CORONAVIRUS on the move

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I’m on your heels. My point - clearly not clear - was that we should not fear death. Not since that first Easter. Of course we seek to live as that is God’s gift to us. From what I hear, the media is just hyping this to the max. I don’t watch them - other than the doctor on YouTube.

It is fact that 103 souls will lose their lives in the US today, completely unexpectedly. No, not from the Corona virus - but in traffic accidents.
cough, according to CDC could be anything, u less you can test that cough right away which I would not think so. since we dont know…I rather not take the risk,there has been 80,000 death already…
i am totally with you…i have seen foreigners assisting mass and have no clie what is “cover your mouth” while sick, no respect for others which that is why we go to church in the first place…So, i think no worries, I support your isea and keep encouraging people to be safe and keep safe to others…Amen,and thank you expressing your thoughts…
that is sooooo smart of you…I applaud you. because the last things i want is for you to be sick…and that is “even” if remotely get sick…that would make me sad…so i am happy you are ahead of the game
hahahahaha that is amazingly smart…because the Lord would never want us to suffer purposely, by appreciating life we appreciate and care for ourselves…very smart…GodBless your answer
Godbless you, you are doing the right thing for you and for other which is what God want us to do- do a good devotion in ourselves…You will get better and thank you for placing me safe, most importanly keep getting better, a lot of soup and water…Amen
Covid 19 has a 3 percent mortality rate, mostly for people who have a compromised immune system.
The flu has a 1.5 percent mortality rate among same.
According to 60 minutes last night.
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I saw the surgeon general on this morning and he said less than 2% I think. Thus us due to underreporting of non life threatening cases. Just for the record.
Think about what? WH says seniors not to fly; Cuomo calls state of emergency in NY; large congregation and trust me no one believes this is happening in this village. Someone mentioned Communion, a requirement to receive it during Lent. I receive Communion every Sunday so I dunno what that’s all about. Think about what? I had pneumonia when I was five years old, I almost died, very close call. I’m 73 years old and all alone in this world, my daughter would have been 33 on April 10, I lost her in 2011. Who’s going to take care of me if I get pneumonia? The local hospital? They will be overloaded, no room. Think about what? God is going to protect me because I’m going to Mass during a medical emergency? Oh yeah? Like God protected my daughter from her mental illness even though she prayed and read the Bible? Like that? Think about what? Dying on a respirator if I’m fortunate enough to get an ICU room? How old ARE YOU? There’s nothing to think about. I have a responsibility to myself, I would not let my own mother go out without mask and gloves if she were my age, so why should I and I can’t go to church that way. There’s nothing to think about.
There was not a lot of panic here about Ebola I think because it never spread exponentially outside of the original outbreak area. While it’s a scary and highly fatal disease, you must have direct contact with bodily fluids of a symptomatic person to contract it. So it never had much pandemic potential to start with. COVID19 is alarming based on the facts of the 3.4% death rate when coupled with a high R0, Long incubation period, asymptomatic spread, and it being airborne…you can catch it from anyone that’s within 6 feet of you supposedly.
This is incorrect with regard to influenza, by a long shot. You don’t understand how covid19 cases are classified. You can have a “mild case” and still have pneumonia. The first case here in the US was a HEALTHY 35 year old man with no underlying health conditions and he did in fact get pneumonia and have low oxygen levels and require oxygen. You should read the case Report that has been published on it. And his case has been classified as not serious! Remember, even if only 3.4% die, 10-20% do require hospitalization.

Rest assured that you’re not sinning. There’s no obligation to attend Mass while one is sick. You’re doing the right thing staying at home until you feel better.

Get well soon.
I’m not sick. I’m 73. I don’t want to die from pneumonia. And if I go to Mass wearing my N95 mask, I can’t take Communion and it may scare children, who knows. Gov. declared a state of emergency in NY State. Dunno what Card. Dolan will or will not do, he doesn’t seem to pay much attention to anything but his own agenda. I found a beautiful online Mass and I’m going to do that until this state of emergency is lifted.
My reply was to @Pat_Albertson who appears to be sick (according to what Pat wrote). My reply wasn’t addressed to you. My other post (about the bishop’s dispensation) was addressed to you. 🙂
I will admit that I am starting to get offended at all of the Facebook posts etc downplaying this and saying “calm down and wash your hands, it only affects the old and those with underlying conditions”. As a not-old person on heavy-duty immune suppressant therapy I’m like, seriously? I don’t think that people realize how many in our country have health conditions, or how many older people that they care about might be affected by this. i know that people are just trying to be calming but I don’t think that totally downplaying it is the way to go here. Especially in light of the actions of China, Italy, Japan etc. nobody takes those kinds of actions for something that’s no big deal! If I were you I would go and wear your mask if you want to, and don’t feel self-conscious about it. Or if you don’t feel that it’s safe at all to go then that would be a prudent decision on your part.
I will admit that I am starting to get offended at all of the Facebook posts etc downplaying this and saying “calm down and wash your hands, it only affects the old and those with underlying conditions”. As a not-old person on heavy-duty immune suppressant therapy I’m like, seriously? I don’t think that people realize how many in our country have health conditions, or how many older people that they care about might be affected by this. i know that people are just trying to be calming but I don’t think that totally downplaying it is the way to go here. Especially in light of the actions of China, Italy, Japan etc. nobody takes those kinds of actions for something that’s no big deal! If I were you I would go and wear your mask if you want to, and don’t feel self-conscious about it. Or if you don’t feel that it’s safe at all to go then that would be a prudent decision on your part.
Panic does nobody any good and good hand-washing is the absolute best thing that we, as individuals, can do to prevent the spread of the virus. Staying home while we’re sick is helpful, but the virus can be spread even if a person is showing no symptoms. Frequent hand-washing is extremely effective. Panic is almost never effective.
If I were you I would go and wear your mask if you want to, and don’t feel self-conscious about it. Or if you don’t feel that it’s safe at all to go then that would be a prudent decision on your part.
TY for your empathy. I just read the Diocesan guidelines for Albany County which is above me by about 45 miles. They are reminding people of the “obligation” and giving some really stupid advice like Eucharistic Ministers should NOT touch the hand of the recipient of the Host - meanwhile the Host is coming from THEIR hands. Yes we all must attend or go to hell I presume. What is THAT? FEAR? I go to Mass because of FEAR? Is that the RCC? Apparently. SO I decided to wear a mask, go in at the last minute, stand in the back, listen to the Gospel, and leave. And that’s not attending Mass to me but it sure is FEAR and if that pleases GOD then I have a huge problem with CANON LAW. We have a huge mess on our hands in the Church, enormous, those people go on with impunity covering up the most egregious sins and we are supposed to be LITERAL sheep. I’m very angry about this. Every Bishop should be telling people over 60 to stay home but we’re the ones who put the $ in the collection baskets, aren’t we! Cynical? You bet I am. This virus is spreading so fast and there are some without symptoms who are carriers. Royal Princess just canceled a cruise leaving 3500 passengers in the terminal because ONE employee transferred from the Grand Princess and that employee isn’t sick (yet) but I have to go to Mass TERRIFIED because of FEAR mongering. This isn’t what God is all about.
Panic does nobody any good and good hand-washing is the absolute best thing that we, as individuals, can do to prevent the spread of the virus. Staying home while we’re sick is helpful, but the virus can be spread even if a person is showing no symptoms. Frequent hand-washing is extremely effective. Panic is almost never effective.
I agree, and I never mentioned panic at all. Edit to clarify- the posts I’m referencing make it clear that it’s way overblown, nothing of concern, and you are an idiot if you are concerned about it, because “more have died from the flu”. ( Never mind that this virus is only 3 months old and hasn’t really had time to kill. )
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