CORONAVIRUS on the move

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Yes, vaccines have saved many lives; and rid many diseases, polio, etc. no argument there. The problem is that the field of medicine and healthcare has turned into a colossal busine$$ industry where evil and corruption is in the highest places. Plenty of evidence which is then dismissed and suppressed by the media that is supported by big pharma, which is is not a billion dollar industry, it is a trillion dollar industry. Go ahead trust them blindly.
Halo, as far as everything I have read, this virus has not killed anyone under the age of 10. It seems to pose little threat to your baby. I know this is probably not much comfort given the stress on medical resources and the economy.

Perhaps if I were in your position, I might look into options beyond a hospital delivery (maybe a birth center) just to avoid the competing traffic. That of course depends on your personal comfort level, your risk level, your insurance options.

Good luck.
You’re not reading very carefully. I said I go by the evidence. The vaccines being developed are going through clinical trials. Those clinical trials are documented and the evidence made available for examination.

I have no doubts that pharmaceuticals are motivated by pursuit of profit. I also understand that they are also adverse to losing money. Vaccines that lead to poor outcomes negatively affects earnings. And the CDC is charged by the government in keeping the population as healthy as possible, because it has an economic and security interest in keeping us able to work and produce. The fact that this virus is disrupting the markets is a huge part of why they need a working vaccine.

All of the above is evidence for why I think it is absurd that you believe the reason the CDC seeks a vaccine is to kill off old people.
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Bless you. I’m going to be praying for you folk who are 21 years and counting 😉 xx
I will admit that I am starting to get offended at all of the Facebook posts etc downplaying this and saying “calm down and wash your hands, it only affects the old and those with underlying conditions”. As a not-old person on heavy-duty immune suppressant therapy I’m like, seriously? I don’t think that people realize how many in our country have health conditions, or how many older people that they care about might be affected by this. i know that people are just trying to be calming but I don’t think that totally downplaying it is the way to go here. Especially in light of the actions of China, Italy, Japan etc. nobody takes those kinds of actions for something that’s no big deal! If I were you I would go and wear your mask if you want to, and don’t feel self-conscious about it. Or if you don’t feel that it’s safe at all to go then that would be a prudent decision on your part.
I understand what you’re saying here and I agree. In my own life, I don’t know anyone who’s panicking. I do know many people who are taking reasonable precautions. I don’t think that’s hysteria – I think it’s practical.
Understood. This virus is an unwelcome complication. I’m definitely not qualified to give any advice on UK’s system. So I will just wish for you the best possible outcome, and hope that everything calms down a bit!
Honestly, my gut is that the coronavirus has already been in the US for months. Even in the US, we don’t always have the equipment to test for this.
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The meme words it wrong and should be corrected. But SNOPES put out a poorly written and hair-splitting article.

To be clear, there’s no conspiracy theory that someone is in a lab creating diseases to sprinkle like fairy dust over the public every election year. What we DO see is that every 4 years, opportunistic pundits and politicians hype whatever illness is going around in order to score cheap political points.

For example, SNOPES is correct that SARS was discovered in 2003. But it was hard-core hyped in 2004 . . . an election year. As another example, today, it’s amounting to a conveniently timed criticism of Donald Trump “not doing enough” about coronavirus.

I wouldn’t call the political and corporate media hype a “conspiracy.” But it’s certainly manipulative and opportunistic.
I will admit that I am starting to get offended at all of the Facebook posts etc downplaying this and saying “calm down and wash your hands, it only affects the old and those with underlying conditions”. As a not-old person on heavy-duty immune suppressant therapy I’m like, seriously?
I do think the “it only affects” part sounds callous. On the other hand, worrying about this isn’t going to save anybody. We need to be taking commonsense precautions like hand-washing and voluntary quarantine, coronavirus or not.
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You’re not reading very carefully. I never said the CDC seeks a vaccine to kill old people. What I did is that the same powers who push abortion, contraception and euthanasia, are the same powers that are pushing for massive new vaccines. Since the Scripture explains that Satan is the prince of this world, it is not hard to imagine these same powers devising a plan to commit Senicide on the global population. The same people that spreads the lie that an unborn child is not a human being, and promotes the killing of children as family planning.

As for the current vaccine industry big pharma and the CDC, falsifying vaccine testing, covering up vaccine injuries and fraud, are part of their portfolio…
Yes indeed. He’s the one who said that Satan is the ruler of this world.
No, you are not making any sense. YOU are claiming that the CDC and others desire the deaths of old people. Yet we know they are seeking to produce a vaccine that works against a disease that in fact kills old people.

THAT is a fundamentally irrational position. If they want to kill old people, they would not be looking to produce an effective vaccine against coronavirus.

Citing imaginary evil beings does not make your position any more reasonable. And with each additional illogical statement, you confirm to me that faith is not compatible with rational, scientific thought.
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What I did is that the same powers who push abortion, contraception and euthanasia, are the same powers that are pushing for massive new vaccines.
The question is why are those promoting acts which reduce the number of people also promoting vaccines, right?

And overall, they are promoting vaccines so that children will stay healthier and women will feel comfortable having fewer children.

Thet want women to have fewer children so they will work, earn money, and buy more products.
They would actually buy more products if they had more children.

More children to vaccinate, more children to keep healthy.
And overall, they are promoting vaccines so that children will stay healthier and women will feel comfortable having fewer children.
The first part of that statement is supportable. Vaccines reduce infant and child mortality rates. The second statement does not follow. Because the CDC aims to reduce deaths does not mean it us doing so to “make women feel comfortable with fewer children.” I invite you to show me where that is the expressed goal of vaccine developments.

By such logic, I could argue that the Catholic Church seeks to reduce contraception usage, thereby increasing birth rates. The Catholic Church therefore also seeks to increase the numbers of women dying. Increased rates of pregnancy and childbirth, mean increased numbers of maternal fatalities so… therefore, an increase in one area means an increase in another, the latter must be their goal.

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Again, I did not say the CDC desires the death of old people. The CDC is simply an agency, which has a record of corruption and being a tool of big pharma which pours millions into the CDC. Simply look it up.
THAT is a fundamentally irrational position. If they want to kill old people, they would not be looking to prevent an effective vaccine against coronavirus.
Theoretically, if there were a covert operation to decimate the global population, (in addition to the widespread killing children through abortion and now the pushing for euthanasia) it would make perfect sense to spread a virus that kills the elderly and profit off the millions of people who are scared into taking their vaccines, which by The way billions are channeled to produce.

Maybe you have to realize that there are highly educated people who are also evil. After all, abortion doctors know exactly what they are doing.

That evil and corruption exists in powerful places is no myth. After all, even the U:S. Government was shown to be involved in secretly sterilizing tens of thousands of unwanted people without their knowledge. They’ve also been known to lie about weapons of mass destruction. the point is, that you can’t always trust those who tell you things. As for vaccine injuries, the Vaccine Injury Program has paid out over 4Billion to injured recipients. Of course, you never hear about that un the news, being that big pharma generously funds the corporate media complex.
you confirm to me that faith is not compatible with rational, scientific thought.
Atheism is a psychological condition, not a rational conclusion. bu that’s a different thread.
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I could argue that the Catholic Church seeks to reduce contraception usage, thereby increasing birth rates. The Catholic Church therefore also seeks to increase the numbers of women dying. Increased rates of pregnancy and childbirth, mean increased numbers of maternal fatalities so…
Not so. First, there is an alternative to contraception to limit the number of children. Second, one would have to prove that the Church wants more women to die.
Because the CDC aims to reduce deaths does not mean it us doing so to “make women feel comfortable with fewer children.”
No, the CDC has nothing to do with the issue. It is those like Bill and Melinda Gates who are pushing what @Gab123 is talking about.