CORONAVIRUS on the move

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Panic does nobody any good and good hand-washing is the absolute best thing that we, as individuals, can do to prevent the spread of the virus. Staying home while we’re sick is helpful, but the virus can be spread even if a person is showing no symptoms. Frequent hand-washing is extremely effective. Panic is almost never effective.
I agree, and I never mentioned panic at all.
Fair enough. Maybe my wording should have been “agitated state” (as opposed to calm) rather than “panic”.
I edited to clarify in my first reply to you. I can see how Me not liking “calm down” in itself, can give the idea of panic. Lol
That’s all very nice and even true, except our hospitals are experiencing a heavy flu season so they are busy now. When globally recognized epidemiologists say this virus is not being taken seriously enough, folks should listen.

South Korea took it very seriously with immediate widespread testing. Even drive through testing. As a result, their health care systems are able to manage some sort of pace. This would be a different story if they had not acted immediately.

This sign about an election year at a doctors office is shameful I think. Show this sign to the Nursing Home in Washington state where the paramedics were called eight or nine times in one night to rush residents to the hospital. What about them? Sure most of us might just get a cold but what about the people with Type II diabetes, asthma, COPD on and on? I bet they aren’t rolling their eyes right now.

And I tell you who else isn’t rolling their eyes and that is the doctors and nurses who are sweating their way through flu season right now. Strokes and heart attacks will still be happening through this too. How will they be served when a growing number of nurses are being home quarantined due to their testing positive?

The RO for this is not 2, it is more like 4. Healthy people, strong people should not be worried for themselves, but for their mothers fathers and the rest of the world who are not as fortunate. Im just going to stop here.
Frequent hand-washing is extremely effective.
Very very true, too many people still won’t do it, and washing your hands after someone sneezes on an elevator wont do a bit of good.

The governor of New York for the first time ever said something I agree with. “I am not urging calm, I am urging reality.” It is no joke when Austin and Miami cancel events that amount to their black Friday’s. That isn’t panic, that is being responsible.
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Talking about elevators, and handles , it is also advisable to train oneself to use the counter natural hand.
That is to say, if one is right handed, then use your left. And the other way round, if one is left handed, then press the elevator button and open door with your right.
It is more likely that one will take the natural ( right is one is right handed)hand to your face unconsciously.
And then of course wash ones hands.
The UK doctors’ video was very practical. Thanks po18guy
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Note the date of the article below.
" Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months — and says we should prepare for it as we do for war"

April 27th 2018.

Gov. declared a state of emergency in NY State.
Governor Cuomo declares a State of Emergency far more readily than previous governors, due to weather conditions or other factors. This presents him as a Decisive Leader.

All winter long, the weather forecasters compete with each other for the most apocolyptic predictions.
The one who forecasts moderate snow will lose market share to the one who forecasts Major Storm with breakdown of civilization.

Think of the Boy who cried Wolf.
The same powers who support abortion, contraception and euthanasia, are the same powers that are pushing for massive new vaccines. Since the Scripture explains that Satan is the prince of this world, it is not hard to imagine these same powers devising a plan to commit Senicide on the global population.
Complete nonsense. If these “powers” are intent on killing old people, then they wouldn’t need a vaccine at all. They would be telling everyone to ignore the coronavirus, downplaying its dangers, and encouraging everyone to continue congregating with no concern for the spread of the virus. While the same virus kills upwards of 20% of infected individuals over 80.

I have been told the Catholic Church is not opposed to logic, reason, and science. So I’m at a loss at understanding utterly nonsensical posts such as the one above.
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Unfortunately, these days one simply cannot trust the corporate media or even the CDC, much less the unchecked government agencies and the information flow that is disseminated by the people on top. One doesn’t have to look to Hitler to find covert government attempts to rid unwanted people from the population. There are many actual historical examples of the U.S. government using secret programs to control and decimate “undesirable” populations. For example the many federally-funded sterilization programs that took in the 20th century against people that were deemed unwanted. One such example is the forced sterilization of Native Americans which persisted into the 1970s and 1980s, where young women received tubal ligations when they were told they were getting appendectomies. About 25-50 percent of Native American women were sterilized between 1970 and 1976 without their consent. And what was done to the black population under the directives of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger inspired Hitler himself. Remember, we live in a world that teaches that it is okay to kill and dismember unwanted unborn children.

Theese days the narrative coming from academia is that that the world is overpopulated and that humans are an existential threat to the environment. According to them, the optimum population of Earth is 1.5 to 2 billion people rather than the 8 billion who are living today.

Again , the same powers who push abortion, contraception and euthanasia, are the same powers that are pushing for massive new vaccines. Since the Scripture explains that Satan is the prince of this world, it is not hard to imagine these same powers devising a plan to commit Senicide on the global population.

None of what you just said has even the slightest thing to do with this fact: we require a effective vaccine to prevent and impede the spread of coronavirus. Since we know the coronavirus poses a significant threat to the elderly population, it is voices such as yours opposing a vaccine who are in fact, threatening older people.

It is extremely hypocritical of you to accuse others of supposedly wishing death on old people while you are opposing the very medical aid which would prevent their deaths.
It’sa question of who do you trust. I simply have lost trust in the mass corporate media, the CDC and the powers , such as the pharmaceutical industry which own the networks and is in cahoots with a corrupt CDC.
Ok, then please answer this question. If the goal of these agencies is to kill off old people, then then why would they look for a vaccine to a disease that’s going around right now and doing just that… killing old people?
Money. What Else. Do you know how many billions are channeled into the pharmaceutical industry which will be ready to service the millions of scared people into getting $hots. You see, once the powers discovered that propaganda can sway the masses like cattle, those powers are easily corrupted. Follow the money trail.
I follow the trail of evidence. Not unverified conspiracy theories. Vaccines have clinical trials to verify their effectiveness. There are currently at least 20 vaccines being developed for the Coronavirus. None of them will be made available until they have undergone clinical trials. These are from private firms. Not the CDC or whoever else you are charging as the mysterious “them.”

And again, if the point is to kill old people, it makes zero sense to be trying to prevent the very disease threatening seniors from being spread.

I’m sorry, but posts such as yours are an example of a prime reason I reject faith as a means of determining truth. It is clearly irrational to assert one desires to achieve an ends (killing old people) while taking actions which ends directly oppose said purpose. So either you are confused or the thousands of people in those agencies you named are all insane.
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Again, it is a matter of who you trust. And follow the money trail, as evil and corruption is good at hiding and spinning evidence. I am not saying THE corona virus is man-made and that it is a plot to kill old people; what I am saying is that it is not hard to imagine, based on the I¡uncovered corruption of both the pharma industry and the CDC.
I had a real wobble today over this (although I put some of it down to third trimester hormones ). After the homily the priest stopped the mass, came forward and told us that the bishop had decided there will be no holy water in the stoops, no handshakes during the peace, no chalice, and receive in hand only until further notice. I got home and started crying. It really did feel so serious that they stopped the mass to say this. I am really afraid that the peak of this thing will occur right around when my baby is born.
Not a matter of who I trust. It’s a matter of looking at the evidence. There is considerable evidence that vaccines prevent a host of disease going back to polio, etc.

I have zero evidence that holding to the strange theories you’ve proposed. Your claims as to their motives do not match their actions and are patently irrational. I do not accept your religious ideations as scientific evidence of the interior motives of a groups of thousands of others in agencies such as the CDC.
It appears to be worse for us older folks. I haven’t heard of any serious cases with pregnant women or babies. Don’t fret. May God Bless you and your child!