There’s a difference between 1) cooperation in the illicit use of an abortificant drug (prohibited), and 2) the licit use of the pill.
Fr. Serpa, in my understanding of his responses, is not stating that one is permitted to cooperate in the ***ILLICIT ***use of an abortificant drug. What I believe he is stating is that the pill can be used licitly, if it is not intended as a contraceptive/aborticant.
One must distinguish between unintended miscarriages (not morally evil) and intended abortions (morally evil).
This statement does not contradict what Fr. Serpa asserts …
Fr. Serpa is simply reiterating what Humanae Vitae affirms. The use of the moral principle of double-effect is applicable in such cases. Taking the Pill is not an intrinsic evil. In other words, it may indeed be immoral, depending upon the circumstances, most importantly the willful intent of taking the pill. Yet, in other circumstances, use of the pill is not immoral, even if the unintended effect may be a miscarriage.
See post #26 for more regarding the conditions for applying the principle of double effect forums.catholic-questions.org/showpost.php?p=221076&postcount=26
Fr. Serpa, in my understanding of his responses, is not stating that one is permitted to cooperate in the ***ILLICIT ***use of an abortificant drug. What I believe he is stating is that the pill can be used licitly, if it is not intended as a contraceptive/aborticant.
One must distinguish between unintended miscarriages (not morally evil) and intended abortions (morally evil).
This statement does not contradict what Fr. Serpa asserts …
… as the situation that Fr. Serpa describes is not cooperation in formal evil because the licit use of the pill is not morally evil.(48) “From the moral standpoint, it is never licit to cooperate formally in evil. Such cooperation occurs when an action, either by its very nature or by the form it takes in a concrete situation, can be defined as a direct participation in an act against innocent human life or a sharing in the immoral intention of the person committing it” (John Paul II, Enc. Evangelium Vitae, March 25, 1995, n. 74)
Fr. Serpa is simply reiterating what Humanae Vitae affirms. The use of the moral principle of double-effect is applicable in such cases. Taking the Pill is not an intrinsic evil. In other words, it may indeed be immoral, depending upon the circumstances, most importantly the willful intent of taking the pill. Yet, in other circumstances, use of the pill is not immoral, even if the unintended effect may be a miscarriage.
See post #26 for more regarding the conditions for applying the principle of double effect forums.catholic-questions.org/showpost.php?p=221076&postcount=26