have you tried out (Sacred Heart
I listen to that and get a WIDE variety of music styles.

Here I Am Lord, Is it I Lord, sure the song sounds kinda lame today, but it comes from Scripture and any good Catholic Song from Scripture can’t be bad. Maybe you just don’t like the music.

The song that brings me to tears is Be Not Afraid. I had a Holy Spirit moment, the Gift of Tears during a boys Junior/Senior high school retreat. I will NEVER forget that song!
For Catholic rap, I like Righteous B. I of course am a little partial b/c I remember Righteous in college wearing a quilt on occassion and acting like a mob boss w/ slick hair and trench coat as he interrogated our sister household.
Another of my pet peeves is “Here I am, Lord; is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night…”, which is almost identical in tune to “Here’s the story, of a man named Brady; who was busy with three boys of his own…”

I don’t know about the St. Louis Jesuits, but I personally don’t go to Holy Mass so I can listen to The Brady Bunch. :mad:
Thanks a bunch. I will never be able to sing that song again with its inspiring lyrics from Isaiah without snickering.

I don’t know why I never noticed the similarity before. I must have blocked it out.
I really like the old Latin Hymns, especially Tantum Ergo and O Salutaris Hostia. There is a good CD out called “Catholic Latin Classics.” And sung Masses, especially Palestrina. I have begun to really like liturgical chant, too. I’d like to acquire a familiarity with the many forms of western plainchant.

In my parish Sunday before last our priest celebrated a *Missa Cantata *- a sung Mass - with all the chants written by Palestrina. It was the Missa Brevis, I believe. It was, literally, “heaven on earth”.
My all time favorite Catholic Artist is Matt Maher as Tyler Smedley mentioned at the beginning of this thread, but my next favorite Catholic Artists would be my friends at Life Vision. I spent a year at John Paul II Bible School in Radway Alberta Canada and got to know those at Life Vision pretty well. Janelle Reinhart was the World Youth Day Singer in Toronto and has a great Pop CD called “New Day”. Life Vision puts out incredible kids CDs called “Cat Chat”. My scream (among many others’ cheers and screams) are in the Second Cat Chat called “Jesus in my Heart”. Two other great Catholic Artists I got to know are Mark Mallett, and Vince Nims. Mark is a really gifted country singer. Vince’s CD is a little more for the kids with his hit song “I like Bananas”. Vince also appeared as a performing artist at World Youth Day 02’.
  • Stop making your Religion a Theology and start making it a Love Affiare. G. K. Chesterton
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