I’m not as familiar with this group as others, but it does not surprise me that Fr. Martin would be associated with it. A quick glance at their webpage and at the biographies of the people in charge show that it is in fact a heterodox organization that is not-so-subtly promoting female ordination. Fr. Martin has in fact been an advocate of the ordination of women in the past, though he has not spoken about it recently, as far as I know, as nowadays he expends most of his effort in promoting LGBT ideology. He is also affiliated with New Ways Ministry, another heterodox organization that promotes the acceptance of homosexual relations in the Catholic Church.
There really is already a de-facto schism in the Church, but most of the upper hierarchy would rather maintain the appearance of unity than acknowledge that the Church is deeply divided. Even deeply orthodox bishops are reluctant to call out blatantly heretical statements by other clergy, even their own priests in some cases. If there is going to be an actual schism, it will happen because a pope goes too far in his promotion of heterodox ideology. E.g., Cardinal Marx/Cupich/Tobin is elected Pope Francis II and proposes developing a liturgical rite of blessing for homosexual couples.
The CDF, who would normal investigate clergy/publications/groups that are promoting heterodox viewpoints, seems to mostly have abandoned that responsibility, likely at Pope Francis’ direction. Their authority will be further diminished when the new Vatican constitution is passed. So it’s not going to get better any time soon, only worse.