CORONAVIRUS on the move

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Not 70 yet. But like you, with an autoimmune.

It isn’t in our state yet, but I’m not sure what I am going to do when it comes.

I work for the parish, interacting with many parishioners.
it is not hard to imagine these same powers devising a plan to commit Senicide on the global population.
“Not hard to imagine” does not equal probable or likely. As a long-time SF fan, I don’t find it “hard to imagine” an alien invasion happening tomorrow. Which doesn’t mean a darn thing as far as reality goes.
Oh look, you said it again. Those agencies “pushing for massive new vaccines” are planning to off the seniors.
The CDC is not the powers I’m talking about; the Center for Disease Control is simply an agency. The problem with the CDC is that it’s known to be heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical behemoths, which even scientists at the CDC have accused the agency being a tool of corporate money.) Thus the problem with the CDC is not that they are trying to kill old people as you said, but rather that it has become untrustworthy.

Furthermore, there are armies of lawyers and talking heads in corporate-sponsored major news outlets who reoeat narratives that are influenced by big money to spin, to deny and to defend the narrative—and even to calumniate those who dare expose this. For example the case of Dr. Thompson at the CDC who exposed how findings were omitted from studies which linked certain vaccines with the higher rates of autism among African American children. Obviously they hire the dream team to deny this, much like The OJ Simpson dream team acquitted their client despite all the damning evidence. Money talks very well.
All I care about is that any person reading this will understand that unsupported belief in unseen fantastical forces manipulating human affairs can lead someone to conclude that vaccine makers are supportive of offing seniors.
It sounds like all you care about in this discussion is to twist what I’ve said—and to try to confirm thine atheism.
By the way, I am pro-choice. I do not support killing seniors.
Yet you support killing children through rationalizing abortion —even though there are graphic photographs of dismembered bodies and waste containers of human remains. This is what i mean about the potential to rationalize anything. As for not supporting killing seniors, forced euthanasia has already peeked its head over the horizon. Normalize? No problem! Simply start the propaganda machine.

This is what I’m talking about; the fact that they rationalize and lie about abortion in the open, they are capable of much worse when working in the shadows, as was uncovered with the sale of baby body parts through Planned Parenthood, or the extermination camps in WWII.

If dismembering little unborn boys in the name of unwanted human beings is rationalized, which is what the abortion industry is all about, then it’s not hard to imagine the powers rationalizing other macabre plans on the human population as a whole. Thus I repeat:

I’m not saying they are doing it now, what I am saying is that they are certainly capable of rationalizing it.
The same powers who are screaming for population reduction, abortion and euthanasia, are the same powers that are pushing for massive new vaccines, thus it is not hard to imagine these same “powers” devising a plan to commit Senicide on the global population.
Not hard to imagine” does not equal probable or likely
Based on history, it is very likely in the future. After all, abortion was a horror a few decades ago yet it has been rationalized and available on a street corner near you, despite photos of graphic body parts, and the insane claim that unborn children are not human beings.
Thank you to all those who wished me well. I did do a spiritual communion again this weekend because I felt fairly sick again this weekend.

This time around I called urgent care and discussed my symptoms (shortness of breath) and they set up an appointment to see a doctor this afternoon. I feel pretty good right now; all it took was a lot of coughing and then I got my wind back. I think I had a kind of incipient pneumonia with a lot of blocked bronchial tubes, but not blocked so badly that any section of my lungs were completely full. Once I got rid of that stuff, and once the cold let up, I felt a whole lot better. I never had the pain of pneumonia, and I’m intimately familiar with what that feels like (attempting to stretch lung tissue that won’t stretch because it’s full of fluid exerting capillary forces on itself - very painful, and it hurts on every breath).

I still think I ought to be checked out by a doctor though.
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I would if I were you, Pat, yes.
Better one more visit to the doctor than one less when one doesn’t feel well.
Hope you get definitely well again and completely healed.
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There is a not a vaccination or “treatment” for this virus but, that does not mean getting the virus is an automatic death sentence. Even if it was a death sentence, so what? Prepare to die. We should all be preparing ourselves to die everyday. The purpose of life is to become a Saint right? (FYI- you have to be dead to be a Saint.)

If you are Highly Susceptible to infections due to medical condition(s) and/or age then, you should continue to take the same precautions you should be already be familiar with following: wash your hands before eating or touching your eyes, nose, mouth, or face. If you are in a public crowd, avoid close proximity to anyone who is coughing/sneezing frequently. If you must use public transportation, same precautions. Do not travel to countries/cities that have a high rate of confirmed infected cases.

If you are an average healthy person, you should not be concerned about becoming infected with CoronaVirus19. Use standard/common sense precautions to avoid infection from Any of the flu/cold viruses out there. If you do come down with flu-like symptoms, self quarentine to prevent spreading it to others (like you should do with any flu/cold illness). CALL your doctor if you are sick and concened or develop any complications. Do Not GO to the doctor, urgent care, or emergency room without consulting with them First so they can prepare for your arrival. This really should be the procedure to follow ANYTIME you have a cold or the flu with a fever. IF they want you to come in for some reason, they will instruct you on what precautions to take such as to wear a mask before entering the building/office. They have vulnerable and susceptible patients in these places who could potentially die from ANY flu or respiratory virus.
The main concern a healthy infected person should have is how to avoid spreading their illness to the susceptible population.
Why can’t they make use of weekday masses to spread the parishioners out a bit instead of everyone being there on sunday?
The obligation applies only to Sundays and cannot be replaced by weekday Masses.
The obligation applies only to Sundays and cannot be replaced by weekday Masses.
I think you will find that in some Muslim countries which have a different pattern of workdays and weekends, (Saudi Arabia, for instance), their ‘‘Sunday’’ is Friday, as Sunday is a working day.
I do not think that is possible. It may be that a person cannot get to Mass on Sunday, so they choose to attend another day (not obligatory), but not that Sunday Mass becomes not obligatory and Friday Mass obligatory.
Strange that where I am in England there has been no panic buying, no empty shelves, nobody with masks on, no closures and life seems normal.
If you are an average healthy person you should be concerned about contracting this virus and having few to no symptoms. It has lived on surfaces in a lab for 3 days. Don’t kill Grandma.
I am a grandma with a compromised immune system so I repeat: Don’t kill Grandma
If I die because so yong person with a robust immune system didn’t feel like handwashing I will either be furious at their complecency or since I be dead maybe I won’t care.
I would leave behind people who would care.
If I die because so yong person with a robust immune system didn’t feel like handwashing I will either be furious at their complecency or since I be dead maybe I won’t care.
I would leave behind people who would care.
  1. I have no immune system so if I have it I will probably die before I can pass it on.
  2. I never mentioned anywhere that I don’t wash my hands.
  3. We cannot stop catching this virus as it can be anywhere, did you remember to disinfect the shopping trolley handles before you pushed it around the supermarket? etc.
  1. No directed at you personally
  2. I have asthma and have been on pretty strong doses of steroids for bronchitis lately so I have an immune system but it is not a Ferrari. It is more of a pushcart.
    3.I had to go to the store yesterday. That shopping cart got a Purell wipe bath.
  3. My hands are scaly from washing.