Do you know this from experience?
This is from experience, medical opinions given to me (various sources available) and proffessional training.
Are you a medical doctor?
No, but that is not necessary to make a determination. What is necessary is a well-formed conscience in union with Rome.
Have you successfully used NFP to control your menstraul cycles or prevent endometrial cancer?
There are many issues you are bringing up here that need to be addressed. They fall into the categories of medical, pastoral and theological.
Since, I am a man I have not used NFP to control my menstrual cycles. NFP is not something that is used to control cycles. NFP is used to interpret the way cycles function and determining relative fertility and infertility at particular points in the cycle.
However, I have worked with many women (along with my wife) to help women get a good direction to understand how their body is working and directed them to a good NFP only doctor when a deeper medical problem is indicated. Many women can use nutrition, a night light or a supplement to help “normalize” their cycle or “regularize” it. Oddities in length are not necessarily a concern.
If deeper issues are a concern a doctor familiar with chart interpretation can run tests to determine the actual problem and work to fix that particular problem. CCL and Creighton have very good resources. If you would like links are contact information I would be more than happy to provide them. The Creighton method has put out a phenomonal medical text on NaPro technology that is very good at dealing with cycle issues.
As far as the pill is concerned, you are correct in that it is ok to use it for a theraputic purpose, given certain conditions. Since, the fact that all forms of chemical birth control operate (some forms use some methods more than others) under a triple mechanism that includes abortus conceptus (abortion) a woman using this method should not be sexually active. My earlier refrence to the vadecum clearly states this point.
My further problem with using the pill is that it does not solve a problem. It covers up the underlying problem by creating an artificial cycle, not an actual cycle. I have seen nothing that it “cures”. Further, the increased risks of breast cancer and other problems (through artificial hormones) would seem to contraindicate its usage for “cancer (endometrial) prevention” when the aggregate risk for this is smaller than the aggregate risk of breast cancer increase for a woman using the pill. Further, to avoid the abortifacient potential for a married woman three options become present to avoid endometrial problems:
1.) Pregnancy and extended Lactational Amenoreha through ecological breastfeeding are excellent tools.
2.) There is a medication that places a woman in the state of menopause through medical intervention. This has a contraceptive effect (double effect, as we are treating endometrial or other problems that we have not been able to treat in any other way and it is life threatening) but has no abortifacient potential
3.) the third and permanent solution that is undertaken under the same principle as number two, but with great sadness is a hysterectomy.
We have to remember that when using the pill is that it is designed specifically as a contraceptive (that is to say it was designed to cure the so-called problem of fertility–gag me I am wretching) and it always contains the mechanism of abortus conceptus (abortion post conception). There is much mis-information about these topics but you can go straight to the horse’s mouth and find the answers. You can do this alone or I can lead you to them.
Under the mercy,