CORONAVIRUS on the move

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D) All the above. šŸ˜‰

Seriously the over population and pro choice lobbyist.

Whatever you want to call them the Illuminati, Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Globalist Bankers, elitist, the super wealthy, those pushing for global warming, depopulation, pantheism, earth worship and human sacrifice for the sake of nature.

Miss mas over fears of getting the corona virus? That does not seem right. Unless one is sick WITH the virus, then that would be appropriate
Miss mas over fears of getting the corona virus? That does not seem right. Unless one is sick WITH the virus, then that would be appropriate
I said this on another thread but Iā€™m encouraging my 79-year-old mom to stay home from Mass. It seems perfectly legitimate to want her to avoid the possibility of coming down with a virus she might not recover from.
Here is the thread I started to find out (hopefully) what the Church recommends: Deciding whether or not to attend Mass

I donā€™t know if @April(name removed by moderator) started one, but if so, maybe someone could merge them so we donā€™t have two?
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ā€œSouth Korea earlier this week, the government said over two thousand people were waiting for hospital care.ā€

That was earlier this week. That is a long line.

80% of Corona (Covid-19) virus cases are mild presentations. Some cases of infection are asymptomatic. Thus, it is being spread unknowingly. Having had 6 or 7 less virulent viruses last year, this one could very well be it for me.

Let us not forget that we are pilgrims and the earth is a stopping point along the way. If this is how God chooses to call me, blessed be His Name!
Iā€™m over 60 and have to work. I canā€™t work from home. I work in retail. I handle money and come in contact with a lot of people including sick people. We have the virus in our state but not in my small town I figure itā€™s only a matter of time before it gets here. I plan on going to church tomorrow and having communion (Iā€™m Lutheran). But I can understand why anyone would want to stay home and just watch on TV or internet until this blows over,most especially if one is over 60 or had a compromised immune system. Granted Iā€™m not Catholic so I know there are days of obligation. I worry about some people I know that do have issues such as chemo cancer etc
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I worry about some people I know that do have issues such as chemo cancer etc
I know so many people that are at risk. Worrying doesnā€™t help. Mostly, we should all just live and do the best we can given the situation. Pray always.
With corona virus on the moveā€¦i have been watching internet mass. I hear different visions of it ā€¦but everytine i am sitting in church people are sneezing and coughing continuously and just not feel the sane way and makes me very uncomfortableā€¦Strickly has been said and professionally said We should avoid large crowds so sounds like i would stay homeā€¦any views?
There are a number of steps you can take to reduce odds of getting sick at mass.

FIRST: If possible, go to mass at times/churches where it isnā€™t particularly crowded so you donā€™t have to sit next to many peopleā€“or possibly any people at all. Some masses are far more packed than others.

If you donā€™t mind foreign languages, foreign masses can, depending on the church, also be sparsely attended. Several churches in my area have Spanish masses, and while one of them apparently has a lot of people go to it, another church that has Spanish masses is fairly sparsely attended (their English masses get a lot of people, though), making it really easy to not have to sit near anyone.

Beyond the times and churches themselves, there are also places in churches that tend to be less crowded also. In my experience, people tend to avoid the rows closest to the altar. Balconies (if the church has them) also often donā€™t get used much. Indeed, balconies that are set up for the musicians/singers normally have some seats for massgoersā€“but outside of the super-popular times like Christmas or Easter, I notice they normally go completely unused, meaning there arenā€™t other people there (well, except the musicians), so youā€™re not packed in with other people.

So there are definitely ways to go to mass while minimizing contact with people.

SECOND: People have talked about changes in communion taking as a result of this (e.g. keeping the cup away), but hereā€™s something to remember: You donā€™t have to take communion each time! According to the Code of Canon Law, 920.1-2:
After being initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive holy communion at least once a year.

This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at another time during the year.
ā€œEaster Seasonā€, from my understanding, is from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost, so if youā€™ve already taken communion sometime since Ash Wednesday youā€™re in the clear. If you havenā€™tā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if ā€œworry about the coronavirusā€ qualifies as a ā€œjust causeā€ but even if it doesnā€™t, taking it just once sometime between now and Pentecost fulfills the requirement for the rest of the year, and if youā€™re really concerned you can try to sit at the front so youā€™re the first to get communion, minimizing any risk of communion contagion.

THIRD: You donā€™t have to shake hands during the sign of peace. Just making a gesture, like holding up your hand in greeting, is sufficient. (some dioceses have suspended the usage of the Sign of Peace due to the coronavirus anyway)

Just some considerations.
Most of these are simple colds, not even the flu. Right now, Iā€™ve got a ā€˜productiveā€™ cough (a wet cough), no fever, and no particular shortness of breath. My nose runs constantly, my eyes water, and I constantly cough up junk. Covid-19 has a dry cough, a fever, and shortness of breath.

I didnā€™t feel well last Sunday so I made spiritual communion rather than go to mass. I might do the same thing this weekend too, so as not to spread my cold. I donā€™t like doing this as I feel like Iā€™m sinning, but this is a particularly nasty cold and I donā€™t want to give it to others.
Rest assured that youā€™re not sinning. Thereā€™s no obligation to attend Mass while one is sick. Youā€™re doing the right thing staying at home until you feel better.

Get well soon.
The CDC is lying to us. COVID 19 is contagious without symptoms. Some in US with it were in Italy skiing, this slight contact gave them this virus. People over age 60 are at huge risk. I am over 60. Ask my priest? That man doesnā€™t go to the hospital to give anointing and doesnā€™t go to grave sites! He looks right through me, Iā€™m not even there as far as heā€™s concerned. A missing congregant is missing $ to him. No one to ask. This virus is going to spread like wildfire in the USA (it already is). I am now wearing a mask when I go out (and that includes the building I live in where there are large numbers of people over 80, prime targets). In Italy, 1247 new cases in ONE DAY and it is 1/5 the size of the USA. We are at the beginning of this progression. In the Hudson Valley, there are cases of Covid 19; I am in the mid-Hudson valley. I am not comfortable going to Mass now and I want to attend online. No one is taking this seriously. I have done a lot of research every single day, this thing is going to kill a lot of Americans, especially in my age group. So what do you think? If I am fearful, and with good cause, arenā€™t I supposed to protect my life? I donā€™t know.
Yesterday, the Bishop of San Jose (California) issued a dispensation for all in his diocese who are over the age of 50 or are in bad health from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday for the rest of the Sundays in March. (Those under the age of 50 and in good health are still obliged to attend the Sunday Mass in March.)
80% of Corona (Covid-19) virus cases are mild presentations. Some cases of infection are asymptomatic. Thus, it is being spread unknowingly. Having had 6 or 7 less virulent viruses last year, this one could very well be it for me.

Let us not forget that we are pilgrims and the earth is a stopping point along the way. If this is how God chooses to call me, blessed be His Name!
Iā€™m 73 years old, guy. If God wants me to die from pneumonia I guess God can figure out how to do it but Iā€™m not going to volunteer for it.
Rest assured that youā€™re not sinning. Thereā€™s no obligation to attend Mass while one is sick. Youā€™re doing the right thing staying at home until you feel better.

Get well soon.
Iā€™m not sick. Iā€™m 73. I donā€™t want to die from pneumonia. And if I go to Mass wearing my N95 mask, I canā€™t take Communion and it may scare children, who knows. Gov. declared a state of emergency in NY State. Dunno what Card. Dolan will or will not do, he doesnā€™t seem to pay much attention to anything but his own agenda. I found a beautiful online Mass and Iā€™m going to do that until this state of emergency is lifted.
How about this (and itā€™s the absolute truth). On Nov. 19, 2012, at about 11:50AM on a very sunny day with just one cloud bank, over the NY State Thruway in plain sight I saw a HUGE FLYING SAUCER (I am not joking), HUGE. It dipped at me (yes, AT me), I could feel the consciousness in there. Iā€™m not joking, Iā€™m not lying and I donā€™t hallucinate. SO: there are more things in heaven and earthā€¦as William said. Did that freak me out? NO!! Far from it, actually! I thought it was fantastic! Amazing! I was awe struck! ā€œWeā€ know NOTHING.
Sigh,empty sections in the supermarket aisles
over here (Australia) I feel for the older people out to do their weekly shopping and toilet paper etc has been snapped up.I hope ,pray its a time people can practice charity and be thoughtful of one another.
I have a chronic cough that is sometimes severe, but not contagious. I am also at the peak of my spring allergies. Iā€™m sure people are giving me looks, but I can be pretty oblivious because I am usually focused on my kids when I am out and about.
You may be right, but your statement sounds as if you are related to both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.