In absence of not knowing a thing, the most favorable interpretation must be given.
But there is no such absence of knowing… his lectures, seminars, etc. are well-known.
" Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same;"
Exactly, and while heresy may be more difficult to prove canonically (but I believe that he projects heretical thoughts and ideas through skillful manipulation), he is at best, if not heretical, pastorally irresponsible. While I usually do not attribute to malice what is better explained by ignorance, I just don’t believe him to be ignorant.
I do not follow Fr. Martin as much as many others here do, so I might be ignorant on this, but I can not remember reading one time that he ever denied a Catholic dogma.
Well, unless you are looking for precise language, he’s not going to give it to you - he’s too smart for that. But one example has already been given in that he does not believe marriage is
only between one man and one woman. One cannot believe that and at the same time hope that someday soon a man will be able to kiss his husband at the sign of peace during Mass.
When responding to accusations of heresy, his answer was “I’m not contradicting any revealed truths”… which is why he chooses his words carefully. Of course, the truth according to him can differ from that of the Church because he believes that if a teaching has not been received by the group to which the teaching is directed, then he believes that it is not ‘official’ teaching… thus, creating for himself another loophole.
Fr. Martin also avoids the
Courage apostolate (which actually encourages and helps people experiencing same-sex attraction with living chastely). One would wonder why he would not champion them since he spends so much time in this space. However, he is greatly in favor of groups condemned by the Church that advocate for SSM and who demand the Church to accept it.