CORONAVIRUS on the move

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Atheism is a psychological condition, not
Sorry, if I don’t trust your psychological diagnosis. Like the rest of your claims, it appears to be based upon speculation and not any supporting evidence.
They would actually buy more products if they had more children.

More children to vaccinate, more children to keep healthy.
No, because without vaccines, the children die so women have more children.

I should point out that I am describing the arguments of people like Bill and Melinda Gates, not my own ideas!

Then the women end up taking care of the children and not working outside the home or working only for enough to feed the family in abysmal poverty with no education.

But with vaccines, more children survive, fewer are born, mothers are free to work at jobs which pay more, and thus buy more than they otherwise would.
Sorry, if I don’t trust your psychological diagnosis.
Again this is a different thread. As for God’s existence study the rational proofs put forth by Aquinas. Also. You and the cosmos didn’t simply pop into existence accidentally. But again, different thread.
Not so. First, there is an alternative to contraception to limit the number of children. Second, one would have to prove that the Church wants more women to die.
You missed the point. It’s that the Church arguing for or against one particular thing doesn’t equate to it actively desiring a secondary side effect. Just as the CDC and other agencies promoting vaccines doesn’t mean they are all trying to make women “feel comfortable with fewer children.” Whatever that means.

And you are correct. One would have to prove that the Church wants more women to die. Just as I demanded proof that agencies promoting vaccines are doing it to affect how women feel about their family size. I feel that is fair enough.
Because the CDC aims to reduce deaths does not mean it us doing so to “make women feel comfortable with fewer children.”
No, the CDC has nothing to do with the issue. It is those like Bill and Melinda Gates who are pushing what @Gab123 is talking about.
Sorry, but the original discussion revolved around the CDC and other groups responsible for producing vaccines.

Also, I have to ask: is this what Catholics believe about vaccines? That it’s… what, more preferable for greater numbers of children to die of preventable diseases because vaccines might reduce the number of babies born?

If so, that’s sick.
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is this what Catholics believe about vaccines?
Vaccines have been wonderful for human beings for many generations. The problem is the current state of big pharma, vaccine injuries, coverups and corruption at the cdc.
Again this is a different thread. As for God’s existence study the rational proofs put forth by Aquinas. Also. You and the cosmos didn’t simply pop into existence accidentally. But again, different thread.
Then that’s a deflection. You were the one who made a statement about the psychology of atheists, a baseless assertion, then threw out an off-topic charge and a chirp about Aquinas.

I don’t care about your opinions on such things, but I do hope any readers will note the inherent dishonesty of such tactics when considering the supposed nobility of the religious position.
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Well thank God (no irony intended) for your attitude! I am relieved to hear it!
Sorry, but the original discussion revolved around the CDC and other groups responsible for producing vaccines.
Yes, I know but there’s a lot of stuff all mixed in to her argument. I just unraveled a small amount for my comment.
Also, I have to ask: is this what Catholics believe about vaccines? That it’s… what, more preferable for greater numbers of children to die of preventable diseases because vaccines might reduce the number of babies born?
This is absolutely not what Catholics believe. But there is a small number of people who believe this stuff, and so inevitably, a few who believe this will be Catholic, some Methodist, and so on.
Then that’s a deflection. You were the one who made a statement about the psychology of atheists, a baseless assertion, then threw out an off-topic charge and a chirp about Aquinas.
I was simply responding to you repeatedly claiming that faith had no rational source. As for atheism I recommend the book The Psychology if Atheism by Dr Paul Vitz
I do hope any readers will note the inherent dishonesty of such tactics when considering the supposed nobility of the religious position.
That governments lie to people and corruption exists in places of power is common through history. As for the existence of God, and the purpose of your existence, there’s plenty of proof for that. But that’s another thread.
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I was simply responding to you repeatedly claiming that faith had no rational source. As for atheism I recommend the book The Psychology if Atheism by Dr Paul Vitz
My statement was regarding the conflict between evidence-based reason and irrational faith. Your statement was about supposed the universal psychological condition of all atheist individuals. A pejorative if there ever was one.

As I’m unconcerned with your judgement of me, I will kindly decline your suggested reading material and leave any psychological evaluation to the professionals.
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My statement was regarding the conflict between evidence-based reason and irrational faith.
simply read the thread. You kept inserting faith and religion in a discussion about corruption in big pharma and their relation to the cdc. This thread is about the corona virus. You’re the one bringing up faith and religion. As for atheists, their arguments boil down to emotional attacks against religion, not intellectual arguments against the existence of God. But that’s another thread please.
No. You brought it up first and repeatedly with references to Satan, a religious figure. That and your illogical argument regarding the CDC’s intentions are what sparked my observation that faith leads to irrational beliefs.
No. You brought it up first and repeatedly with references to Satan, a religious figure. That and your illogical argument regarding the CDC’s intentions are what sparked my observation that faith leads to irrational beliefs.
Again, I never said the CDC is out to kill old people. Please stop calumniating me. And to interject that “faith leads to irrational beliefs” is a gratuitous jab at religion, apparently from a psychological need to confirm one’s atheism.

As for evil, it is no myth that extreme evil and corruption exists in the world; and so is the fact that there is a history of governments secretly devising ways to rid the world of unwanted human beings. In the U.S. alone, secret sterilizations of tens of thousands of Americans occurred in the 1970s and 80s, and an entire political party now spreads the lie that unborn children are not human beings and thus are okay to throw in the garbage. So the mentality that human beings are disposable is a common thread. Again, the same powers who are screaming for population reduction, abortion and euthanasia, are the same powers that are pushing for massive new vaccines, thus it is not hard to imagine these same powers devising a plan to commit Senicide on the global population to “save” the planet. Go ahead and blindly trust them. I don’t.

As for atheism, one has to realize that it is not founded on reason but on emotion. The fact that the universe is comprehensible through the language of logic is proof that the Cause behind the universe is an Eternal Rational Source. But that’s another thread.
Again, I never said the CDC is out to kill old people. Please stop calumniating me.
Actually, you did imply in multiple posts, which specifically named the CDC, along with other “powers” as desiring “senilcide.” Or, killing old people.

You are the one now trying to back away from it because it sounds absurd when put so baldly. Because it is absurd.
Again, the same powers who are screaming for population reduction, abortion and euthanasia, are the same powers that are pushing for massive new vaccines, thus it is not hard to imagine these same powers devising a plan to commit Senicide on the global population to “save” the planet.
Oh look, you said it again. Those agencies “pushing for massive new vaccines” are planning to off the seniors.

Your ideations about evil forces not important to me. Neither, again, are your theories on psychology or about my person.

All I care about is that any person reading this will understand that unsupported belief in unseen fantastical forces manipulating human affairs can lead someone to conclude that vaccine makers are supportive of offing seniors.

By the way, I am pro-choice. I do not support killing seniors. There is no requirement for one to follow the other.

Also, I think this is probably the third time I’ve said I don’t care about your personal statements about my psychology. They are irrelevant and possibly ad hominem.

Which I understand probably won’t stop you from continuing to make them. But the discussion has not borne out any new information so I am finished. You’re welcome to the last word.
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I work for a hospital and I tell you what, this is not something we are taking casually. It is when the flu or any virus transforms into a pnumonic bug that people die.
I am 70 years old and have asthma as well as autoimmune disease. Coronavirus is already spreading in my state. I feel really bad about it but I am afraid to attend mass at this point and will be attending an online live mass.
With corona virus on the move…i have been watching internet mass. I hear different visions of it …but everytine i am sitting in church people are sneezing and coughing continuously and just not feel the sane way and makes me very uncomfortable…Strickly has been said and professionally said We should avoid large crowds so sounds like i would stay home…any views?
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