Here is my analysis of the claims.
- Church teaching on homosexuality isn’t ‘authoritative’
This is not a contradiction to the Magisterium, but definitely very troubling, because he seems to be insinuating that the Church’s teaching may not be authoritative (it is 100 percent infallible!) But being as charitable as possible, perhaps he is just ‘postulating’ and doesn’t understand.
He should publically correct this statement.
- A Catholic attending a same-sex ‘wedding’ is just like a Catholic attending a Jewish wedding.
This is Fr. Martin’s opinion. I disagree. When we judge, should it be based on the “objective level” exluding culpability, or “actual level,” where we predict whether culpability is diminished (but recognize God will be the True judge after we die)? Both Jewish weddings and gay weddings are far from the ideal of a valid Catholic Sacramental wedding. My opinion? I think the fact that the Crime of Sodom is a Sin that Cries out to Heaven for Vengence likely implies, even after accounting for culpability, that gay weddings are worse. However, I do not know how God will judge culpability.
Fr. Jim does not need to publically correct this statement.
- Same-sex couples should be able to kiss during Mass: ‘What’s the terrible thing?’
This is very bad advice. Not only because the calling of homosexuals, to complete abstinence, is higher than that of heterosexuals, but also because of sins of scandal. Actually, just because a man kisses another man, does not automatically imply sin, unless it is done passionately/lustfully or with scandal. A heterosexual man, for example, kissing a man in a movie scene, is not lustful. However, this is bad advice, because in the US culture, kisses are reserved for dating. And while Fr. Martin’s advice could apply in a culture where everyone kisses everyone as a greeting, does he really want that? A society where kisses replace handshakes? Since homosexuals cannot enter into disordered relationships, kissing is (a) not living chastity, (b) obvious scandal.
Fr. Martin should publically correct this statement.
- It’s very hard to oppose redefining marriage and not be ‘homophobic’
I don’t know how to interpret this. If he means, “homophobic” as secular liberals say it, then it is 100 percent true. This is because liberals define homophobia to include dislike of sodomy. I agree that it is not prudent to insinuate people loyal to the Magisterium are a derogatory word used by liberals to defame Catholics (“homophobic.”)
What if Fr. Jim means homophobic as in “actually hating gay people.” Once again, I do not know the statistics/ evidence, so it is best to refrain from commenting. There do exist parents that abandon their kids just for being gay. And a surprising number of people oppose “gay marriage” not because they intellectually understand the ordered towards procreation argument, but because of “disgust.” That is not a Catholic principle. Period.
However, my intuition is there are more secular liberals who label faithful, loving Catholics as ‘homophobic,’ than the other way around. Fr. Martin should definitely be more prudent,
but he does not need to publicly correct this.