Correcting Fr. James Martin Yet Again, Differences Between Catholics &

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Lately it’s the Buttigieg support that strikes me as way out of line. The man supports late term abortion, yet Martin praises his candidacy effusively. Gee I wonder why?

Then there’s the evangelical, homosexual polyamory preacher whom Martin similarly lauds.
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What about the problem of this being gossip? These are people who own websites, making money off hits, posting back and forth arguments from priest people like to follow or hate.

One does not have to deny that Fr. Kalchik wrote that article to decline to accept it. He is not the pope, after all. The whole ending about being from Fr. Paul John, in hiding from homosexuals who hate him was fishy.
So now the discussion moves from attacking the source to shifting the goalposts. The post I responded to said that Church Militant was not a credible source. I stated that the web site published a letter, it did not write the article. Now you’re attacking the author because you don’t think he’s credible. Do you have an opinion on what he wrote?
Your goal post may have shifted. Mine has not. But then you think I “attacked the author” which I did not" and project that I do not think he is credible, about which I have no opinion.
I wonder how long Fr. Kalchik is going to keep beating a burnt flag.

Did he ever come out of wherever he was hiding from the bishop and go back to his parish?

I did like the Christmas article he wrote about the mentor he had, Fr. Ed, who kept him from quitting the seminary.
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Do you have an opinion on what he wrote?
Sure. I found his writing petulant. You cannot be the one to say someone demonized you, then get offended by being demonized. That is literally putting a word in someone’s mouth just to be offended by that specific word. He goes off on personal complaints as unrelated tangents. He may simply not be a good writer, such personal tangents come across more as bitterness than fortitude.

Also, rape is not a financial act. I have never been a fan of inflammatory rhetoric, but when complaining about sexual sins, slipping that “metaphor(?)” in is confusing at best.
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Sorry for dropping in and dumping like this.

Why is someone like Fr. Martin allowed to continue? (seen on the advisory board of Women Preach)
I can tell you why.
The divide in the Church is so large…Fr. Martin is only one of many who publicly defy Church teachings.
A better question?
How will an official gigantic schism of the Church come about in the 21st century?
Answer: God only knows.
I’m not as familiar with this group as others, but it does not surprise me that Fr. Martin would be associated with it. A quick glance at their webpage and at the biographies of the people in charge show that it is in fact a heterodox organization that is not-so-subtly promoting female ordination. Fr. Martin has in fact been an advocate of the ordination of women in the past, though he has not spoken about it recently, as far as I know, as nowadays he expends most of his effort in promoting LGBT ideology. He is also affiliated with New Ways Ministry, another heterodox organization that promotes the acceptance of homosexual relations in the Catholic Church.

There really is already a de-facto schism in the Church, but most of the upper hierarchy would rather maintain the appearance of unity than acknowledge that the Church is deeply divided. Even deeply orthodox bishops are reluctant to call out blatantly heretical statements by other clergy, even their own priests in some cases. If there is going to be an actual schism, it will happen because a pope goes too far in his promotion of heterodox ideology. E.g., Cardinal Marx/Cupich/Tobin is elected Pope Francis II and proposes developing a liturgical rite of blessing for homosexual couples.

The CDF, who would normal investigate clergy/publications/groups that are promoting heterodox viewpoints, seems to mostly have abandoned that responsibility, likely at Pope Francis’ direction. Their authority will be further diminished when the new Vatican constitution is passed. So it’s not going to get better any time soon, only worse.
So it’s not going to get better any time soon, only worse.
The walk is on a minefield. It isn’t always immediately apparent who is orthodox or heterodox. Pray the rosary daily and earnestly pray for Our Mother’s protection.
How will an official gigantic schism of the Church come about in the 21st century?
Answer: God only knows.
I would say it won’t. Take this article, an example, I assume, of the liberal women in the Church. I read their statements and mission. I do not see what is so objectionable. Can I ask what you find objectionable, and how this differs from other blogs, YouTube channels, and even Catholic Answers?

Whether they have are using the word “Catholic” with approval from the Cleveland Diocese is a legitimate question, but that is the only one I have, and will not assume they are in the wrong.
and even Catholic Answers?
Their preaching will highlight women traditionally omitted or misrepresented in our lectionary and open the Scripture texts to deepen our understanding…from CWP
Immediately we can take issue with this. These women are saying that women in the Bible have been omitted and/or misrepresented over time until now….now? that they(these Catholic women that preach) came along. Wrong.

Seriously, this is a platform that ultimately wants to promote women deacons/priests. All the Cannon Law in the books can never cover-up the ulterior motive.

Correcting your mistaken inclusion…. CAF….not Catholic Answers.

Anybody and everybody shares two cents on CAF. True. At least here, everyone that signs up has a fair chance to speak.

Catholic women over the centuries have always written spiritually….never in a suspicious pack with focus on ego and gender. Catholic Women Preach .org clearly isn’t as magnanimous as CAF. There isn’t even a comments page.

So as NOT to get off topic…Fr. Martin is a drop in the bucket. The bucket is big and full and will neccesarily tip over at some point. That is all I am saying.
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Seriously, this is a platform that ultimately wants to promote women deacons/priests. All the Cannon Law in the books can never cover-up the ulterior motive.
That was my first concern, but I never found this anywhere on their site. Did you see this there?
Its because it is talking about women and the Church.
For some, especially here, the thought of a woman preaching is a worse thing than a priest being a chaste homosexual.

. :roll_eyes:😳
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I never found this anywhere
Role play
/‘rol ,pla/
  1. Act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training
Authenticity is more important than role play. Obviously these women role play in hopes of gaining some measure of authenticity associated with ordained deacons or priests. Otherwise…why bother?

It is worse than simple role play because they are apparently conscious and knowledgable about what their public exposure implies. They hope to gain readership and approval. Otherwise…why bother? Keep a private spiritual diary like the rest of the folks in the pews.

Heck…never felt so good to be in the pew.

Getting back to the topic…stay on topic.

Fr. Martin is a drop in the growing restless wave from the pew. Sadly, by supporting this he perceives a diminished authentic Catholic priesthood.
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The logic here is circular. It is based on a definition of role playing, again an assumption, that only applies if this agenda is what is behind the website. It begs the question.

Again, is there anything, anything at all, that this is about women priests?

My wife likes listening to Jennifer Fulbright (I think that is her name). I do not see how this is a problem.
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Again, is there anything
I come from a diocese in which a schism played out… this was about 10 or so years ago. First the women were preaching and then they were standing at the altar pretending to be priests and that’s when the schism occurred so I’m sorry you can’t see this yet… at the same time I’m glad you’ve never had to witness such a tragedy otherwise you would understand the progression of certain things. I really have nothing more to discuss.
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When Rosemarie Smead was “ordained,” a member of my family joined her church. Two other family members didn’t leave the Church but still to this day consider her a “prophet” who was sent to pave the way for women priests in full communion with Rome. It was years in the making and painful to watch. People who haven’t seen something like that close up may not fully appreciate things the way you do. I am sorry you had to witness that.

For people who may not know who Rosemarie Smead is, this is a link to her church:

And an article about her “ordination”.

It was years in the making and painful to watch.
I understand your pain. I am not from Kentucky but another state in The North East . Apparently this division in Church is lengthy and still happening today. We are seeing this at all levels right now. The previous ‘little ‘ schisms were small quakes. Today, in some cases, nearly entire dioceses are in the process of fall. Seeing a priest be a part of the process is what we are discussing now. Truly alarming and very discomforting because mostly I want to save people from falling.
Since this thread is on correcting Fr. Martin, I wanted to see if women priests is a straw man. I will be looking for what he has said on the topic. So far, I found this:
Dear friends: You know that I often advise us not to always advert to women’s ordination to the priesthood on this page since (a) it’s usually off-topic; (b) church teaching on the matter is crystal clear; (c) we tend to get mired in the same old arguments; and (d) the conversation usually becomes very uncharitable.

I think this is Fr. Martin in a nutshell. As a priest, a pastoral excess (whatever that could mean) would be more useful than as an editor and public media figure. Oddly enough, the LGBT community could take most of what he doesn’t say as an affront, as easily as support, but people here what they want to hear in a background of white noise. If it were not for the cult of personality that surrounds public figures, he would not have made enough definitive points to be worth noticing.
And here I thought June was devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) Tweeted:
To all my many #LGBTQ friends, Catholic and otherwise: Happy #PrideMonth Be proud of your God-given dignity, of the gifts God has given you, of your place in the world, and of your many contributions to the church. For you are “wonderfully made” by God (Ps 139). #PrideMonth2019
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